The Everything Pet Thread
Posted by biodancer on Jul 04, 2008 · Member since Jul 2007 · 978 posts
I wanted to start this thread to be all about our pets. Ask questions, help answer questions, tell a funny story about something your cat/dog/ferret/bird/rat, etc did, update everyone on your pet's health, tell us about a new pet, vent, grieve, laugh, etc. I know I'll be posting here a lot and I hope you'll join me!
:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>
RabidChild, I :)>>> your :cat2: :cat2:
Thank you :) I'm very much :)>>> with them too. (So is my bf! I can tell when Monchichi and the bf have been cheating on me because my bf will have a beard and shirt full of grey furs!!)
OHHHHHH! They are beautiful! Your gray kitty looks just like my stanley!
Your Stanley is very handsome! His markings look like a portrait of an animal (horse maybe?) on his side! I love the tabby cats.
I don't know if this was posted here yet, but I found a great site that has a lot of great info about feeding and good tips for transitioning from dry to canned food.
I'm so confused by this pet food issue. There is so much conflicting info. I've been researching all day (work is slow as usual). I found that great written by a vet and there is so much in there I didn't know. I looked more into Avoderm and it has 13.5 % carbs which is a lot higher than the 3-5% recommended by catinfo. Plus there is the issue of low protein diets for kidney problems but how do you feed a cat a low protein and a low carb diet without it being a bunch of junk food? I looked into a raw homemade diet but it wasn't recommended for cats with kidney problems (I guess because of the high protein). But my vet didn't recommend a low protein diet. See why I'm confused? So I think screw the low protein because if she were still outside she would be eating mice and birds anyway. That's protein right? But she has been on EVO dry and that's when her crystals count shot up. So I'm going out to buy some canned EVO which has almost no carbs and is good quality and give that a try. Sorry if I made you confused with my rambling.
I read on this site that phosphorus is important to limit for chronic renal failure. While it doesn't sound like Wilma has CRF, just undersized kidneys, I wonder if phosphorus levels in her food is something else to consider for her?
I'm so confused by this pet food issue. There is so much conflicting info. I've been researching all day (work is slow as usual). I found that great written by a vet and there is so much in there I didn't know. I looked more into Avoderm and it has 13.5 % carbs which is a lot higher than the 3-5% recommended by catinfo. Plus there is the issue of low protein diets for kidney problems but how do you feed a cat a low protein and a low carb diet without it being a bunch of junk food? I looked into a raw homemade diet but it wasn't recommended for cats with kidney problems (I guess because of the high protein). But my vet didn't recommend a low protein diet. See why I'm confused? So I think screw the low protein because if she were still outside she would be eating mice and birds anyway. That's protein right? But she has been on EVO dry and that's when her crystals count shot up. So I'm going out to buy some canned EVO which has almost no carbs and is good quality and give that a try. Sorry if I made you confused with my rambling.
Cats should still have high protein. Only from good sources. My holistic vet years ago when Boobie had kidney issues in his late teens told me I had to make better protein choices. He lived past 20.
They were, no beef unless raw/slightly cooked organic liver. Could have a couple of times a week because of all the vitamins and minerals. Chicken, no more than twice a week. Fish and organic/good quality cottage cheese the rest of the time. Organic eggs are good too. Fish more than cottage cheese.
I always thought tofu would be a good choice. She said it is for people. It is not for dogs and cats. She is vegetarian BTW.
Cats do not eat many carbs in the wild world. They still need their protein with kidney disease. Just better quality and better choices.
When she said fish, she did not mean just canned tuna. Best choices, mackerel and sardines fresh or in spring water, not oil. Salmon (canned or fresh). Tuna is OK occasionally. Not the 1st, second or third choice.
I have never added taurine to my cooked food for over 15 years. My holistic vet has never added it and she has homecooked forever it seems and she is in her mid to late 60's. She thinks synthetic taurine is useless as do many holistic/naturopathic vets. Cats need to get their taurine from meat.
The only raw meat I give is organic beef liver. I do not cook the crap out of their other food although at times I have.
My last three cats lived over 20 years. My friends had three cats die of heart failure on Science Diet. One of the problems with taurine deficiency. They tried to fight SD and lost. Yet, SD upped their taurine levels in cat food after that. Wonder if they were feeling guilty. That was well over 20 years ago.
Hope this helps.
Hmmmm... I just got Dr. Goldstein's book in the mail today. We'll see what he says about taurine supps. This pet care stuff IS confusing! I wish I had a naturopathic vet nearby. :-\
Biodancer, the Dr. Pitcairn book I have recommended basically what Di's talking about - the right meat choices. He recommends eggs, cottage cheese/yogurt, turkey (over chicken!), and frozen, wild-caught seafood. He says never to use any tinned stuff.
Yes, frozen wild caught fish is good. Of course we get many different canned varieties here and I make sure to read labels. Only wild caught and in from clean or as clean as it can get water.
I have all those books and more. My naturopathic vet got my last three cats to live past 20 so I pretty much pay attention to what she says.
Again as for chicken, make sure your sources are good. No growth hormones, antibiotics etc. If you buy ground chicken or turkey, bacteria forms faster. Make sure you use it quickly or freeze it.
Dr. Pitcairn probably doesn't like canned stuff because it is not as fresh and tins can have crap in them. None the less, I have used frozen and canned. Boobie lived 20 days past his 20th birthday. That is with having a cancerous mammary gland tumour removed when he was 15. Pie lived close to his 21st birthday and that is when he was so close to death at 12, my new at that time naturopathic vet thought she couldn't even help him. I started home cooking the day after Pie went to see her. He had no immune system, colitis and much more. It was a joy when he stopped screaming from the pain his colitis gave him. Harold bless her little soul lived 20 years and 4 months.
Now I have Tobi. Only had him for about 7 years. My parents cat. He is 14 1/2. Then the babies, Emma Orange Blossom and Smedley Hoover (littermates from a feral mom) that will be 8 on July 30th.
I am getting off this pet food crap trial that I tried and getting them all back on good food. I will use the pet food on vacations when others have to care for them but will also home cook and freeze so they can have some real food too.
I only feed my cats fresh fish (I don't trust canned cat food) along with a high quality human grade dry food and a vitamin supplement.... needless to say they are spoiled rotten! I have an all natural cat food recipe somewhere. I will find it and post it on the cooking forum.
Here is a raw food recipe I found on by Dr. Pierson. There is more of an explaination of the recipe on the website. She explains the cost breakdown compared to buying food. She makes it sound very easy.
1 cup water (or more if your cat likes it soupy, less if he doesn't)
2 eggs - use the yolk raw but lightly cook the white
2000 mg wild salmon oil (a good source of essential fatty acids)
400 IU Vitamin E (powdered E in capsules is the easiest to use)
100 mg Vitamin B-complex (You may want to start with half of this amount for the first batch. B vitamins have a pretty strong odor and I would not want this odor to deter the cat from eating the food. Once they are eating the food well, then go to the 100mg amount.)
2000 mg taurine (use powdered - either in capsules or loose)
3/4 tsp Lite salt when using chicken parts - see below** (Contains potassium and sodium. Make sure that it contains iodine.)
Liver - If I am using whole carcass ground rabbit from, I do not add additional liver. If I am using chicken legs, thighs or a whole chicken carcass minus the organs, then I will use 3-4 ounces of chicken livers per 2.5 lb of raw meat and bones (or if using skin - 3 lb of meat/bones/skin).
Psyllium - I no longer use psyllium in my recipe but I suggest that it be added when first starting a cat on a raw diet (more on that below). Use 2 tsp if using psyllium husk powder. If using whole psyllium husks, use 4 tsp. If using psyllium, be sure to add at least 1 cup of water to this recipe, if not more.
Jason just found a pile of mail in his computer room soaked with pee. Wilma has never, ever in my three years with her urinated on anything outside the litter box. I know she is not happy about the change in food from dry to canned. Is that her trying to tell me she is mad? This morning I moved one of her litterboxes to an adjacent wall because we are getting a new piece of furniture and I wanted to start clearing some things out of the way to make room for it. She has two litterboxes and the second one is in the same place as always. Otherwise her personality has been normal. She is still being affectionate and sleeping with me. Could something else be wrong? Her vet is closed now but I'm going to leave a message. She has never done anything like this before and it really has me weirded out.
Jason just found a pile of mail in his computer room soaked with pee. Wilma has never, ever in my three years with her urinated on anything outside the litter box. I know she is not happy about the change in food from dry to canned. Is that her trying to tell me she is mad? This morning I moved one of her litterboxes to an adjacent wall because we are getting a new piece of furniture and I wanted to start clearing some things out of the way to make room for it. She has two litterboxes and the second one is in the same place as always. Otherwise her personality has been normal. She is still being affectionate and sleeping with me. Could something else be wrong? Her vet is closed now but I'm going to leave a message. She has never done anything like this before and it really has me weirded out.
Frow what I've heard if a cat starts 'peeing' out of the ordinary like that she is either mad or she has a bladder infection. IF she has a bladder infection she urinated because she couldn't help it. Cats become incontinent with bladder infections. I would take her to the vet to rule out the bladder infection....if it's not then she's just pissed ;)
With her kidney issues, I would definitely check with her vet. The only time one of my cats has peed outside of the litterbox was when she had a UTI and my parents' cat Lacie did it when she had a bladder infection (and now has kidney disease) and Lucky (who passed away in December from a kidney tumor) had also starting peeing in the house when my parents first noticed him being sick.
Contrary to popular belief, I really don't think animals do things to "spite" their humans--cats in the wild urinate wherever, so they don't equate urination in the house to pissing off their humans. It's usually a sign of something else (health-related, stress, etc.). Maybe I'm just giving the critters the benefit of the doubt, but chewing, scratching, biting, destruction, defecation/urination in innappropriate places are all signs of larger problems (behavioral or health-related)--not spite.
My beloved Saul (RIP) was quite capable of defecating for spite. He only did it like twice, but both times I was working as an interpreter at some conferences and was gone all afternoon and late into the night for a solid week. He pooped on the quilt overhanging my quilting frame--JUST after I had finished cleaning the room! Definitely trying to make a point--particularly as it never happened again.
When he began urinating in my office every day, more than once a day, though, was when I realised he was having diabetes/renal problems. Sigh.
I still miss him.
My beloved Saul (RIP) was quite capable of defecating for spite.
My Nelson (RIP) too!! I have to travel for work sometimes and my Nels started leaving a pile of turds right in the middle of my bed when I was gone. After he did it the second time I started closing my door so he couldn't get in my bedroom while I was gone, so he started leaving the pile right in front of my bedroom door! He got so upset when I left, he wouldn't have anything to do with me the first day after I returned. Such a spoiled sissy man! He was my sweetheart.
This is the only electronic picture I have of my Nels.
Jason just found a pile of mail in his computer room soaked with pee. Wilma has never, ever in my three years with her urinated on anything outside the litter box. I know she is not happy about the change in food from dry to canned. Is that her trying to tell me she is mad? This morning I moved one of her litterboxes to an adjacent wall because we are getting a new piece of furniture and I wanted to start clearing some things out of the way to make room for it. She has two litterboxes and the second one is in the same place as always. Otherwise her personality has been normal. She is still being affectionate and sleeping with me. Could something else be wrong? Her vet is closed now but I'm going to leave a message. She has never done anything like this before and it really has me weirded out.
Maybe it wasn't Wilma?
Maybe it wasn't Wilma?
;D That's true. I didn't think to blame Jason. hmmmm.
I called her vet last night and left a message. She has never done this before and my vet told me to look out for ANY changes. I'm hoping she is just really mad about the switch in food. It hasn't been easy. She seriously is addicted to dry food. I didn't switch her food correctly. I just started giving her canned with a little tuna to temp her rather than gradually decreasing it like I should have. I was just so scared by the fact that the dry food was bad for her. So I started over. Last night and this morning I gave her dry food with canned mixed in. I'll do that and keep decreasing the amount of dry food every couple of days. Hopefully in two weeks she will be on canned food only.
My cats aren't spiteful, but my mom's cat Noah is . . . he poops in the middle of the carpet if he thinks the litter box is too full (as in it hasn't just been cleaned) :(
When we moved the last time, Sophie peed in the sinks, bathtub and on my bed for about two days. Then she stopped. At my parents house, Sophie would pee on the carpet in the corner where Noah had pooped once.
We've been in the new apartment for about a month and Soph is fine - no problems at all. Cats are such interesting creatures; they keep me on my toes!!
I took Cali to obedience over the fall and winter. She would sit but she would never lie down. Alpha dogs don't like to lie down because it makes them submissive.
One class the trainer told her to lie down. She wouldn't. If you don't make them do it, they know they have won. It took 7 minutes for her to get Cali to lie down.
In the last two weeks, Cali gets it. I tell her to lie down and SHE DOES! Doesn't help she has two strong breeds that we know in her. Husky and Australian Cattle Dog.
She is so proud of herself that now when I tell her to sit, she sits and then lies down. OK, I have to work on that. ??? She also gets so happy about lying down that down can also mean, lie down, do a complete roll over and end up in the proper down position. I can so live with that!
Cali is a constant source of amusement. Yesterday, she ran in the park, leaped in the air, did a complete about face in mid air and continued running.
Today, she spotted a small dog....ran over, ran circles around him and brought him back to his mom.
Isabela was a special dog. So much part of my heart. I truly wasn't sure I would be able to allow another dog in to my heart. I have always loved Cali. Never compared her to Isabela because she isn't Isabela.
Cali has proved (to all of you that are afraid to get another after losing a beloved pet) that new hearts and souls can fill a void and more so, become a huge part of your life and heart.
Isabela shared 3 1/2 years with me and we were soul mates. Cali has shown that you always have room in your heart for another soul mate. Maybe we have huge souls?
Cali is head strong as was Isabela. Cali loves her second chance at life as did Isabela. Cali hopefully has many years ahead of her.
Watching Cali play with her boyfriend Lewis in the park today, I knew rescuing her sight unseen, I so did the right thing. When she then went over to Lewis's and sat on the second stair of the pool (something she is frightened of) that she was finally getting over some of her fears.
Her fur may never completely grow in. I don't care and neither to any of her friends. She is finally healthy and day by day getting more confident. She is now so proud of doing what I ask which is not much. The odd sit, down and stay. Oh, and come when I call. If a squirrel is involved, the come is on deaf ears. Guess what I have on my balcony? A squirrel nest and at least 2 youngsters and a mom squirrel, maybe three youngsters. So, no balcony time. No thought of fixing my bike either as they tipped my bike over and made the nest between the bike and the wall.
Anyway, just wanted to share some Cali news. She is so frigging smart and finally at the age of 2 1/2, she wants to show it off. Of course, she lived in a shelter for the first 9 months of her life and was deathly ill for many months once here, she really is only coming into her own.
She is so well loved at the park by strangers who have watched her through illness, being bald and terrified. People stop me all the time and say, that is the little Greek dog isn't it. Look how good she looks. Look how happy she is.
Cali was even afraid of other dogs. Now she is the one in the park that runs to all the dogs and initiates play.
OK, I am just a proud mom bragging. Making a long story short...Cali finally will lie down! Even without treats. With just a 'what an amazingly beautiful good girl you are'. :)
Yabbit who is her aunt and who started her walking exercise program on behalf of Cali should feel proud. Both Yabbit and Cali are getting fit and healthy.
Making a long story short...
Making a long story short...
I really could have made it longer! :-D