PMS/PMDD Mood Problems
Maybe this has been covered before but I had a hard time finding anything.
Just wondering if any other females out there feel like they become a depressed, bitchy, psycho when they get their periods? :'(
I joke about it sometimes but, it's really really bad. I get severely depressed - I don't want to do anything, and sometimes wonder what's the point in living. Then other times I go off on my husband or daughter for something stupid and insignificant. And I get road rage really bad when I'm pms'ing, like I want to ram into some one who just cut me off (but I don't).
I know I make things hard on the people are around me, especially my family. I love my family but there are moments where I feel like I hate everyone, even them.
This is how it is for maybe 2 weeks before (builds up) and maybe a week total during/after. That's a big chunk of my life that is ruined.
Does anything help? I've researched but most things just talk about the physical symptoms which aren't that bad.
I don't want drugs. I've had depression and emotional problems since I was a little kid (I'm 30 now). I've had too many drugs to name, and I hate them. (But it's been over 7 years since I've been on any.)Since I was a child I've been diagnosed (from different Dr.'s) with everything from tourette's, hyperactivity (addhd they call it now), borderline personality disorder, OCD, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. It's like they are just throwing darts at a diagnosis chart...
Most therapists just send you over to a psychiatrist who wants to prescribe drugs.
I'm not against supplements and stuff but they are expensive.
I also used the Yaz BC pill for a while but it didn't really help and it killed my libido!
Guess I just wonder if anyone can relate.
Sorry for the rambling on and the life history! :P
I can relate...I have major pmdd.
I know exactly what you are talking about. My emotional symptoms are far worse than my physical. My doc suggested yaz as well but I am too old to want to be taking hormones. :-[ Also I have a heart that tends to race so hormones are a no go. I am just patiently (not really) waiting for menopause.
I truly feel crazy for part of every month. :'(
If its that severe and for that long it sounds like it is something besides PMS, which can be bad but this sounds more extensive. I too have struggles with depression, especially post partum, and I find that drugs can help, but they are not the whole answer. Regular exercise works wonders, it helps you focus, blow off steam, and lets you sleep better so you aren't so cranky. I have also cut caffein totally out of my diet.
Have you ever had a blood workup done to check your hormone levels during different times in your cycle? You may have too much testosterone, which can be leveled with meds, not anti depressants, to help level your extreme moods, treating the cause rather than the symptom.
Also having someone to talk to on a regular basis, like a counselor can be a great help. They have a neutral position, and can help you see if there are also some underlying causes for the anger or depressed feelings, and you can vent without loading it all on your family. I have used several counselors over my life so far, and although it takes a while to become familiar, I think it it worth it.
I have had some luck with St John's wort, which can help stabilize moods, it isn't too expensive, but it can make birth control pills not work right, so if you take those you need a back up method, or use another type of contraceptive.
I agree with the caffeine....I also recommend you look at your (good) fat, sugar and iron intake during that time. Avocados, walnuts, cashews are high in Omega 3s, and also have a way of calming me (I think it is b/c of the fat). Keeping tabs of your sugars as well during that time can be helpful, as low blood sugar (even sometimes high) levels are commonly associated with mood swings (don't forget the 'twinkie case'!). Seeing as during that time, your body is getting ready to lose blood, losing blood, and then focusing on replenishing blood, it makes sense that you may be anemic temporarily (not uncommon) a symptom of anemia is (again) mood swings.
Supplements I recommend you look into for TEMPORARY/as needed (ie during those three weeks) use are:
Iron (cheap!)
Flax (a little more expensive)
Sam-e (pretty darn expensive, yet cheaper prescriptions!)
As you can see, you are not alone. Keep us updated, and hang in there!
I'm also agreeing with the caffeine point. Also, (and I know that you said you were against supplements) look into flax seed oil pills. When I was in high school, my school nurse recommended them to help with PMS and other menstrual symptoms. You can buy them in bulk, and the bottles last forever. Or just make smoothies and throw some flax powder in. Plus, smoothies are wonderful comfort food =D
I hope you find something to help you...
Thanks everyone.
I knew that Omegas and flax were really good for you but I didn't realize that they might help with the mood swings. Maybe that's why I crave nuts and avocados so much during that time!
I did get some flax seeds a while back - only afterward did I read that it has to be ground in order for your body to assimilate it. So I guess I haven't really used it since I need to get a grinder of some sort.
I'm not against supplements really - only trying to find something economical.
I really don't consume much caffeine, I mostly drink decaf tea but occasionally regular tea. But my major problem is dark chocolate. Is it ok to have chocolate if it's just small amounts? Or is that too much caffeine? Hanashi mentioned sugar levels too - so I guess maybe that could be a problem.
On another note: I also had lots of major mood swings when I was pregnant, and postpartum depression.
Dark chocolate, I make and exception for. I see the benefits (anti-oxidants, anti-depressive qualities, etc) far out way the negatives....
Since you mentioned 'cravings' I suggest you read Why Women Need Chocolate by Debra Waterhouse. I have given this book to many of my female friends, and those who've read it have had their minds blown/near life changing revelations. It has exercises throughout for you to follow that help you become aware of your eating habits/cravings and train your body/self to have 'necessary' cravings and how to listen to them.
As an example of cravings/how to satisfy them: Every other August or so, I'll have a random craving for a med-rare steak....What's strange about this is that, being reared pescaterain, I've never actually eaten steak. I take this as a sign/cue that my body is needing iron and protein, to satisfy/appease this craving I'll often have a quinoa dish over a bed of spinach; suddenly the craving goes away.