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Why are you a vegetarian/vegan

This poll will be used by me in a English paper so vote and Thank you very much!!! :)

Nice poll! I'll copy my answer to the previous thread for you:


-Semi-traumatic experiences living in a farming/hunting family.

-Ecological reasons (it's not efficient to feed corn to a cow and eat the cow when you could just eat the corn and get more energy).

-Moral reasons (eating meat didn't fit into how I felt about living things, and I realized chickens and pigs and cows were really the same as a dog or cat).


It's too bad we cant vote more than once.  I think many people like me have more than one reason for doing it.  It's kind of hard to pick just one if we have too...

Good luck with your paper!


My number one reason is that I think it is wrong to kill animals just so we can eat them, when there is plenty of food to eat other than meat.
Of course the fact that is healthier and better for the environment are very nice bonuses!!!! But there is no way I would eat an animal ever again and haven't for over 20 years.


I would agree reasons have multiplied as the years add up...
My mothers recalls me never really being into meat as a child.
At 15 I gave up meat, eggs, milk but still ate cheese.
I suppose it was growing up in a diy anarcho hardcore punk scene  that facilitate the choice.
So I guess it was heavy on the politics regarding rights for all living creatures.


i went vegetarian for animal rights reasons.  and like kannas, i was highly influenced by the anarchist/punk scene, most of those kids were vegan .  but over the years i discovered all of those other reasons to be vegan.  BONUS!!

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