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best non-veg*n friend!

today we did a secret santa at my school, and my totally anti-vegan friend made me the CUTEST bag!! he did all the writing/drawing by hand and on the front it has a chicken with the word "friend" with a box next to it and the word "food" with a box next to it and the friend one was checked. and on the other side, it was a pig and it says "i do NOT wanna be an oscar mayer wiener!" its awesome!!! and he even called the bag company to make sure it didnt have any animal in it. i love him!

do you guys have any cute stories such as this?  ;D

Last time I went to visit my grandpa (who has good-naturedly given me crap about eating "fufu" (tofu) for years), he made me have the requisite shot of brandy with him, and then he busted strawberries, canteloupe, grapes, and a pineapple (which is my favorite food in the entire world) out of the fridge. He had made a special trip into town to get it all. He had cut everything up himself, and he didn' t know he was supposed to core the pineapple, so it was a little stringy, but I was so happy I didn' t care.

He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.


i WISH i had a story like that!! that bag sounds SO cute!  :)>>> where did he get it from?


sirensong, it is super cute!! ill steal my moms camera and put pictures up. lol. and i have no clue where he got it from.. i was too wrapped up in the cuteness that i didnt ask. :/ lol.


Awesome!  :)


aw. a woman in two of my classes last year knew I was vegan (she was veggie) and when she would bring snacks to school (for Halloween) and once for a group project) she brought me a piece of fruit and a bag of almonds :)


last year for christmas when a lot of teachers got bags of hot chocolate mix with marshmallows from one of my 1st grader, she gave me an apple and an orange : )  it was so thoughtful!


My friend likes to pass out candy bags to people on holidays, and when people go over to her house. She always makes sure mine is gelatin, dairy, and peanut free (slight allergy, though i deny it and eat peanuts anyways  ;) ). And friends at lunch give me their veggies and such that are packaged and separate, because they know i cannot eat school food, if they bring anything i can eat they usually bring it just for me! (and always read ingredients beforehand) Though  many of my friends cannot seem to remember that i'm (almost) vegan, and give me cheesey chips or something.


Last time I went to visit my grandpa (who has good-naturedly given me crap about eating "fufu" (tofu) for years), he made me have the requisite shot of brandy with him, and then he busted strawberries, canteloupe, grapes, and a pineapple (which is my favorite food in the entire world) out of the fridge. He had made a special trip into town to get it all. He had cut everything up himself, and he didn' t know he was supposed to core the pineapple, so it was a little stringy, but I was so happy I didn' t care.

He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

Grandpas are the best! :D


Last time I went to visit my grandpa (who has good-naturedly given me crap about eating "fufu" (tofu) for years), he made me have the requisite shot of brandy with him, and then he busted strawberries, canteloupe, grapes, and a pineapple (which is my favorite food in the entire world) out of the fridge. He had made a special trip into town to get it all. He had cut everything up himself, and he didn' t know he was supposed to core the pineapple, so it was a little stringy, but I was so happy I didn' t care.

He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

GET OUT! My grandma calls tofu "fufu" . She can never remember the real name! She is 81.


i have multiple non-vegan friends that cook stuff for me sometimes...


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??


Last year for my birthday my friend bought me the most amazing hoodie with a picture of a bird that says "Wings are for flying not frying!"  And she always makes me nice vegetarian meals too.  Love her!


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

haha, no. i do too. they al ways say "oh im a vegan! i havne't eaten meat since yesterday!" and im like "thats because you haven't eaten anything" haha. but i love my friends. they're cute.


Lots of my friends tell me they're vegetarian for a few days XD. "Hey sarah, i'm vegetarian for now, i havent ate meat in 3 days! Are you proud of me? But i admit, i'm having a burger tonight" Hah


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

My aunt totally does this.  Then she buys eggs at the hfs where I work.  She thinks she's vegan b/c the eggs are local and cage free.  ???


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

My aunt totally does this.  Then she buys eggs at the hfs where I work.  She thinks she's vegan b/c the eggs are local and cage free.  ???

It's a nice thought. A step in the right direction, perhaps. I mean, we have ovos here, you know?


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

haha, no. i do too. they al ways say "oh im a vegan! i havne't eaten meat since yesterday!" and im like "thats because you haven't eaten anything" haha. but i love my friends. they're cute.

The other day he was bragging that he's been vegan for three days eating only tater tots.  Then he had a hamburger for dinner.  "I thought you were vegan?"  "I have been the past three days" head to table.


I have a friend who pretends to be vegan...that really doesn't count though does it??

haha, no. i do too. they al ways say "oh im a vegan! i havne't eaten meat since yesterday!" and im like "thats because you haven't eaten anything" haha. but i love my friends. they're cute.

The other day he was bragging that he's been vegan for three days eating only tater tots.  Then he had a hamburger for dinner.  "I thought you were vegan?"  "I have been the past three days" head to table.

hahaha. been there! my friend says people can't say they're vegetarians until they've made past two weeks.

oh! and i totally love when they're talking about "food" and they want your suggestion on what they should get and when you answer with something vegan they say "just pretend you weren't a vegan, then what would you get?"  :o oh goodness.


He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

My perception is that the smartest people in life have a good sense of how things work mechanically.  Forget book smarts.


He's 83 years old and I love him to pieces. Not so book-smart educated, but one of the smartest people I know about life.

My perception is that the smartest people in life have a good sense of how things work mechanically.  Forget book smarts.

True that. He's a mechanic!



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