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Vegan Paintballers

A friend got me wanting to take up paint ball, and I was 3 seconds away from buying a set and finding some people to play with when.......

I found out that paintballs contain gelatin. :(

So I figured I could snoop around the ol' Google and try and figure out a way to make vegan friendly paintballs. I was thinking xanthan gum or something of that ilk would work.

What do you all think?

I've been wondering about vegan paintball too. I miss it.
Theres also fish oil in the paint in the majority of them
I know some places use sponges soaked in paint, i'm not sure whats in the paint though, but I THINK those are ok, again, not sure.

I've never heard of making them. But if you do, you also have to take into account that you will be getting hit with non vegan ones unless you make tonss for everyone.


making your own?
wow, you are adventurous. there aren't and vegan paintballs currently made?

dustin used to play paintball, but it was probably pregan and if not he probably didn't notice, but i'll ask him and if i have news i'll get back to this thread.


I've looked into it, all I've found are forums asking about them. If I manage to pull this off, I'll certainly mass make them for at least friends. The paint should be easy to make, some colors and a thickening agent, like flour.

I was also thinking about synthetic glue, but I'm not so sure about the mess they'll leave. Do normal paintballs degrade or do you need to clean everything up?

Who knows, if we figure these out we can make a market for vegans.

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