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Anyone good with bugs?!

Okay so I bought some spinach yesterday and apperently I got more then just veggies because when I got to the BOTTOM of the bag today (thankfully I've only eaten like a handful of it) there is this really freaky and nasty smelling bug in there... STILL ALIVE! I need someone to help me identify it. I have a hard time believing its from anywhere around where I live, and I know it didn't crawl to the bottom of a sealed bag.

Its beige-tan colored has orange brown legs, 8 of them. It looks like it has a really hard "shell", but I'm not touching it. And its really funky shaped, almost like a triangle but not.

I threw the thing into a container and its sitting on my kitchen counter now. I really can't take a photo of it unless I let it out.. I was going to do that then it must have let off some sort of stink because I threw up in my sink shortly after. I got really nauseated and light headed after that.

I have like this fear of bugs, espcially one I've never seen. I did lots of googling and have no flippin clue what this thing is. I know one thing, I'm done with spinach for awhile, just EW!!!  >:( >:( >:(

All of this bug talk is making me want bug tattoos again
(like sarah kramers!)


Are you all afraid of like stinging bugs? You're afraid of being hurt? Or you know?

P is afraid of flying bugs, because he's been stung many times.

If you were talking to me...

I couldn't tell you.
I'm just afraid of touching them/them jumping on me.
I hope that never happens because I would not want to kill it.. I'd die of fear haha.


HH, those pictures are awesome! I love bugs. :)>>>

I think it's sort of silly that human beings have developed such a veracious fear of creatures that more often than not pose absolutely no physical threat to us! I'm not mocking anyone's fear (phobias are inherenty irrational), but it seems sort of funny that we are terrified of itsy bitsy bugs like 1/50 of our size! A bee or wasp might occasionally cause us a few moments of discomfort with their stings and we may come across an occassional poisonus arachnid, but how often are the bugs we crush beneath our feet in fear actually scary?

I can't get myself to kill bugs; whether they sting, or are considered "unsanitary", or whatever. To me, an arachnid is no less deserving of compassion than the "unintelligent" pigs and cows that most omnivores claim humanity has the right to exploit at will. I realize that one has to draw the line somewhere and I know I probably inadvertently kill all sorts of bugs during my daily routine, but I aim to do the least harm possible. If the critter isn't bothering me, I marvel at its beauty and wish it on its merry way!  :spider:


I have a deathly fear of termites.
They eat people. But no one lives to tell it.
They do.

But i love all other buggies.

Except earwigs. But i can stand them, they just freak me out with the pincher butts.


why does everyone have to go all PETA on me?!

lol.  We're vegans.  Although I think PETA goes all vegan, since they're vegetarians.

apparently you missed how I was trying to connect that to PETA attacking the president for killing a fly. To me its stupid to freak out when killing a bug, especially a fly.  ???

Devil's Flower Mantis (a type of preying mantis)

THAT Is beautiful! Wow! I love praying mantises :D

Okay I have to admit thats beautiful but again I wouldn't want one near me ;)

Are you all afraid of like stinging bugs? You're afraid of being hurt? Or you know?

P is afraid of flying bugs, because he's been stung many times.

I'm scared of flying things, like Bees and wasps, because of a great allergy to them. I'm also scared of moths, I know thats really weird but they just freak me out. I also have a fear of stinging things, I think that speaks for itself. And then I have a fear of anything that looks really scarey/looks like it could hurt me. Make fun of me all you want, just like that. But in general I'm not as scared of bugs as I make myself out to me. I don't freak out when seeing a spider, unless its a brown recluse, in which case (don't call me peta on me) I kill the thing as quickly as possible. Due to the fact you know they're highly poisonous.

I also don't kill flying insects, because one, if its a bee I run, or walk very fast, away from it. Two, I usually just shoo them away and they go away, no sense in killing it. I actually don't kill many bugs at all to be honest.


Devil's Flower Mantis (a type of preying mantis)

That looks like something out of science fiction. Somebody should send that to the folks who make Doctor Who. I can imagine it talking in a velvety, Cambridge-literature-professor sort of voice.

DH says it looks like a flamenco dancer.


I only think they're cute if they aren't gonna leave a bite that lass for 6 months =-(


Anyone risking anaphylactic (sp?) shock from a sting or bite is right to be afraid. And everyone has their phobias, discovered or not. As an agoraphobic who struggles daily with leaving the flat, I have learned never to discount what Alan Alda's character in MASH once called, "those stupid irrational fears which happen to be very real."

I only developed agoraphobia about 10 years ago. I now understand a lot of things about my mother that I didn't then. I struggle against it daily, and so far I'm winning. But you don't choose your phobias and fears...they're just tailor made, that's all.


Anyone risking anaphylactic (sp?) shock from a sting or bite is right to be afraid. And everyone has their phobias, discovered or not. As an agoraphobic who struggles daily with leaving the flat, I have learned never to discount what Alan Alda's character in MASH once called, "those stupid irrational fears which happen to be very real."

I only developed agoraphobia about 10 years ago. I now understand a lot of things about my mother that I didn't then. I struggle against it daily, and so far I'm winning. But you don't choose your phobias and fears...they're just tailor made, that's all.

I can agree on this.
I struggle with agoraphobia, too.
College dorm life will either help or make it worse. :p


Dessie, lemme see if I can upload something for ya:


I'm afraid of stinging bugs, but less so of spiders. Or some spiders... the little house spiders and cellar spiders are fine, but some of the weirder garden-type I wouldn't want on me. I've had a few close encounters with big, unfamiliar spiders. Once a garden-type (idk what species) that jumped on my shoulder while I was stocking flowers D: ... and then one brown one that was taking a rest on my jacket (also wound up on my shoulder -_-), and then one in Guatemala that was 3-4" and was right next to the toilet handle as I was about to flush. O_O not cool.


Sorry. >:D Total coincidence that I just found this.


See...if I SAW that on my tp my first reaction would be to squish it....then I'd cry because i killed it and probably give it a tiny funeral.  Such cognitive dissonance.


If I saw that in my bathroom, I'd probably never suffer from constipation again!
Or enter the bathroom again. I'd probably sell up and move.


If I saw that in my bathroom, I'd probably never suffer from constipation again!
Or enter the bathroom again. I'd probably sell up and move.

You made me spit out my water I was laughing so hard.


Sorry. >:D Total coincidence that I just found this.

lol, that was a lot like what i found! and about the same size. :: sigh :: always check the toilet paper/handles in unfamiliar places, people.


See, I like most bugs, but things that bite/sting freak me out (IDK if I'm allergic and I don't want to find out the hard way). Some girls in my dorm were laughing at me because I ran, screaming, from a bee. I am also terrified of roaches.


Wasps freak the shit outta me. Yikes. :( They can just keep on stinging you. And if you squish one, others smell it and come after you. *shudder* Also, they steal native birds' food sources here in NZ. Nasty.


Some girls in my dorm were laughing at me because I ran, screaming, from a bee.

If it helps, regular honey bees out collecting are all females.  When they get older, they get pushed out of the hive and they have to go collect pollen until they drop dead.  I'm not recommending it to someone who's allergic, but you can gently pet them while they're on a flower.


If it helps, regular honey bees out collecting are all females.  When they get older, they get pushed out of the hive and they have to go collect pollen until they drop dead.  I'm not recommending it to someone who's allergic, but you can gently pet them while they're on a flower.

That just made me terribly sad.



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