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The Everything Pet Thread

I wanted to start this thread to be all about our pets.  Ask questions, help answer questions, tell a funny story about something your cat/dog/ferret/bird/rat, etc did, update everyone on your pet's health, tell us about a new pet, vent, grieve, laugh, etc.  I know I'll be posting here a lot and I hope you'll join me! 

:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>

we just found the most adorable little kitten last night, if no one answers our notices that we put up, she's ours!!!  :)>>>


Pictures, please!


yes, evil-tinkerbell is evil for not posting pics of her cute little kitten.

I so love kittens  :)>>>

I post a lot of pics, but I will post a new pic of Sidra I took a few days ago.  My sweet little girl, who is VERY spoiled!


Ha ha, I just realized HH, Sidra, in the pic I posted, has almost the exact same expresion on her face at Cat does on your avatar.  That is funny! ;D


Ha!  You're right.  They're like bookends.


yes, evil-tinkerbell is evil for not posting pics of her cute little kitten.

I so love kittens  :)>>>

I post a lot of pics, but I will post a new pic of Sidra I took a few days ago.  My sweet little girl, who is VERY spoiled!

Ha!  I think Sidra is looking at you like "you have two seconds to get that fricking camera out of my face or you're going down."  ;D


The look on Sidra's face is the one worn constantly by my parents' cat Sammy - she's a real sweatheart  >:D


I need a cat. Or at least, I need to be around cats. Next year, when/if I get new roommates, I'm going to look for one with a cat. Or maybe multiple cats! Good plan, Laura!

we originally took the top two photos for our notices, but then we decided not to use them in case any jerk who wanted a kitten called us up and described the photo. the other two are her passed out in my lap after a very tiring evening  :)>>> we think we're going to call her Pepper since she's got alot of spunk, or Pussy Willow, Willow for short


What a cutie!  I hope you get to keep her.


MD I want a kitten. :(

But... I'd have to pay a pet deposit... so nevermind.



What a cutie!  I hope you get to keep her.

no calls so far, and apparently someone ripped down a bunch of our flyers.......fingers crossed!! we're taking her to the vet for a check-up tomorrow, just to make sure she's in good shape. of course there is a chance that we'll find out she's been chipped, in which case we'll definitely give her back, but if she hasn't we're getting her chipped and she'll officially be ours!!  :)>>>


She's probably a stray.  I just got a call from someone who wants me to find homes for 11 kittens. :o

People around here seem to think I have a waiting list of people wanting cats.  >:(

11 kittens!  My, that will be tough.  The rescue I volunteer with has so many kittens in foster homes right now.  They do tend to get adopted faster than the older cats but not always fast enough.  Soon they are half-full grown and not as ktten like anymore.  This saturday we are having a specific 'older cat' adoption day.  All cats 1 year or older at a reduced adoption fee.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at least 1 will be wanted.


OMG!  That kitten is so cute!  I would be totally hooked on her if I was in your place.  So so so cute!  :)>>>


Ok.  I will never understand my cat.  We are still working out the kinks of the dry to canned transition.  I have several different types of food that I am rotating in order to find one that she likes the most (and for some variety).  The other day I gave her a new can of Nature's Variety and she seemed to really like it.  So I gave her the same thing yesterday before I left for work.  When I came home she hadn't eaten any of it and was yeowling for food.  So I gave her another bowl of it with a little canned salmon on top for some temptation.  She turned her nose up at it.  So then I opened a fresh can of Wellness brand and she ate that.  Turns out the picky little girl only likes freshly opened cans of food.  But she doesn't eat a whole can at once so I put what's left in the fridge.  I know cats don't like cold food so I try to get it to room temp or heat it in the microwave for a couple of seconds to get the chill off.  It's so hit or miss with her now.  I never know what she is going to eat. 


Cat liked the fresh cans, too.  But because he was so chill he'd lick some of the reheated stuff for me.

((Wilma))  - you crazy cat!  ;D


My piggy cat will eat anything i give him, or anything else he can find, like random bits of veggies that fall on the floor & of course the last bit of tuna Smooch left in the can sitting on the counter. My parent's cats are a little more finiky. one of them only eats fishy flavored food, no chicken.


Wilma is definitely high maintanance  ::)


I need a cat. Or at least, I need to be around cats. Next year, when/if I get new roommates, I'm going to look for one with a cat. Or maybe multiple cats! Good plan, Laura!

Everybody needs a cat. Especially those who don't know it.



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