How to know if your Muliti Vitamin is absorbed
Posted by Anonymous on Apr 29, 2007 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
Just something I've learned that I thought I'd share with everyone.
Pour 1/2c of vinegar into a glass.
Drop in your multivitamin and wait 30 minutes.
Ideally, the vitamin should be completely dissolved.
If the chalky paste had no hard substances after 30 minutes what this means is that when the vitamin travels into the small intestine (the organ of digestion and absorption) the nutrients in that vitamin would be available for digestion and absorption. If still hard, when it reaches the small intestine, the nutrients will be passed into the large intestine without digestion and absorption.
Thanks! I'm gonna try that. I've always taken it on faith that I'm getting my vitamins.
If its a chewable vitamin this test won't work. You could try chewing it up and then at the point of swallowing it, spit it in the vinegar. :P
I use one of the Deva brand vegan multivitamin. And I know a lot of people on here are fans of the Rainbow Light brand. If you search "vegan multivitamin" on google, I'm sure you'd get even more options. ;)
dumb question...or maybe not....: does it matter what kind of vinegar you have? I only have cider at the moment.
I am going to try this tonight! I buy my vitamins at a health food store and they are the size of horse tranquilizers! I pee bright yellow after taking one so I wonder what is going through me.
Will be a fun experiment.
Thanks for the tip.
I pee bright yellow after taking one so I wonder what is going through me.
Up until now, that has been my test to see if my vitamin is being absorbed!
I pee bright yellow after taking one so I wonder what is going through me.
Up until now, that has been my test to see if my vitamin is being absorbed!
I think I get enough vitamin C so I hope that is all I am losing but I am going to find my vinegar now!
60 minutes later and my vitamin is still not totally nothing. Great, and I thought they were good. I will start taking two at a time until I finish them and will then try another brand.
The water in the glass is the colour of my pee!!!!!!!
No, it should matter what kind of vinegar you have. It's just the acidity that you are matching to your stomach acid.
Multivitamins only stay in your stomach for 30-60 minutes, so you would definately want to dissolve as quickly as possible. If you're switching vitamins, try to get the smallest pill count as possible before you test it.
The bright yellow color of your pee is excess B2. It's water soluble, so your body is taking what it needs and then the rest is just being discarded.
The bright yellow color of your pee is excess B2. It's water soluble, so your body is taking what it needs and then the rest is just being discarded.
Good to know! I've switch vitamins had bright yellow pee lately... I thought it was becuz I wasn't getting enough water but I've been drinking a ton!
I take Rainbow Light and the smell makes me gag, have to hold my nose.
Would the dissolve test make a difference at all if your vitamin is a whole foods vitamin vs. the other kind?
Would the dissolve test make a difference at all if your vitamin is a whole foods vitamin vs. the other kind?
Hmmm, what exactly do you mean by a whole foods vitamin?
copying from above link:
"By definition, whole food supplements are foods that have been compressed into tablet form, poured into capsules or powdered. The word “whole” indicates that the end product — a supplement — does not contain parts of foods, or synthetic or isolated vitamins."
I would think that since it was made entirely from whole foods (even the coating) that it would dissolve just fine. But the test wouldn't hurt. . . ;)
I was browsing npr's website and came across this interview. It seems related: