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watch this and tell me it does not make you gag

i just saw this commercial on tv and almost puked.  i felt like grossing all of you guys out too because i love ya!

Of course here at work I can't view it, but it does sound like a relaly good ad for tofurky. By the way, I've seen the tofurkys at WF & was thinking of trying it, but I don't know, is it good? Is my husband going to be grossed out by it?

i tried it once and found it a little dense and chewy. my dad try it (who is a huge meat lover), and he said it was ok.


hmmm I think dense & chewy is better then too soft & squishy. Maybe I will give it a go. Thanks!


Ewwww, what IS this???  That is a poor excuse for a commercial, it isn't even funny, meh.  Gross indeed!


I watched that thinking "How is she going to clean that sink, sweater, floor to keep her family, kids, dog from getting salmonella."  Ew is right.  Makes me happy I rarely watch TV, that one with the woman scrubbing the counter with chicken is bad enough.

I wonder if I can still sponsor a Farm Sanctuary turkey this year.  hhmmm


I found it to be pretty funny too.  :-[ Maybe it's because my partner eats meat, so I'm used to seeing it in the raw form. Plus, though I quit eating meat years ago ... truth is, I still miss it. So, it never actually looks gross to me.  :-X


Ew. I agree with so many here:
1. How on earth can it jiggle so?
2. How can someone want to eat that? (when she got it semi-upright in the sink I wanted it to like, start talking to her or something)
3. How is she going to clean all the surfaces/disinfect everything?!?!

Overall: EW.

Man getting hit in head with turkey: priceless.


Man getting hit in head with turkey: priceless.

I know that for me the prospect of a family member getting in the head with turkey is the only thing that makes holidays bearable.


Man getting hit in head with turkey: priceless.

I know that for me the prospect of a family member getting in the head with turkey is the only thing that makes holidays bearable.

I can't even imagine what it will be like for me this year- my first year vegan...
meat? check
loads of side dishes made with either milk, cheese, or some other dairy product? check
food for Megan? guess I'm bringing my own.
comments for Megan, regarding protein and the like?  No, thanks, you can keep that.


Man getting hit in head with turkey: priceless.

I know that for me the prospect of a family member getting in the head with turkey is the only thing that makes holidays bearable.

I can't even imagine what it will be like for me this year- my first year vegan...
meat? check
loads of side dishes made with either milk, cheese, or some other dairy product? check
food for Megan? guess I'm bringing my own.
comments for Megan, regarding protein and the like?  No, thanks, you can keep that.

Yeah.  I can bring my own food or deal with nibbling on the crudites and cranberry sauce... but I do not want the questions.  You mean you don't eat EGGS??!?!?!  Ugh.


Usually at family dinners I bring my own food but this year my mom said she wanted to have some traditional and some vegan food.  So she offered to go to the HFS and buy a tofurkey.  I was like WHAT!!!  I can't believe it...I don't have to provide my own? 


That would TOTALLY be my mom and she would want to stop mid-way and give me a hug or something...then if I tried to get away my dad would roll his eyes and say something about how psycho i am and what is wrong with me!  ;)  Once her mom (my grandma) was cutting around with raw chicken and my son fell and she just grabbed a towel and tried to  put it on his lip with her chickeny hands. Luckily I was nimble enough to run across the room and cause interference in time!


eww.... i have a major hangup with flesh food*, esp. raw flesh. germs!!! sickness!!! and she is just letting it sit in her sink and then touching it and her clothes are touching it.... disgusting!!

(*another reason i went vegan.... exroommate and her "whole dead fish" in the kitchen sink tenancies)

I know! That is all that I could think about! I kept saying to myself in the beginning, "Why isn't she rolling up her sleeves!" Yuck! Then, when she was holding it against her whole body... I couldn't handle it. Even if I ate turkeys, that would gross me out!



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