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My kitty is sick and I'm SO worried!

There is something wrong with my kitty Stanley....I noticed this afternoon that his jaw is twitching????? As the afternoon went on the twitching got worse and worse..... He came to the kitchen crying for dinner, I gave it to him, he took and big bit and his jaw started twitching again! He then started drooling and spit the food out and ran away  ??? There is something wrong and apparently he can't eat! This is my kitty with leukemia so he's sickly anyway... The vet is already closed so I'll have to call first thing tomorrow morning and get him in. I'm really worried. He's acting so weird. He just sits there looking at the floor with his jaw twitching..... Send good thoughts/prays towards my Stanley-man.  :(

Cats with FeLV are at increased risk for stomatitis, which could be causing him a lot of mouth pain.  The twitching could be seizures, too.  If it gets worse this evening, try to get to an emergency vet in case it is seizure-related.

Hugs and happy thoughts for you and Stanley!


Thanks guys!

Ya, I'm afraid.....he's lived a long time with FeLV. He was born with it and he's 8 yrs old now..... I can tell you I'm sure not ready to loose him.


((stanley))  ((pooh bear))

I searched for "cat twitching jaw" online and found some info.  I'd post it, but there was no consistency.  I wish you a speedy night.  Does Stanley's jaw hurt if you touch it?  One person massaged their cat's jaw and said it seemed to help, but since it can apparently have so many causes, who knows?


Could you take him to the ER tonight? I know it costs an arm and a leg but I'd rather shell out than worry about my fur kid all night.


I know how scary it is when a "baby" gets sick. I will say a prayer for him and hope he is O.K. (((hugs)))


((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs to both))))))))))))))))))))))))

One of my kitties was fed a bad bag of food when he was a kitten and got feline urinary tract syndrome from it for about 6 months afterwards...that was scary. I forget exactly what it was called, i was little when he was little. 5 years ago he had a stroke...scariest thing of my life....I hope the best for your Stan man!!!! Get better buddy!


Could you take him to the ER tonight? I know it costs an arm and a leg but I'd rather shell out than worry about my fur kid all night.

If it gets bad enough I will..... I'm sick so I've taking codiene cough syrup all day  ::)  and hubby is on shift so he will be gone all night. I'm wide awake now though so I'm watching him....


Oh hugs! I'm sorry your kitty isn't feeling well  :'( You and Stanley are in my thoughts


I was trying to go to sleep, but I had to get out of bed to check on Stanley.  How's he doing?


I was trying to go to sleep, but I had to get out of bed to check on Stanley.  How's he doing?

He slept above my head on my pillow all night! He's so cute, I think he's scared because he doesn't know what is going on..... There was a little pile of drool under where he was laying on my pillow though.....  :-\ I'm just waiting for 8 am to role around and I'm calling the vet. This morning he is the same. At least he's not hiding from me I guess.... He just keeps looking up at me with his big green eyes as if to say 'mom, help'.....
I will keep you posted on what the vet says.


That is so scary.  I hope he is ok.  Keep us posted.  :-*


Does the drool smell like decaying flesh?

Right before Shango died, he had foaming saliva that smelled like decaying flesh.  It was nasty.  But I have no idea what killed  Shango. 


I hope he gets better, I would be a wreck if it were me in your place, I was a wreck when I was in your place. 


I hope it turns out to be something "not serious"!
Hugs to you both!


It's almost 9a your time.  Have you reached your vet?

yes, he is already dropped off at the vet.... I had to leave him there because they are booked today and they are going to squeeze him in when they can. I'm trying not to freak out but I am pretty worried! I hope they call me soon and let me know what is going on....


I know this is stressful.  I'm sorry.  I hope they get to Stanley soon, so you know what's going on.  Not knowing is so hard.


Any news?


He has a least one if not more abssessed teeth....and they are his K-9's (the fangs). The vet told me that she is going to stay after hours to take care of him so that I don't have to take him home without being treated.... She's going to call me when she's done (around 8 or 9 tonight) and I will go pick him up..... Hopefully all goes well....


Good news.  I mean that in the sense that there's a diagnosis and treatment.  Keep us updated.  Hugs to you and Stanley.


Poor Stanley...absessed teeth hurt like hell. No wonder he was freaking out. Glad to hear it is something very treatable & he'll be fine soon.
Pooh Bear, you must be stressed after this....big sigh of relief.



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