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PLEASE Help me with my cold!

Copied and pasted from the other sick thread:

When I'm not pregnant (which is almost always) I rarely get sick!!!!

For the last month I've been fighting a head nasal passages are completely swollen and I can't breathe. I have to sleep (if i can) with my mouth open and it gets DRY and when I blow my  nose 20 times per day its green and greenish yellow so its not allergies.  :-\

I had it a month ago and it went away and now its back starting a few days ago.

I am pregnant so can't take anything. what can I do???!!!  I know if I go to the doc she/he will want to prescribe something known as "safe" but I don't trust anything!

I'm drinking peppermint tea, using a humidifier, using a heating pad (had an earrache too!). draining my nose like crazy in the shower.....

HELP ME!!!!  I can't take it!

Oh, and check out my new giant belly pic....I'm about half way there. Thank fucking god!!!! sorry

Glad the neti is helping! I may have to dust mine off and give it another shot.

Can your baby handle hot stuff? I love using hot chilis as medicine, but I couldn't eat them while I was pregnant. I tried it once, and she kicked and punched me from inside all night! But if yours is more tolerant, you may try some heat.





my  neti-fanatic friend also told me to do the garlic thing! I will get some today. Thanks!
Im due in mid-July. I cannot wait!

Awww, so exciting!  I don't know any pregnant people in real life, so I will celebrate your pregnancy "virtually"  lol! 


I went and got acupuncture for my first time! I cant say I loved it, but it was definitely interesting....I learned a lot.  her approach was very different than a regular doc, as far as what questions she asked about diet and my history, etc.....she didnt seem to act like veganism was a problem, so thank goodness i didnt have to defend myself

My body feels better and I have more energy, but I am STILL STUFFED UP!!! I am now on these chinese herbs for a few more days. if it doesnt work I am going to have to take the antibiotic my regular dr. prescribed. I dont really want to, but I feel desperate. Hopefully the herbs will clear it up. And I have these"ear seeds" on my ears to push to remind my body to clear. also, I thought it was really nice that the acu-doc called me today to see how i was doing and if i had any questions. no doc has ever done that-ever, and it is saturday!

i recommend acupuncture if you haven't tried it. it was really cool, but i thought it hurt just a bit (no one else I know seems to think this???)


I've never had acupuncture sounds so cool, but I'm not into needles and always kind of feared it would hurt....

I was going to suggest a chiropractor.  I used to go to a lady that did amazing things to my tapping and massage really did clear up my sinus problems at the time.

Hope something helps you out soon!  By the time this cold is gone you will have tried every alternative medicine out there!



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