Veg*ns = Better People??
Has anyone ever noticed a trend like this? Normally, when it comes to communicating with people on the internet, I avoid forums at ALL COSTS, even though, like every other human, I do need help once in a while. Because people on forums are FUCKING PRICKS. I don't know why, but they go online, being all anonymous, and use their intelligence as an excuse to be rude and condescending to every single other person they talk to. What the hell? Why do they do that? It totally ruins my day to have people think it is okay to talk to other people like that, especially when they were just asking for help! (I could see being kind of arrogant if they had done something wrong). So anyways, my point was that on vegweb everyone here is really nice and helpful and funny. I haven't encountered those few assholes that think they run the joint. And if they are here I have somehow missed them.
Does anyone think it has to do with the nature of the website? We are bound to be smarter, more compassionate folks than most, right? Does this happen anywhere else in life? I wouldn't know because I don't know an other vegans, and only like 2 vegetarians.
Also, now is as good a place as any to apologize for my crazy frequent posting today. I'm probably flooding the vegweb forums with my craziness. I'm just bored/restless/grumpy/impatient/pretty-much-every-single-other-emotion-that-would-lead-to-posting-on-forums today. I'm all over the place. Nice people + food = <3 I'll stop, I promise!
I believe he had an obsession with "selfish"--most insane dictators do... :-D
internet forums are scary
this, IMDb, and the shia forum are the only ones I go on
the other ones are full of morons.
Veg*ns aren't better. I'm a complete bitch. No lie.
Veg*ns aren't better. I'm a complete bitch. No lie.
Courth, you are definetly the opposite of a bitch!
I hate to be "that guy" with the dissenting view, but I completely disagree with most of this.
First and foremost, no one is better than anyone. We are all human beings struggling with existence, and we're all trying to figure out what life means or what it is about. Sure, some of us have made a conscious decision to help preserve other forms of life on the planet, but that doesn't make me feel like I am better than someone eating a hamburger. I don't think I am better than people who smoke. What I'm trying to say is that every single one of us is guilty of something negative, it really doesn't matter how pristine one may think they are.
Secondly, this board is 'more tame' or 'nicer' than others only because there are about 20 - 30 active posters. If there were 150 active posters on this site, it would be a different story. We have all somewhat built an e-relationship and become friends. At least, I like everyone that posts here. I'm unsure of your feelings towards me, though. :-\
Thirdly, I have seen the same negativity that the OP spoke of in the original post. Heck, I've even done it a time or two.
I can think of a few examples off of the top of my head, but I'm not looking to call anyone out or start a stupid argument because no one is really wrong. After all, I like everyone on this website, remember? :-*
Fourthly, this is an adult site. Most of us on here know how to act like one. I'm still trying to figure it out... ::)
Some of the vegans on Veggieboards are assholes, so I don't think vegans in general are more decent people. I think Vegweb has settled into a nice small tight knit group of well behaved folks and that begets the same in persons who join in.
I think anyone who has been here a while can attest to the fact that we aren't holier than thou and that we have had our "moments" here as well. I remember once stating my anti-abortion stance (the only conservative stance I have in an ultra-liberal lifestyle) and my amazement that so many compassioante vegans were pro-abortion. I still have the scar on my butt that some vegweb members gave me when they chewed my butt out (one who said a fetus was more like a parasite than a human). LOL
I think you got it right. Vegans are better people. Superior in all ways. 8-)
I hope that you were able to sense my facetiousness in this post. :)
There are way more people reviewing recipes than posting in the forums. Once I tried to get some recipe reviewers to join us on the forums and it didn't work. I think they thought I was a stalker. :o
It does seem to me that the same 20 or so people post all the time, with hardly ever unknowns jumping in much.