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Uncheese Envy

It's fascinatiing what pets will take a liking to.

My darling cat Roux (of our three Burmese) has shown himself to be loyal to me...

Last night when I had a little dish of uncheese sauce beside me, to drizzle on my nachos, I found him lapping it up!

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Curiosity begs... What lovely vegan foods have you found your pets interested in? ? ?

i used to have a cat who loved veggies!


a couple of our cats when i was little really liked raisons, one of them would eat maybe one or 2, the other would eat as many as he could.  odd huh!!


My kitten likes to taste whatever she's stealthy enough to get to.  :D


Last night when I was eating cantaloupe, I gave each of my dogs a little slice of the skin, so that they could lick the juice off.  They loved it.  They're big on their fruit.  The one also likes apple cores, and they sometimes get carrot sticks if they're being good. 

I find cats like the weirdest things, things you wouldn't expect a cat to like, such as uncheese sauce.  My mother's cat used to like cheese puffs, and salt-n-vinegar chips.  She was a weird one.


My newest kitty will eat just about anything except tomato soup and salt and vinegar potato chips!  He doesn't like those.  Last night I was feeding him green beans off my plate and the night before it was sweet peas.  He has also eaten potatoes, skinned grapes, pineapple, plum, basmati and brown rice, noodles, and veggie pepperoni.  ;D


My dog loves veggies. He eats baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and whatever else we are having. But he gets baby carrots every morning. My DH takes them for work as a snack, and he gives the dog some, too. The funny thing is, neither one of them are Vegan!  ;D


Joe has taken a liking to garbanzo beans :)

All of my cats love little snippets of greens (kale, spinach, etc.) but I have one cat (Tony Danza) who is obsessed with peppermint tea.

Peppermint tea? So cute!


my nana's dogis vegan with me...shhas a thing for broccoli a baked tofu!~


When my vizsla was alive he would beg for figs and carrots (very vocally).


our dog loves tofu!  Raw, cooked, fried, etc.  She gets so excited when I open a pack of tofu, she sits and begs until I give her a bite.  She also loves any veggie as long as it's cooked.  ;)


Puppy has a video somewhere of my cat snarfing down a tofu scramble...  gotta find it!


Chester completely destroyed this whole lb of whole wheat angel hair pasta.  It was hilariously upsetting.

And I think he looks out for me about things that aren't good for me! Last year I realized I had never had a cheese burger in my life (pre veg days, but I still hadn't exactly experienced the typical omnivore diet) so we stopped by a BK Lounge and picked up the grossest, nastiest mushroombaconcheesemeat thing we could find.  I hadn't eaten all day, so I was starving.  I put the burger on the table and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and when I got back, Chester was on the table licking the wrapper after having INHALED the burger.  I had been gone for like..2 seconds, he's incredible.


Cody usually is underfoot when I'm cutting veggies 'cause I give him bits to try and see what he likes. So here's the thing, spinach, cabbage, etc. he usually just licks a lot and then leaves it slimy on the floor.  :P  But when I make kale addictive snack chips (from here), he comes racing from wherever he was and super begs for them!  ;D

Also - per Fee's cheeseburger story, I realized how sheltered my dog is from crap food. At the hardware store the other day they were having a cookout & offered Cody a hot dog. He kind of slurped on it and dropped it on the ground and then looked at it quizzically. The woman grilling said, "It looks like he has no idea what to do with a hot dog!" I realized that yea, he's two years old and he's never met one in his life!  ;D


Oh yeah - our other cat, Samwise, adores tinned red beans. Mebbe it's the saltiness? But every time, he sits on the bench and bugs me until I give him his share. One of our late cats, Dudley, liked to lick up a smear of marmite. We used to say that it kept up the colour in his beautiful dark brown fur.  ::)


Terminator and Kane both eat the uncheese sauce. They also love fried tofu and hummus.

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