Garlic breath!
Posted by happypanda on Jul 20, 2008 · Member since Jan 2007 · 324 posts
Does anyone have tips for getting rid of garlic breath? I put a little too much garlic in the bruschetta I made for lunch today, and two teeth brushings, two rinses with mouthwash and countless mints later...I can still taste it! I haven't gotten many kisses today either ;)
Floss and tongue scrape? Or..time...
A lot of it is going to be internal. It's coming from your stomach too. To get the garlic smell off of your skin, I know that if you rub your hands on stainless steel (like the sides of your sink), it goes away. Try sucking on a spoon maybe???
Mmmmmm I love garlic...I don't mind garlic breath...but I'm sure others do ;D Sorry no tips here, I say embrace it ;)
I've heard that eating parsley is supposed to help. I have no idea if it's true.
Hmm, too bad I don't have any parsley to try that. I had no idea about the rubbing your hands on stainless steel...that is good to know! I have the feeling AC is right though...I'll probably just have to wait it out!
Yeah, I do the rubbing on the faucet..but I still have perpetual garlic jazz fingers...but...not at all. Or is it jazz hands? Whatever, I smell like garlic.
Yeah, I do the rubbing on the faucet..but I still have perpetual garlic jazz fingers...but...not at all. Or is it jazz hands? Whatever, I smell like garlic.
yeah parsley does help, but you sorta have to eat alot.. you can blend it with some mint and water and just drink it fast.. its sorta gross tho..
another thing used to freshen breath is to chew on some anise seeds.. they always have them after meals at this indian restaurant i go to.. it seems to work pretty good.. and has gotten me to like black licorice flavor a little more now :)
yeah parsley does help, but you sorta have to eat alot.. you can blend it with some mint and water and just drink it fast.. its sorta gross tho..
another thing used to freshen breath is to chew on some anise seeds.. they always have them after meals at this indian restaurant i go to.. it seems to work pretty good.. and has gotten me to like black licorice flavor a little more now :)
This made me think of something tea is a natural stank inhibitor and would probably work well too. Mmmmm green tea. I'm going to go make some now...
Not sure if this would help, but what about orange slices? I hear that the acid in the oranges freshens breath, but it may not work for garlic, I think it is more to kill the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath.
I love garlic and don't worry about it too much...hence could be a reason I am still single! ;D
I had no idea about the stainless steel thing. That is an interesting one.
Chew a coffee bean or a pinch of ground coffee for a minute or so, swish mouth out and spit. Magic!
Brush your teeth with baking soda or plain salt. Also magic!
Interesting ideas guys! Next time I have stinky breath I will try them out and report back.
Make sure your SO eats the same garlic-laden food you do at the same time--he won't notice. :-D
Make sure your SO eats the same garlic-laden food you do at the same time--he won't notice. :-D
Ha! I like this one best!
Does anyone know how the stainless steel thing works? It sounds totally implausible!
I put a little too much garlic in....
There's no such thing as too much garlic!! ;D
There's no such thing as too much garlic!! ;D
I don't know... maybe when people start to edge away from you on public transport, you need to rethink your recipes.
I don't know... maybe when people start to edge away from you on public transport, you need to rethink your recipes.
NEVER!!! :> I like the idea that it could keep people from sitting in the seat next to me and it makes a cheap and easy form of birth control!
NEVER!!! :> I like the idea that it could keep people from sitting in the seat next to me and it makes a cheap and easy form of birth control!
Well my SO is also a garlic fan so doesn't work as birth control for me! But will definitely remember it as a way to get two seats to myself on the bus. Worked for the couple in front of me the other day who smelled like pee...
But will definitely remember it as a way to get two seats to myself on the bus. Worked for the couple in front of me the other day who smelled like pee...
But will definitely remember it as a way to get two seats to myself on the bus. Worked for the couple in front of me the other day who smelled like pee...
I feel bad for people when they are like that. Especially if they are homeless and don't have the means to properly take care of themselves. When I worked for the grocery store overnights there used to be a homeless man come in to return pop bottles (MI has deposit) and he always looked in bad shape. Really dirty, smelly clothes and major BO/pee smell. People avoided him like the plague or made rude comments. He always came in my register lane because I was the only person who talked to him and treated him with respect. You just never know what other people's home situation is like.