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sore muscles

what is causing my sore muscles?  last night while i was just sitting around my left leg suddenly became sore, the whole thing from my knee down was so sore it felt like it was swelling and expanding.  stretching, massaging and resting didnt help.  all i could find online was about exercise.  well i havent really exercised for about a month and a half.  i did go to the gym maybe 2 weeks ago, but only for 20 minutes.  it took me forever to fall asleep last night because my leg was so sore.  this morning i woke up with a totally better right leg, but now my left arm is really sore from my elbow down to my hand.  could this have something to do with my anemia?  ever since i ovulated about a week ago i've been feeling really weird.  fatigued, the muscle thing, light headed.  i dont know whats going on.  maybe my pms is getting more and more drawn out the longer i've been off of hbc.  ugh.  any thoughts?

Go see the doctor hun, I'd rather not have to worry.


Ugh, that sounds painful hiimkelsi! I agree that the best thing to do would probably be check with a specialist  to see if there's an underlying condition causing your symptoms. It sounds like it could be more complicated than just your run-of-the-mill muscle fatigue.

In the mean time, you might try taking a ginger bath to relieve the discomfort. My yoga teacher clued me into this heavenly remedy for body aches and soreness, and I've been amazed at how well it works. After a particularly vigorous asana practice one evening, she told me to go home and prepare a very warm bath with ginger root. She said any form of ginger will work; you can throw in a couple of tablespoons of ginger powder or paste, add a few drops of essential ginger oil, or (her favorite) put some fresh ginger root in a sock and run the hot water over it.

I tend to be a bit skeptical of any sort of medicinal technique, albeit traditional or alternative. But good old fashioned ginger root put me in my place. It's like a panacea. I've found it decreases swelling and inflammation, calms me when I'm anxious, and even helps if I have a tummy ache. If you have any in the house, you might give it a go until you can get to a doctor.



You need to see a Dr ASAP, if it means going to the ER, go to the ER....It sounds like classic symptoms of a blood clot; if it makes it's way to your brain, you could have an aneurysm or a stroke.... This IS NOT something you want to mess around with. It could be very serious, and it is crucial you find out exactly what is going on.


really?  dang.  i think i'll wait it out and keep your suggestions in mind.  i went to the doctors a couple months ago because my school nurse thought i had pneumonia.  i didnt have anything and had to pay a couple hundered $$.  booo.  i have really minimal insurance.  annyways.  ok.  i'll try the ginger and see if it helps calm me and if the soreness gets worse, i'll go to the doctor.  i would have never thought of a blod clot.  a friend of mine just died from one : (  she was preggo.


Eek, kelsi, I'm worried about this!  You have minimal health insurance as a teacher?  wtf?  I don't get it.

I was gonna say that it sounds like a blood clot as well.  Especially the pain in your legs at night.  All it could take is for a clot to move to your lungs.....waiting it out won't really help the situation--it's not something that's gets gradually worse like that, because it travels throughout your body instead.

Go!  ASAP!  Figure out a way.  This is so dangerous and not worth the money you'd save.


Is there any chance you could have sickle cell anemia?  A friend of mine does and she always has pain like that in her arms and legs.  I really hope it isn't a clot because those are super scary and dangerous!  You should definitely see someone ASAP.


Is there any chance you could have sickle cell anemia?  A friend of mine does and she always has pain like that in her arms and legs.  I really hope it isn't a clot because those are super scary and dangerous!  You should definitely see someone ASAP.

i dont think so because its not constant.  my leg hurt one night, the next day it was my arm, the next day nothing, and today i just feel yucky with a headache and whatnot.   



I have problems like this sometimes. At first it scared the crap out of me, now I'm used to it. Actually, I am having horrible pains in my arm, as I write this! I've been fully tested at the doctor and nothing is wrong with me (having to do with this issue). I am anemic, so it could me that. Take some magnesium and iron. Also, it could be low potassium, take some of those vitamins too. That causes aches, especially in your legs!

Shannon :snail:

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