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Birthday cake

My todlder is going to turn 2 years old next month    ;D and instead of trying out every cake on the dessert list, I'd like to ask you: "Is there an absolutely fantastic recipe for a birthday cake that you have made and turned out great, everybody loved it fabulous?" Only condition: It shouldn't be chocolate as I don't want to feed little kids chocolate! A great frosting recipe to go with it will be great too.
Looking forward to your suggestions.

Hey there Anima!!! 

I haven't actually made this particular cake YET but have been wanting to for ages (just haven't had the occasion for it yet!!)  as it seems to have great reviews from everyone and looks really simple to make, not too many ingredients either!  The link is 

I hope that helps!!!  ;)b


I can't be all that much help here because I almost never make something that isn't chocolate, but...

I made this cake for a party for someone who *claims* not to like chocolate:
I didn't make the frosting because she doesn't like that either - I used this glaze:
The cake turned out great - a bunch of omnivorous women devoured it.  I did make it as a bundt cake, so I can't vouch for how evenly it would cook as a regular cake, but the reviews make it sound like it would work.

The only other cake I've made that's not chocolate (or from a cookbook) is this one:
I used it in this recipe, though, which does call for chocolate topping:
That came out wonderfully.  I didn't taste the vanilla cake on its own - but the cake layers baked evenly and held up to assembling a layer cake, for sure.

Good luck - sorry I can't be of more help!


How about a cinnamon roll "cake"? (Just a crazy thought.) I made a bunch of cinnamon rolls over Easter, all crowded together in a round pan, and with the glaze over the top it was very much like a cake. And delicious, too!


If you have JOVB, the german apple cake is really good. Everyone always loves it. And you can't go wrong with carrot cake. I don't have a recipe to post, I use my mom's, but it has carrots and pineapple in it, and then you can out the pineapple juice in the frosting. A two-year-old won't care too much. My mom made a yellow cake with banana filling for my daughter's second. Have a fun party!


Thanks for all the suggestions, I think I'll make the spong type spice cake for the bday cake and the carrot one for the adults. hopefully that will cover all bases.


Individual cupcakes might be nice for the 2-yr-olds. They can hold them easily to eat and little kids like individual stuff. Just pour your cake mix into lined cupcake pans and bake.


I've made this cake without the chocolate before.  My daughter loves this cake and we actually started eating it without any icing in the begining.  For her birthday though we put icing on it so now when we make it we have to ice it.  No suggestions for icing though, I am lazy I buy already made icing.  :-[  Also, I have made cupcakes with the recipe.  It made easily 2 dozen cupcakes.

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