Posted by lime green on Dec 09, 2008 · Member since Apr 2007 · 634 posts
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
bwahahahahah~! omg! :-D
Limegreen, I love your presence here.
That's all.
dude, I'm glad SOMEbody finally pointed this out.
that was the first thing I thought of when I saw that photo, way back when...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and when you read the comments someone actually said something along the lines of 'hey cute picture'
cute picture all over your face
'hey cute picture'
cute picture all over your face
lol omg, that totally made me cough up my sprite!!! thanks!
did you cough it up all over your face?
did you cough it up all over your face?
all over your MOM's face!
i don't even know what to say back to that. lol
bwahahahaha :-D
so moist and so full of protein
LOL for daaaayz
poor buttercup954....
You guys are beyond help! ;D :-D
i thought this would be about the semen cookbook. Oh well.
what are you guys talking about? it's the totally low sugar abstract art version..
im pretty sure the person who did it ate a bunch pineapple for a few days before to make sure it tasted sweeter.
pineapple? cum? really?
what's the semen cookbook?
i thought this would be about the semen cookbook. Oh well.
:-D Same!
It really does smell like bleach.