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Vegan soap

Has anyone tried that new soap "Veganu"?  I keep seeing it being advertised for in my Veg magazines...

Also, do you know if any "regular" soaps (like dial or ivory) are vegan?  What would I look for on the ingredients to know if there was animal fat in it?

Washing with fat is gross...  :-\

Tallow. Last time I checked Dove and Ivory wasn't veggie but recheck it though.

That's an understatement what you just said washing with fat is gross.


You might try Sunlight soap, which I believe is oil-based. Castile and Marseilles-type soaps are olive-oil based. If you can find "Maja" soap from spain, the bar is black but the suds it makes are white and it smells wonderful. I used to take boxes of it when I visited the States, as gifts. I know it's available (or at least it was) in NYC.


I absolutely LOVE Dr Bronner's Magic Soaps.  They come in bars or liquid and have many different scents.  I like the Tea Tree Oil because it makes you feel all tingly and clean.  You can get it at most health food stores and they're not overly expensive.


there is a trader joes brand tee tree oil that isn't TOO expensive that i use


My friend makes great vegan soaps and sells them online or I use Kirks brand, it is castile and really nice


My co-op usually has soap on sale, so I stock up on South of France brand. The bars are huge, last forever, and smell great, though there is one with honey in it, the rest are cruelty-free and all vegetable.  I like lavender, and almond.  Whole Foods makes their own soap too, and their sandalwood soap is my absolute favorite!  Yum!


Kirk's Castille Coconut Soap. This stuff is the best. Only a few ingredients, no tallow. MUCH cheaper than Dr. Bronners. (Although it doesn't come in all the yummy scents!) The only place I've found it is my local supermarket. Walgreens/Target/Walmart etc. don't seem to carry it. You can order it online too.


Kirk's Castille Coconut Soap. This stuff is the best. Only a few ingredients, no tallow. MUCH cheaper than Dr. Bronners. (Although it doesn't come in all the yummy scents!) The only place I've found it is my local supermarket. Walgreens/Target/Walmart etc. don't seem to carry it. You can order it online too.

This.  It is $1.19 a bar at the local grocery, way cheaper than the Dr Bronners bars which are over $3.  We use it to wash hair, and on the kiddos, too.  It smells like Ivory to me, not coconutty like you might think.


There's a brand called Alchemy of Sol (problem is unless you live in Smyrna, TN or the surrounding area, you have to get it online) Their soap is awesome, but kinda high ($5.25 a bar, $5 if you order it without the label) a couple of their soaps do have honey/milk in them though.


there is a trader joes brand tee tree oil that isn't TOO expensive that i use

omg me too!!!!


These are my favorite:

If you can't find a local retailer, they can be ordered online. I have super sensitive skin and the aloe and cucumber are my favorites and they're very gentle. I'm sure the other "flavors" are as well...


I use Veganu and have a a while now.  It's reasonably priced as a three-pak at  I think it's a great saop for the shower, as good any any other brand.  I use Kiss My Face on my face becuase my face is dry. 


Have to say I am a big fan of Lush soaps.
They carry a line called karma that has soap, creams, shampoo, etc, all vegan and all delish!!
You can find them or .com
Highly recommend checking them out!!

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