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My DH is a notoriously picky eater. Tonight I made myself a stirfry of tofu, zucchini, onion, mushroom and green pepper, threw in a package of udon and doused it in one of those "Master" spicy Thai sauces.

DH said he might like to try it. I told him what was in it, expecting to hear his typical little groan of disapproval when I said "the z word". No; he tasted the tofu in sauce and said, "Well, you know, I like tofu...I guess I can pick out the bits I don't want."

WOW. OK, so he won't be eating onions and zucchini any time soon, but he will taste a dish that has them in!!

My DH is a notoriously picky eater. Tonight I made myself a stirfry of tofu, zucchini, onion, mushroom and green pepper, threw in a package of udon and doused it in one of those "Master" spicy Thai sauces.

DH said he might like to try it. I told him what was in it, expecting to hear his typical little groan of disapproval when I said "the z word". No; he tasted the tofu in sauce and said, "Well, you know, I like tofu...I guess I can pick out the bits I don't want."

WOW. OK, so he won't be eating onions and zucchini any time soon, but he will taste a dish that has them in!!

Cool, I know you've mentioned in the past how hard it is to feed him sometimes!


where can you get udon and what "form" does it come in (powder, broth, etc.)? I would like to try it. Also, any good brands?


Udon is a noodle - like a think linguine.


yabbit, don't give up on him.  :)
When I first met my husband, he was the pickiest eater I had ever known. He would decide that he didn't like something before having one bite. He always swore that he didn't like Indian food & "don't ever feed me Curry".....HA, it's a weekly meal in our house now.  :D Once he actually took a bite, he liked it!


Well we've been married for 24 yrs, it's about time...

VIOLIN: Udon is a thick white noodle that comes pre-cooked sealed in packets, look in the cold case of your Asian grocery. You can either toss it in soup or fry it as is. Sometimes they come with "fish flavour" packets but you can toss those. Our store sells with packets and without; the "without" packets are cheaper and you get more actual noodles.

"Master" does Spicy Tofu Sauce, Sweet and Sour and a Garlic Sauce (designed for eggplant but I use it for whatever.)

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