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I'm sorry if this seems too off topic of veganism, but I'm interested in your opinions! I'm trying to research a detox/body cleanse, and I'm wondering if anyone had any experience with these. I'm not interested in fasting too much, and I don't need to lose any weight (thin-ish vegan here...). But I'm interested in cleansing/detoxing the nicotene, alcohol, and meaty/dairy-ness out of my system, as well as other chemical build-up. Does anyone have any suggestions or warnings for/against particular products? Experiences? Thanks!

Wish I could help but both my cleansing/detoxes have been juice fasts.  Haven't done one in years but my last one lasted 30 or so days.  While juice fasting, I have never had so much energy and felt so good in my life.
Although I did lose weight, that is not why I did it and after the fast, I pretty much gained a lot of it back although for a few months, I ate way better and didn't get back to my old habits.  I am probably due for another one as I have been feeling pretty lethargic lately.
I followed the advice of Mr. Sproutman for the second one.  I had help from a naturopath type person the first one.

Here is the link to the book:

It was my second juice fast that I found out I was allergic to raw carrots so if I do another, I will have to find a substitute.

Hope someone can give you advice on other ways to detox and cleanse.



I didn't see this post before, sorry. The detox I've done was when I was an anyvore (I ate anything that ran past)...but maybe there's some good in it. Basically for 24-48 hrs it's no fats, sugars, or flours. Just fruit and veggies and liquids for that time. Preferably raw, which is OK in summer but hard to do in winter, esp in my house that has no heat. You can make a home-made vegetable broth and drink that warm if liked. Liquids: no caffiene, no booze, no soda...clear water, natural juices. Fruit...preferably citrus, the acid helps you eliminate toxins. Crisp veg like carrots, celery etc. give a satisfying chew.
Only do this when you have the day at home because you will pee all day anyway.
How good it actually was I can't say, I always felt the better for it. But as I say my diet wasn't the best in those days.


I'm actually mid-cleanse right now, I also didn't want to fast at all, it's really the lazy way. ;)
I'm using RenewLife
I'd advise you to go for a stronger cleanse, if you are already vegan (and have been for a bit, say at least 6 months-1 year?)
Both my husband and I are currently doing it, we are trying to stay away from yeast, sugars, alcohol and are limiting grains to get more of an effect. About half way through, but it's been fairly mild... we are convinced that this is due to our already super high-fiber diets.

There are different types of cleanses (colon, kidney, candidia etc) and according to many sites about cleansing, you should go in the proper order... can't remember what it is off the top of my head, I will look it up and post again.


I'm actually mid-cleanse right now, I also didn't want to fast at all, it's really the lazy way. ;)

Hee hee hee....I spent more time on my juice fasts than I have ever spent preparing meals for me!  I wish I had the same passion about cooking.  For that matter, I spend more time on cooking for my critters than I spend preparing meals for myself.  Things that make you go hmmmm.......

Now, as according to Davedrum, I get no sleep. I must go and do that now as I have to get up in 3 hours to get ready to go to a funeral. 


The only cleanses I have done have been juice fasts and a couple of Candida cleanses after taking antibiotics. I don't remember the product name of the Candida cleanse any more. It's been about 3 years since I last took any antibiotics. I absolutely refuse to take them unless I am dying, literally. I use the same book that Di recommended. I keep meaning to do a complete body cleanse but haven't had the time to start one. I hope to start one this summer.
The order you go in is kinda backwards of digestion. You start w/ colon, this is also a good time to do a Candida cleanse. After that move on to liver/galbladder, and then kidney/bladder. Then you move on to a heavy metal cleanse, and a parasite cleanse. Finish w/ a fat and lymphatic cleanse. At least that is the way I understand it.
Sorry I can't be more specific w/ brands.


Wheatgrass Juice, and not just for detox, but it isn't something you just do for a short time and quit.  To gain the full health benefits it must become part of your daily health regime.


  I plan on detoxing in spring, however, I don't have a juicer, and they sure run expensive!!  But I've also read in macrobiotic texts about ten day brown rice fasts, I've been contemplating between the two plans.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent juicer?


I have a friend that loves his cheap black &  decker juicer that he bought at walmart for around 30$ I have a juiceman that I adore.


this might seem strange but liver flushes are amazing

do a google search has got a forum where MANY MANY people have removed liver and gallstones from their body you can read testomonies

For me it has:

gotten rid of my allergies, no pimples until my car accident for 8 months

digestion better

this would help detox you from smoking and alcohol.

And dont say I dont have stones. You would be surprised at how many people say that and little green balls come out! and I'm not that old.

also cofee enemas detox liver!

I know this is an alternative group to begin with and I have done things normal people would think I'm nuts. But I am healthier and happier because of this.

Also a juice fast is wonderful.

When you want to deep clean you do deep cleanses.


I have a cookbook called "The Cleanse Cookbook" by Christine Dreher. Maybe something like that would be good so you can make foods that cleanse? I haven't actually tried it, but it might be worth something?


We're using the Smart Cleanse.
I didn't see the lactase in the cleansing products... maybe the the probiotics? My bottles say animal & dairy free. This is my first time using any cleanse supplements.
The reason I suggested the stronger cleanse was because if you've been vegan for awhile your diet is probably already fairly removed from refined foods and you get a fair amount of fiber (we hope right? :)) so at least for the colon cleanse you're body is kind of prepped for it. One of the hardcore cleanse that I had looked up (think 16-week diet) advised meat eaters to slowly drop meat from their diet 3 months before, and then dairy etc. and then do the cleanse.... so like I said, by already being vegan you've kind of 'prepped yourself' in advance...........  ? Just my opinion.

Speaking of juicers, anyone know which juicers are easiest to clean??


I tried a product recently called "The Cleaner".  It certainly cleaned me out (nothing EVER works on my lazy digestive system) and was supposed to be a comprehensive cleanse. It consists of capsules only and I ate my normal diet which is healthy. 


I'm on a detox (Colonix) right now, it's vegan and it really cleanses the bowels. It really works! My whole nuclear family is on it except my little vegan brother who was on kidetox for awhile, but stopped.


I have the book. Unfortunately the site doesn't have the recipes and guidelines, and all the other sites on it are all modifications of the original (at least that I've seen).

But I've been on this for 7 days before. Didn't loose any weight (didn't want to either) but I felt great during and after and never ran out of energy. You don't eat anything while on it, you just drink the 'lemonade' but it provides all the nutrition you need to still function and feel healthy.

To make the drink mix together:
2 TB fresh squeezed lemon juice (organic)
2 TB grade B maple syrup
1/10 tsp cayenne pepper
10 oz purified water

Make this and drink throughout the day. It's recommended you drink at least 6 cups (60 oz) a day. Don't eat anything. But you can drink water whenever. And have the occasional cup of organic peppermint tea if you so choose.

Drink an herbal laxative every night before bed (I used smooth move from Traditional Medicinals)
And when you wake up, drink a salt water mixture. Yes, that sounds gross and bad (and it is pretty gross) but it will be like the consistency of blood so your body will not take in any of the sodium. It will help flush out all the toxins.

To make the salt water drink for the morning:
1 tsp unrefined non-iodized sea salt mixed with 25-35 ounces lukewarm water.
Be near a bathroom! It can come out the other end of you fast. It is not pleasant, but it is worth it.

When ending the cleanse, have a day of fresh juices and maybe some vegetable broth (organic and freshly made is recommended) and the next day ease into easily digestible whole foods.

This is the cleanse to crush all others.


  I plan on detoxing in spring, however, I don't have a juicer, and they sure run expensive!!  But I've also read in macrobiotic texts about ten day brown rice fasts, I've been contemplating between the two plans.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent juicer?

Champion Juicer is what my local holistic center recommended.


this might seem strange but liver flushes are amazing

do a google search has got a forum where MANY MANY people have removed liver and gallstones from their body you can read testomonies

For me it has:

gotten rid of my allergies, no pimples until my car accident for 8 months

digestion better

this would help detox you from smoking and alcohol.

And dont say I dont have stones. You would be surprised at how many people say that and little green balls come out! and I'm not that old.

also cofee enemas detox liver!

I know this is an alternative group to begin with and I have done things normal people would think I'm nuts. But I am healthier and happier because of this.

Also a juice fast is wonderful.

When you want to deep clean you do deep cleanses.

Coffe enemas are part of the gerson dite. that detoxs and heals cancer patients. Heres a link.

I highly recommend watching the movie "beautiful truth"  all about dr gersens diet and his cancer centers.  and how the pharmaceutical companies and doctors would not support a holistic approach to healing. 

beautiful truth movie trailer

I do not fast... but like to  drink the gerson soup (pureed cooked veggie soup) and juice every day along with my whole food plant based diet.

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