wtf. i have never had problems with acne/zits/pimples whatever its called EVER before. in middle school, i would get one here and there before a period. but ever since i stopped taking hbc and detoxing from a horrible yeast infection. my face has just exploded with greasiness and zittyness. its driving me nuts, especially since i have a horrible problem with picking at my nails, biting my lip, pulling my hair, eyelashes, its just natural to fidget with my face now too, which i think is making it worse.
ANYWAYS. last time i tried to get rid of one zit by washing my face, several more popped up. does anyone have suggestions as to how i can get rid of this? OR is this just the natural release of all of the hbc toxins in my body and do i need to wait it out?
damn hbc. worst idea ever. for me.
not sure if this is vegan or not but the magnesiam is mil of magnesia pulls impurities out of your skin. if you lived closer, I would do a salicilyic peel on you!
i've done milk of magnesia too... or mint toothpaste. milk of magnesia works best, but I don't know if it's vegan... I think I may have heard...tea tree oil mixed with water or vinegar as well....Look up uses for tea tree oil and acne and see what happens!
Birth control pills are often prescribed as a way to control acne (because a lot of acne is hormonal, hence the pre-period breakouts). Your skin probably just needs to find it's natural balance after being regulated by pills for so long. Which sucks and means there probably isn't a "quick fix" but it'll probably level out. In the meantime, use a GENTLE cleanser even though you might want to do something harsh to get rid of it. It usually just makes it worse unless you really know what you're doing.
I like the Origins Checks and Balances cleanser. It's really gentle, but works well at keeping grease at bay. Good luck!
where are the zits? on the chin and lower part of your face? thats hormanal usually. side of face can be from cell phone use. make sure you wipe your cell phone with antibacterial wipes. and yes, tea tree oil is great for zits.
Hi Kelsi,
I'm sorry your skin is sucky right now! But, as a fellow bad skin sufferer can tell you what has been working for me. Benzoyl peroxide. I use a kind called Terminator. Its not expensive and you can get it at almost any store. You basically take the stuff that you would normally use on each zit to get rid of it. But instead of waiting for the zit to appear, you slather the stuff all over your face to prevent pimples from forming.
I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and my skin is finally looking great. I am sure this is not the most healthy way to care for my skin...but after years of bad skin and wasting tons of money on all kinds of natural products, this technique is finally working and my skin is totally clear.
The benzoyl peroxide will dry out your skin so you will definitely want to use an oil free moisturizer.
I'm with KB on this one. I had surgery a couple of years back for which I was prescribed some really heavy-duty antibiotics. My skin looked so amazing while I was on them but after I came off them my skin was awful for weeks. You just have to use a gentle cleanser and a nice light moisturiser and wait for it to settle, sorry! Toothpaste is good for drying up the really awful ones because you seem to be like me and mess with them, but other than that its patience, care and drinking lots of water.
where are the zits? on the chin and lower part of your face? thats hormanal usually. side of face can be from cell phone use. make sure you wipe your cell phone with antibacterial wipes. and yes, tea tree oil is great for zits.
there are some on the sides of my mouth, but most of them are across my forehead. like. hundreds of little bumps.
where are the zits? on the chin and lower part of your face? thats hormanal usually. side of face can be from cell phone use. make sure you wipe your cell phone with antibacterial wipes. and yes, tea tree oil is great for zits.
there are some on the sides of my mouth, but most of them are across my forehead. like. hundreds of little bumps.
I've heard that zits on the side of your mouth can signal an allergy to something. And also maybe check the type of shampoo/conditioner/other hair products you use. If your hair comes into constant contact with parts of your face (i.e. forehead), the products you're using on your hair (or excess oil in your hair) could be part of the problem as well.
This might sound weird, but I notice that I get zits on my forehead when I travel- I think it's a change of climate or pollution in the air. It could also be oil from your hair.
where are the zits? on the chin and lower part of your face? thats hormanal usually. side of face can be from cell phone use. make sure you wipe your cell phone with antibacterial wipes. and yes, tea tree oil is great for zits.
there are some on the sides of my mouth, but most of them are across my forehead. like. hundreds of little bumps.
I've heard that zits on the side of your mouth can signal an allergy to something. And also maybe check the type of shampoo/conditioner/other hair products you use. If your hair comes into constant contact with parts of your face (i.e. forehead), the products you're using on your hair (or excess oil in your hair) could be part of the problem as well.
actually i havent used shampoo in 5 months and havent used face wash since 1996ish. but it could be my hair, because when its oily, instead of washing it, i just let it cleanse itself. like after swimming. which brings me to...
This might sound weird, but I notice that I get zits on my forehead when I travel- I think it's a change of climate or pollution in the air. It could also be oil from your hair.
you might be right. it got worse on tour. we didnt use air conditioning and played smelly, non ac basements most nights. lots of sweat. maybe i should wear headbands. sweatbands. hehe.
thanks for the tips. do you think washing my hair will help? i was using dr. bronners before which totally dried out my hair. i loved it. it took forever for it to get greasy again. ha. i was also thinking of cutting my hair really short because i feel like my long bangs keep my forhead sweaty.
where are the zits? on the chin and lower part of your face? thats hormanal usually. side of face can be from cell phone use. make sure you wipe your cell phone with antibacterial wipes. and yes, tea tree oil is great for zits.
there are some on the sides of my mouth, but most of them are across my forehead. like. hundreds of little bumps.
I've heard that zits on the side of your mouth can signal an allergy to something. And also maybe check the type of shampoo/conditioner/other hair products you use. If your hair comes into constant contact with parts of your face (i.e. forehead), the products you're using on your hair (or excess oil in your hair) could be part of the problem as well.
i certainly hope i am not allergic to anything!!! but i will definitely check it out, because that could be causing some other problems that i dont know about. thanks!
while looking for info about the placement of zits, i found this awesome website for anyone else with this problem.
it had tons of info and i found out that what i have are simply inflamed blemishes and that a change in birth control, whether going on or off, can cause this to happen, along with dirty hair, hair touching the face and allergies! confirming what a lot of people said here.
i think for now, i will start washing my hair again. i did go off of bc and stop washing my hair in the same day as a way to cleanse my body, so i dont know which one could have done it. and then a month after that i went on the detox diet, which could have thrown my body for a loop. ANYWAYS. i will start washing my hair again and see if that helps.
I had terrible acne and got a prescription for isotretinoin, which shuts down your oil glands. Its certainly not all-natural and can cause birth defects if you get pregnant while you're on it (not something I have to worry about, but still...), but It worked fast and effectively. I haven't had a signifigant pimple on my body for over 5 months. The only problem is that your skin can become very dry, requiring you to use a lot of moisturizers and lip balm. Still, I think it's worth it.
thanks for the tips. do you think washing my hair will help? i was using dr. bronners before which totally dried out my hair. i loved it. it took forever for it to get greasy again. ha. i was also thinking of cutting my hair really short because i feel like my long bangs keep my forhead sweaty.
So, it may or may not help the acne thing, but I think you should cut your hair really short anyway just because I think really short hair is awesome! I miss my super-short hair. Especially if you aren't one for washing your hair very often, really short hair would be great because 1) it wouldn't get in your face (i.e. would help with the zits) and 2) you could probably go a lot longer without washing it ;)b
But yes, I think washing your hair would help. Maybe don't use something quite as drying as Dr. Bronners because your scalp skin will overcompensate and produce more oil to replenish what Dr. Bronners removed. I use a Nature's Gate shampoo that I can get in bulk at the co-op. It's cheap and cleans without overdrying.