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I got some carob chips from the HFS and I see it says fractionated palm oil in the ingredients. What is fractionated oil? When I searched it, I read that it is not good for me and that it is similar to hydrogenated oil.

Does anyone know anything about this?

Fractionated oils have a fraction of the saturated fat removed.  It makes a solid fat softer and more "liquidy."

Hydrogenated oil has hydrogen added to the oil.  It makes a soft or liquid fat more solid.


I think fractionation keeps oils from going rancid.  There's a difference between palm oil and palm kernel oil.  Palm oil can be produced with minimal processing by pressing the pulp.  It is naturally high in vitamin E, so it's a source of antioxidants..  Palm kernel oil takes a lot of processing.  Oil is extracted from the pit with a solvent and then fractionated to obtain certain fatty acids.  During processing, palm kernel oil loses its health benefits and isn't really good for you.


Oh, darn, I thought this was going to be a math question.  :'(



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