augh.. i feel like hell...
i came home sick from work today during the lunch hour (thank god for half-sick-days) cuz i got incredibly nauseous... i woke up feeling bad but figured it was just cuz Dean left the ceiling fan on all night and allergies.. but now i have a pretty bad cold...
i've had a fever since i got up, the last few days my jaw has been hurting so bad that i can only open it a few inches (makes eating hard) but i figured that i was stressed and clenching my teeth while i sleep.. but my throat is so swollen that my ears hurt and dry even though i've been nursing one of those big bottles of ginger ale all day.. god i hope i feel better soon
are there any tips for getting better faster? i can't sleep right now cuz my throat is so dry. the only thing i can think to do is get some apples and apple juice at walmart in the morning.. and some nyquil.. but any suggestions would be really really appreciated :-[
:( i hope you feel better!
warm tea! and then trader joes sells fake emergen-c packets (fizzy stuff you put in a little water and it has a bunch of vitamin c) that i think are cheaper than the name brand.
my mom always tells me to take echinacea. which i probably didnt spell right haha, but its supposed to be good for your immune system or something im pretty sure.
isnt miso soup also good? dunno if that sounds good if your stomach isnt happy. ginger is supposed to help the ginger ale is good.
showers always make me feel better when im sick (:
if you have a humidifier or vaporizer thing, that can help with throat dryness.
HOT ginger tea w/ a slice of garlic will help w/ the soar throat and should help w/ the swelling.... also chewing/sucking on some fresh rosemary sprigs should help anesthetize your jaw.
If your fever's gotten you uncomfortable, rags soaked in vinegar help to draw out the heat and infusing it w/ rosemary will help with the feeling of coolness....
Supplements to take: B, Zinc, C, Calcium (BIG one for fevers!!), and iron
Stalk up on Miso!!! Feel better soon!!
Definitely miso! Soup, spread it on toast, add a spoonful to whatever it is you're eating, put it on a baked potato and cover with blackbean hummus...magic stuff.
Definitely miso! Soup, spread it on toast, add a spoonful to whatever it is you're eating, put it on a baked potato and cover with blackbean hummus...magic stuff.
i completely read that wrong... i swear you were saying to spread soup on toast...
god i need some sleep heh...
Definitely miso! Soup, spread it on toast, add a spoonful to whatever it is you're eating, put it on a baked potato and cover with blackbean hummus...magic stuff.
i completely read that wrong... i swear you were saying to spread soup on toast...
god i need some sleep heh...
Me and you both, I managed to get about 3 hrs sleep tonite. I neeeed a nap but I'm afraid if I nap in the daytime I won't sleep...again...
Make sure you stay hydrated. Being dehydrated can add to you feeling cruddy for sure! Drink electrolyte drinks though, like sports drinks or something.
yeah i only got about an hour of sleep.. and it was a collective hour, not all at once, so that sucks... i went out and got soup and apple juice and thankfully i have a doctor's appointment at 3:30 today but it's not with my doctor so i'm kinda nervous. i hope it's not gonna be one of those things where they just tell me to go home and take tylenol every 4 hours. i need to get better as fast as i can.
i was gonna get that emergen-c stuff but it was super expensive. i have chewable vitamin c things so i'm gonna take those. i really wish i could try and rest all day but Dean is being a nazi about getting stuff done with the house ::)
(((hugs))) I sure hope you're feeling better soon! I was going to suggest you see a doctor in case you need an antibiotic and since you are feeling so horriible. Please take care and feel better! :flower:
.....i really wish i could try and rest all day but Dean is being a nazi about getting stuff done with the house ::)
Tell Dean you have the rest of you're lives to get the house finished... you don't need to get it all done the month after you move in!! LOL
Mention you're sore jaw to the Dr. I think 'lock-jaw' is a sign of tetanus!! :o
Get well!
well, really no diagnosis... i had a fever of 101* when they took my temp. the dr prescribed me hydrocodone (?) thats supposed to help me sleep... i think the verdict was just "a really bad cold with jaw pain from clenching teeth at night and sore throat from post nasal drip"
still... i feel like hell
Hydrocodone = Vicodin. So, be careful not to take anything else that has tylenol (acetaminophen) in it, cause it's the main ingredient in Vicodin. That will definitely help you sleep, it'll probably knock you out. So... no driving, dicing onions, anything that requires concentration really. Garlic, garlic, garlic!! That's what I do. Oh, and careful, if you take too much Vitamin C, you'll get really bad gas. That's usually when I know to stop. Feel better!!
Forgot to tea is what my body craves with a cold like yours, along with miso (obviously not together!). And for the raw throat, try whiskey and lemon (if you have any) or mint and rosemary tea. Not too much rosemary, just a pinch.
Hydrocodone = Vicodin.
yeah i found that out while googling the wiki last night. i was kinda disappointed cuz last time i had vicodin i slept like a ROCK. i slept good last night but probably just because i hadn't slept in so long. i really liked that within an hour of taking it, i could feel my throat getting less scratchy. does that mean it was just numb? ???
well i feel a lot better now (but then again i haven't done anything yet today!!)
Glad you're feeling better and that you continue to mend. It just has to work it's course. Get rest, eat foods high in antioxidants like fruits of various colors and did I say get some rest?
Vicodin doesn't numb, but works on pain receptors to help with the pain.
Definitely miso! Soup, spread it on toast, add a spoonful to whatever it is you're eating, put it on a baked potato and cover with blackbean hummus...magic stuff.
i completely read that wrong... i swear you were saying to spread soup on toast...
god i need some sleep heh...
Ha. That's the Nyquil talking. Warm up a a tablespoon or two of agave nectar and stir in a little lemon juice. It tastes good and will warm and coat your throat.
If you want something to knock you out, Benadryl does the job. But don't mix it with the Nyquil because of the Nyquil's alcohol content. And don't get in the car either after you've had Benadryl. Just go straight to bed and enjoy the warped dreams.
Vicodin is a pain reliever isn't it?
Watch out, that stuff can be addictive! My mom was hooked on it after she broke her pelvis, it took her a long time to get off it. But if you arn't taking it more than a couple of weeks or so then you shouldn't have a problem with it. My mom took it for like 2 years! Her pelvis break was really bad though, ugh, I wouldn't ever want to go through that! I swear, the worst feeling in the world is to see someone you love suffer.
Get some sleep! Sleep and liquids is the best thing for a sickness.
the dosage isn't high enough to addict me, i think. when i had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago my dentist gave me vicodin because it was a few days before he could pull them, and that was fantastic. i slept awesome. but i just looked it up and found out that i was sleeping so great because it was like right on the edge of being too high of a dose lol
this stuff barely stops the pain. worked great the first night. last night it didn't really. i wanted to take another one cuz my head was killing me but i couldn't cuz i had to wait the 4 hours. no way i'm gonna take a chance and take 2 around the same time. i dont wanna get into that
What strength did he prescribe you? There are the "regular" ones, 5/500 (that means there is 5 mg of hydrocodone, and 500 mg of acetaminophen), and the 7.5/750 (Vicodin ES). Usually if it's the 5/500's, you can take 1-2 pills every 4-6 hours. But if it's the ES, it's usually one every 4-6. Check the directions on the bottle to make sure.
it says 5-325. but the bottle says take 1 table at bedtime as needed. may repeat 1 time in 4 hours. max daily dose = 2.
ahh, bummer, that's a pretty tiny dose i was thinking you were allowed to take them during the day, but alas... only at night. I really hope you feel better soon.