Ask me random questions
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Dec 05, 2008 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
I'm bored at work and will answer them with the most creative response that I can think of.
I'm bored at work and will answer them with the most creative response that I can think of.
Thank you, CK. I'm not lacking in compassion...but I am honest.
...or! Better solution! I need to find a lovely man who loves my smell and wants more <3 <3 haha--and then we can go run away together and live of the grid as stinky, active hippies and grow our own veggies and make wind power. <----- is that a question? I don't know...maybe more of a request? Bwaaaaaaaa! *lol*
No fair rubbing it in!!! *sigh*
Such men do exist Capture...and I've met one...hehe ^-^
i'm semi almost freaking out after not having seem it for over 48 hours (obviously, not much freaks me out).
the last place i used it was the grocery store down the street (they didn't have it, i checked) and it didn't seem to have fallen out of my bag at work, so it must be at home? maybe i should just clean the whole apt. completely and totally.
i'm semi almost freaking out after not having seem it for over 48 hours (obviously, not much freaks me out).
the last place i used it was the grocery store down the street (they didn't have it, i checked) and it didn't seem to have fallen out of my bag at work, so it must be at home? maybe i should just clean the whole apt. completely and totally.
I hope the person in back of you in line didn't find it! :o
Ck, what kind of cupcakes should I make?
hesp. Its probably somewhere completely stupid in the open that will somehow be hidden but not really until after you go through everything. Wallets and keys like hiding in places like that. (sorry CK, i'm stealing your fire here, heh)
when will i get hired?
Why do i only seem to eat a tiny lunch all day lately? (wow the wording of this question is weird.)
Do you ever get tired of being "the bigger person"?
I know I do.
Or do you just not bother to be the bigger person? ^-^
i'm semi almost freaking out after not having seem it for over 48 hours (obviously, not much freaks me out).
the last place i used it was the grocery store down the street (they didn't have it, i checked) and it didn't seem to have fallen out of my bag at work, so it must be at home? maybe i should just clean the whole apt. completely and totally.
I wish I could say that I know where it is...
Did you ever find it?
Ck, what kind of cupcakes should I make?
I know I'm probably late on this answer, but I probably would've told you some cupcakes with pumpkin would be good...if that is even possible.
when will i get hired?
I'd hire you today if I owned a business.
Why do i only seem to eat a tiny lunch all day lately? (wow the wording of this question is weird.)
I used to do this exact thing a few years ago. I would only eat one meal a day, and it was usually a very small amount of food. I would advise you to try to get out of this habit as this is a very unhealthy way to eat. Trust me...I know all to well the consequences. It could destroy your metabolism if you do it for too long...that happened to me. Find time to eat, missy!
Do you ever get tired of being "the bigger person"?
I know I do.
Or do you just not bother to be the bigger person? ^-^
You know, it does get old after a while. Sometimes, I wish that the others who are forcing me to be the bigger person would just grow up and stop and think. Wishful thinking, I suppose...
Okay. I just had a mega burp, and I tasted onions. I haven't had onions in 3 or 4 days. What's the deal?
what am i thinking, right now?
One more: how can nothing be wrong with my knee, yet is still hurts like whoah?
Courth, how is it hurting?
What should i do with my coconut milk? (probably making chana marsala tonight unless you have some amazing idea)
Sarah: I say thai curry, and/or the spinach/lime/coconut rice recipe that's around here somewhere.
I asked over on food/cooking but no-one noticed/came forward with inspiration, so I'll ask again here: I'm making dinner for a bunch of omnis tomorrow night and really want to include a chilli, but am completely undecided as to which recipe to use.
So: which fail-proof omni-pleasing chilli recipe should I make?
What should i do with my coconut milk? (probably making chana marsala tonight unless you have some amazing idea)
Put it in coffee! Yumbles!