Vegcats....smoking...and others trying to quit....
Posted by Di on Aug 18, 2007 · Member since Nov 2006 · 1343 posts
Does this product sound good to you?
Thanks for any input!
Does this product sound good to you?
Thanks for any input!
Oh well, I just ordered it because I HAVE to quit smoking. Not only is it gross and disgusting but it is affecting my health.
I am going to try once again to quit cold turkey before it arrives but will follow the program to ensure success.
Thanks for the info Vegcats!
I thought you were laying low for a while... 8)
I'm on for the 24th of August (would have been my papa's birthday). I'm gonna do the patch this time and I'm done with it. Will's on-board and I'm ready.
Good luck, Di. What's your quit date?
I hope it works out for you, Di! It looks pretty neat, actually. Best of luck! You can totally kick the habit!
My quit date was August 14th. :) Four days strong, so far!
I thought you were laying low for a while... 8)
I'm on for the 24th of August (would have been my papa's birthday). I'm gonna do the patch this time and I'm done with it. Will's on-board and I'm ready.
Good luck, Di. What's your quit date?
See, I told you addictions were hard. Vegweb being one of them!!! ::)
What a great motivator to quit on papa's birthday. I wish you every success.
My goal date is tomorrow or Monday. If I fail, I will wait until the quit smoking quit arrives which hopefully will be this coming week. I think knowing I have something to help me, if even only psychologically will make a big difference.
So if not this Monday, the day after the kit arrives. I don't want to start the day it arrives as I wouldn't be starting a full day. As it is coming UPS to Canada from the US, I am having it shipped to my work place as UPS never finds me at home. >:(
I hope it works out for you, Di! It looks pretty neat, actually. Best of luck! You can totally kick the habit!
My quit date was August 14th. :) Four days strong, so far!
Excellent lapetitepoire!!!!!! Stay strong! I know you can do it!!!!!!
I thought you were laying low for a while... 8)
I'm on for the 24th of August (would have been my papa's birthday). I'm gonna do the patch this time and I'm done with it. Will's on-board and I'm ready.
Good luck, Di. What's your quit date?
I think picking a date that is a few weeks away is such a good idea, instead of just suddenly deciding "ok, that's it! I quit!"
Two years ago I quit with the patch. I bought about 3 weeks before I actually used it. That gave me time to think about quitting and prepare myself. It worked very well for me. I'm a big advocate of the patch. Unfortunately, I was stupid and after a really bad break up started smoking again. >:(
This time, I decided to go cold turkey. I bought a carton while visiting my friend in the Virgin Islands b/c it was only $15 for the carton! :o Anyway, I said once it was gone, that would be it. After the fact, I think it was helpful that I had the got me out of the routine of going to the store to buy a pack (every little break in the smoking routine helps, I think). But during that time, I knew that after the carton I was done, so I stretched it out, reducing the number I smoked each day, trying not to smoke in public, like when out with friends...bars were especially hard.
I opened my last pack at a bar with some friends and made a big deal about it being the last pack...I knew that by making a big deal about it, I would have to do it, because my friends would give me so much sh*t if I didn't follow through. Plus, it is a big! Haha.
Anyway, I had my last cigarette on Friday August 3. It has not been easy, but I already notice improvements in my senses of smell and taste. I cough a lot less too! Yay!
I suppose I'm rambled for long enough. I hope something in this is helpful.
Nutdragon, Good Luck with August 24. I think that's a fabulous idea. If you update, I will send good vibes your way! :)
Funny, I was just writing about smoking to Lotus42's post on coffee...
At first glance I would commend this product on the herbal combination. But...
Athough the herbs in this product are excellent for quitting smoking, the other ingredients are questionable. GELATIN, HYDROGENATED OIL, MAGNESIUM STEARATE, SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE, VEGETABLE COLLOIDAL SILICON DIOXIDE, AND PURIFIED H20. These are found in Formula C and also mineral oil found in Formula D.
If you are not vegan then the gelatin won't be an issue but I would question the hydrogenated oil, sodium lauryl sulfate and the magnesium stearate.
Sodium lauryl sulfate is apparently quite toxic. For more info here's a link that offers the MDS data sheet and other toxicology reports:
My other question would be: how concentrated are these herbs and are they organic? Again, you are trying to detox so ingesting herbs that may be tainted with pesticides may not be best for you (or anyone else for that matter). There are two companies that I know of that have organic herbal tinctures (no doubt there are more...). Schulze ( guarantee's the strongest concentration. I have used his products and know that they work. The other I have not used but like to have other options for people who don't want to order on-line.
The key ingredient that you are looking for is Lobelia. This herb has a chemical structure that is similar to nicotine so binds to the receptors that nicotine would normally attach to thereby reducing cravings. Lobelia is also a calming herb and can help with sleep. It also dilates the bronchioles for those with lung issues. I would suggest an organic nerve formula that contains Lobelia along with other herbs similar to what was on the website that you posted.
I congratulate you on your determination to quit smoking!! This is a huge step and one that you will not regret but will reap the benefits from for the rest of your life!
(If you need additional help getting through the initial phase consider acupuncture- get a recommendation, though, as just with MDs, not all acupuncturists are equal. Maybe choose one who is an herbalist as well.)
I am not vegan and thought the gelatin wouldn't be so bad for a couple of weeks. I hope the products are good because they sounded good and I ordered them. I figured two weeks of gelatin wasn't as bad as me polluting the air and my lungs.
I thought the oil was strange too but again, it is only for two weeks.
I hope I made the right choice with this.
I quit smoking years ago with acupuncture. I had little balls placed in my ears. The same place they put them for heroin addicts.
Thanks for your post!
Good luck to all who are trying to quit. I quite cold turkey about 18 months ago and have stuck too it this time, and I can honestly say that I am done for good. I now think if myself as a non smoker rather than an ex smoker now. I found the Allan Carr books a great help also, very condescending but that worked for me as I had convinced myself it was a really stupid hobby. Log onto quitnet also as they send you congratulations email on weekly, monthly and yearly anniversary's, it is suprising how proud you feel upon receiving these automated emails!
Again good luck to all, it is by far the best health decision you can make in your life and the sense of achievement will be amazing.
Ohh and no smoking bars in Illinois now, fantastic. Went bowling last night for the first time in years and not comming home reeking of smoke was great.
Ohh and no smoking bars in Illinois now, fantastic. Went bowling last night for the first time in years and not comming home reeking of smoke was great.
They keep talking about doing this in South Carolina. I really hope the law passes.
Ohh and no smoking bars in Illinois now, fantastic. Went bowling last night for the first time in years and not comming home reeking of smoke was great.
They keep talking about doing this in South Carolina. I really hope the law passes.
We have had that law in restaurants and bars and pretty well all public places for a few years. I love it.
I know if I could quit for 14 years before, I CAN do it again.
Good luck to all who are trying to quit. I quite cold turkey about 18 months ago and have stuck too it this time, and I can honestly say that I am done for good. I now think if myself as a non smoker rather than an ex smoker now. I found the Allan Carr books a great help also, very condescending but that worked for me as I had convinced myself it was a really stupid hobby. Log onto quitnet also as they send you congratulations email on weekly, monthly and yearly anniversary's, it is suprising how proud you feel upon receiving these automated emails!
Again good luck to all, it is by far the best health decision you can make in your life and the sense of achievement will be amazing.
Ohh and no smoking bars in Illinois now, fantastic. Went bowling last night for the first time in years and not comming home reeking of smoke was great.
Excellent! Way to go!!!!!!!
I thought you were laying low for a while... 8)
I'm on for the 24th of August (would have been my papa's birthday). I'm gonna do the patch this time and I'm done with it. Will's on-board and I'm ready.
Good luck, Di. What's your quit date?
I think picking a date that is a few weeks away is such a good idea, instead of just suddenly deciding "ok, that's it! I quit!"
Two years ago I quit with the patch. I bought about 3 weeks before I actually used it. That gave me time to think about quitting and prepare myself. It worked very well for me. I'm a big advocate of the patch. Unfortunately, I was stupid and after a really bad break up started smoking again. >:(
This time, I decided to go cold turkey. I bought a carton while visiting my friend in the Virgin Islands b/c it was only $15 for the carton! :o Anyway, I said once it was gone, that would be it. After the fact, I think it was helpful that I had the got me out of the routine of going to the store to buy a pack (every little break in the smoking routine helps, I think). But during that time, I knew that after the carton I was done, so I stretched it out, reducing the number I smoked each day, trying not to smoke in public, like when out with friends...bars were especially hard.
I opened my last pack at a bar with some friends and made a big deal about it being the last pack...I knew that by making a big deal about it, I would have to do it, because my friends would give me so much sh*t if I didn't follow through. Plus, it is a big! Haha.
Anyway, I had my last cigarette on Friday August 3. It has not been easy, but I already notice improvements in my senses of smell and taste. I cough a lot less too! Yay!
I suppose I'm rambled for long enough. I hope something in this is helpful.
Nutdragon, Good Luck with August 24. I think that's a fabulous idea. If you update, I will send good vibes your way! :)
I started smoking again in a very stressful time. My contractor ripped me off big time, my dog was extremely ill, more so than she is now, and nothing seemed to be going right. It was the biggest mistake of my life to light that first cigarette 8 or nine months ago.
I don't smoke in front of friends and don't smoke during the day because I don't want anyone at work to know I am smoking. Just evenings and weekend but I pack the same amount of cigarettes into that short time.
My BF returns home tomorrow so I will be seeing him Monday. I want to be smoke free.
Thanks for the great post!
I'm just wondering, if a Vegan quits smoking without assistance should it be called "Going Cold Tofukey" instead of "Going Cold Turkey"
I'm just wondering, if a Vegan quits smoking without assistance should it be called "Going Cold Tofukey" instead of "Going Cold Turkey"
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Hi Di,
I took a mini-break last week. I'm back online now.
I applaud your decision to quit smoking. No one can be healthy and smoke. George Burns maybe was some odd exception to this rule.
The product you chose looks pretty good. Has it worked well for you? I hope so. I'm curious to hear about your results, if any.
Here's what I like about the system: 1) It's herbal, not pharmaceutical, 2) It utilizes and unifies multiple approaches (deals with flushing toxins, withdrawal, cravings, calming).
I see they include the herbs known to work for this 'condition.' I wonder about several things. First and foremost, none of the herbs are organic. Secondly, hydrogenated oil should not be included in the maintenance formula (formula C). Plus, I see other chemical and/or non-natural additives. (Apparently, others noticed this too).
From the standpoint of product design, why go through all the trouble of designing a top notch system only to weaken its effectiveness by using less than top quality herbs and some very toxic additives?
Given all these factors, I always recommend products from Dr. Richard Schulze's American Botanical Pharmacy (in the Los Angeles area). All of Dr. Schulze's herbal products are organically grown. They are extremely pure, effective, noted for their good taste (mostly) and prized for their potency. One of the reasons I recommend his products is that long before I actually purchased any of them, I made them at home (tinctures, teas, etc.). Later, after I had made just about all of his formulas, I started ordering some of his products. They are at least as good (and often better) than my homemade versions. They are 100% organic and there are NO toxic additives. This is the most pure stuff.
Most of Dr. Schulze's formula 'recipes' are found in Curing with Cayenne (the 1999 edition) and in the Layman's Course for Curing Cancer (edited by Sam Biser) (this book is more expensive but contains all his formulas). I think you can get Curing with Cayenne (1999) used for maybe $25 (try eBay or so this would be a good place to start. You can also order his more recent books directly from his site or by calling his 800 number. The more recent books tend to focus on a single topic (liver, kidney, lungs, etc.) whereas the older ones are more comprehensive (esp. in terms of providing formulas). (Back then he was more of a practicing doctor and now he's more focused on education and product development.)
Anyway, if you're not up for making herbal formulas yourself, you can get them directly from Dr. Schulze's American Botanical Pharmacy (800-HERB-DOC) or
He recently packaged a Quit Smoking kit, which I got for a friend. It consists of his 5-day liver detox package (Liver gallbladder tincture, Detox formula, and Detox tea), plus his Nerve formula and Lung formula. If you don't see the kit sold, then you can order these items separately.
The really nice thing about the Schulze products is that they do not stand alone. You can do separate liver or kidney flushes, and routines for everything from asthma to cancer to neurological problems...using the same brand and often the same formulas. So, for example, after you do his 5-day quit smoking program, you can continue on (whenever you are ready) with more of the same herbs, or do a liver flush, or work on another organ system, etc. His formulas are almost a modular system in this respect. I myself do several flushes per season. And like I said, I make my own formulas (based on his recipes) and use his formulas, too.
I hope this helps!