Would it be considered a threat...
Posted by VegHeadZealia on May 25, 2008 · Member since Mar 2007 · 1665 posts
lets all delete our posts please...I shouldnt have written this here...I was just uncontrolably angry.
lets all delete our posts please...I shouldnt have written this here...I was just uncontrolably angry.
Bloody hell. Tell me she's left him and has a restraining order against him and everything.
I much as that would be enjoyable, it will probably end up being more harmful to your friend than to him. Meaning it would make him angry at her.
I'm lost. What is this about?
i took it down cause i had second thoughts about posting it...id delete the whole thread if i could but i cannot. :(
Use the "report to administration" link under your post and ask Y to remove the whole topic. Maybe she could do that. I don't know what the policy is about that.
I got this note "You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"
Im reporting YOU HH...but no offense....not like youll get flaged or anything once she reviews it adn sees i want the whole post deleated.
That's funny about not being able to report your own post.
I got this note "You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"
Use the "Contact Us" link on the home page. I've done that when I realised I left something out of a recipe. You can't modify your own recipe after it's posted, either, which is a bummer BTW.