Study: Vegetarian diet 'weakens bones'
Posted by Camillus on Jul 02, 2009 · Member since May 2007 · 1009 posts
I read, and reread this article to find any links to the actual study, but could not find any references. I also notice that in the title it says 'weakens bones' but could not find that quote anywhere in the article itself.
Being an active participant in dangerous, high-risk sports, and being mostly vegan for the past 10 years, this article has me worried! *sarcasm* I've never broken a bone in my life.
Can anyone find a better description or link to this study, or figure out who funded it? Any comments?
Any comments?
Just read this sentence again : "But the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant,"
Furthermore, lower bone density does not necessarily means more fractures.
Here's an article about it with more info.
This girl I work with at the hfs always give me shit about being vegan. She posted this link on my fb page today. >:(
I just went to your page, lotus. What a bunch of people you've got to put up with!
I don't think I will ever understand why omnis go out of their way to point out every single health "problem" (read: hearsay) of vegetarians, but are quick to deny and look the other way at all of the verified problems of eating a lot of meat.
Um if you eat a balanced vegan diet with tons of fresh vegetables, there is honestly no concern.
2 Tbsp of Blackstrap molasses has 400g's calcium
1 cup of cooked various greens... contain 200-400g's
Fortified rice, soy, almond and hemp milks as well as soy yogurt can be consumed.
If everyone is drinking and should continue drinking milk, why do thirty million American women have osteoporosis? These women are not vegan nor vegetarian.
Milk prices are up, sales are down.
Tonight at work, the girl who posted this link on my facebook page said, "I'm never going to post another link on your page. Your friends are mean!" hehe. whatevs.
I saw the whole thing on your fb page, and I'm sure your friend was well-intentioned, but sometimes I feel like people forget how to be tactful around vegans. Like, they think they have the right to attack, you know? I mean, I don't go around posting articles like that on my fb friends' profiles about MEAT GIVES YOU HEART DISEASE. I might post them generically on my own page, if they are good/informative/interesting, but I mean if I were REALLY concerned about a friend's health, I would message them privately, you know?
It's just a funny phenomenon.
Anyway, yeah. Study is dum.
I think it's funny too that all of a sudden all these people act like health or medical experts when you tell them you're vegan. Telling you a vegan diet is unhealthy, or that you're not getting enough protein.
I saw the whole thing on your fb page, and I'm sure your friend was well-intentioned, but sometimes I feel like people forget how to be tactful around vegans. Like, they think they have the right to attack, you know? I mean, I don't go around posting articles like that on my fb friends' profiles about MEAT GIVES YOU HEART DISEASE. I might post them generically on my own page, if they are good/informative/interesting, but I mean if I were REALLY concerned about a friend's health, I would message them privately, you know?
It's just a funny phenomenon.
Anyway, yeah. Study is dum.
No, she was not well-intentioned. She was trying to be a smart ass.
Haha, oh ok. ;D
I saw the whole thing on your fb page, and I'm sure your friend was well-intentioned, but sometimes I feel like people forget how to be tactful around vegans. Like, they think they have the right to attack, you know? I mean, I don't go around posting articles like that on my fb friends' profiles about MEAT GIVES YOU HEART DISEASE. I might post them generically on my own page, if they are good/informative/interesting, but I mean if I were REALLY concerned about a friend's health, I would message them privately, you know?
It's just a funny phenomenon.
Anyway, yeah. Study is dum.
No, she was not well-intentioned. She was trying to be a smart ass.
I thought you handled that well on your Facebook. You handled it maturely, without getting angry or defensive, and let others(including me) knock down that post.
I thought you handled that well on your Facebook. You handled it maturely, without getting angry or defensive, and let others(including me) knock down that post.
:grin: And we're at your service, ma'am, should she post again.
I thought you handled that well on your Facebook. You handled it maturely, without getting angry or defensive, and let others(including me) knock down that post.
:grin: And we're at your service, ma'am, should she post again.
Hehe. Thanks. I thought about looking up and linking a study about the evils of meat and dairy, but I figured it was pointless and probably what she was expecting. I did spew a few facts at her when I went to work that day. hehe. By the way, she is trying to lose some weight, so she started the blood type diet like 2 weeks ago, but didn't stick with it b/c apparently her blood type doesn't need wheat and sugar. Then, last week she started the master cleanse. I forget how long she was either 1/2 day or 1 1/2 days. I kinda stopped paying attention when she was telling me. ::)
I love CK's response that Mr. Glass must have been vegetarian. That made me lol.
Also, I don't think your coworker even READ the story, just the headline. It says, and I quoted the sentence, the findings were INSIGNIFICANT.
You were way mature. Your coworker-type-person was just tactless.
I love CK's response that Mr. Glass must have been vegetarian. That made me lol.
;)b :-* 8-)
Thanks for sharing infor here
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Um if you eat a balanced vegan diet with tons of fresh vegetables, there is honestly no concern.
2 Tbsp of Blackstrap molasses has 400g's calcium
1 cup of cooked various greens... contain 200-400g's
Fortified rice, soy, almond and hemp milks as well as soy yogurt can be consumed.
If everyone is drinking and should continue drinking milk, why do thirty million American women have osteoporosis? These women are not vegan nor vegetarian.
Milk prices are up, sales are down.
Just to check, since when were there 200 grams, let alone 200 grams of calcium in a table spoon of black strap?
do you mean miligrams?
Does the greens include beans and peas? Or just broccoli and leafy greens?
Also you can eat almounds by themselves to get calcium can't you?
cheers, Tom:)