Excess Calcium & Brain Damage, Depression
Posted by Anna1111 on May 15, 2007 · Member since Dec 2006 · 517 posts
This study is being featured today on Fox news - for those of you with conservative parents to convince about dairy - ask them to turn on the T.V. today! This is only a correlational study - my guess is that it is the hormonones, etc in milk that are at fault, not the actual calcium, but excess consumption could also be a problem.
Check it out :)
Milk is not a perfect food, as it is so often touted. Vitamin D doesn't occur naturally in milk, not to any degree and in the US milk is fortified with D to increase calcium absorption. In the past, children on dairy farms and drinking plenty of milk would get rickets, and it was found that vitamin D deficiency was the real culprit. Most of us were taught in school that it is lack of calcium, not so.
Milk contains sugars which coat the teeth in a way even soda does not. In in the 21st century, children suffer from "bottle caries" because of milk sugar and ignorance. Milk is high in protein, something which inhibits both calcium absorption and an excess of it can promote osteoporosis. The USDA pushes milk when it is high in protein which not going to promote bone production, has a lot of sugars, fat and cholesterol, and has to be fortified with vitamins D and A. Super food? I think not!
This doesn't begin to address lactose intolerance and allergies, which can develop at any point in life, even in one's 60s and 70s, after lifetime of the "perfect food."
MIlk is just gross.
Interesting article.
Thanks for posting. :)
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