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Trying to Transition

I say trying because, if I fail, I would be lying.  I have a few questions, so I'll number them as they come up.
I'm trying to make a complete transition from omnivore to vegan.  My friends call me a rabbit, but compared to real vegetarians, like a friend of mine, that's hardly the case.  I really don't have any control over what is bought, since I am basically just a caretaker for my grandfather and am saving up money, so I might become an opportunistic vegan, meaning whenever I can avoid animal products and animal byproducts I will.  (I do not include honey or yeast in that.)  I know that some people would not call that a true vegan, neither would I, but it is merely to show what I mean and intent.  A bear may only find vegetation to eat its entire life, but is scientifically called an omnivore for its ability to survive off meat.
Anyway, I think the hardest part of that will be moving from cow milk to soybean or rice milk, since I am a milkoholic.  I'm hoping that once that stumbling stone is out of the way, the rest will be easy.  I'm not sure if that is the best move, especially since I just tried soybean milk today.  That wouldn't be so bad except that the expiration date passed, I don't know if I can smell if it is sour like I would for cow milk, and I was so afraid that I would lose the urge to get healthy that I drank some despite that.
1. Any thoughts from those more experienced with this, going first for removing my favorite animal byproduct and moving on soybean milk?  I've read up on soybeans a bit, and there are ups and downs obviously.  However, there is some talk that fermented soybean products do not have health risks, or at least not as many or detrimental (for males).  2. Is fermented soybean products all up and no down?

Also, I'm going to get this out now and I'm guessing that I won't be as greatly welcomed for it.

I'm doing this for my health.  It's nice to stop the abuse of an animal, but abuse definitions differ.  If someone owns an animal, it is their property, but they must still obey the law.  I'm an environmentalist, but I'm not a global-warmist.  That's a lie from globalists and communists.  Check out the cycles of solar flares, cosmic rays and solar winds for more information on the world's temperature fluctuations.
I'm bisexual, I disagree with homosexuality and bisexuality, I am going through therapy to stop the attraction for girls, and only date guys.  I consider racist and sexist comments being threats.  To show what I mean by this is someone saying, "I hate women," verses saying, "I'm going to rape (name of woman on site)."  The first comment may be hateful, but it is the second comment that is sexist.
By homophobic, using "phobia" (intense fear), I'd think that a homophobe would not even reply to a homosexual/bisexual, and would be more likely to quit the site to avoid either.  If using homophobic in regards to someone who is a "homosexual-ist/bisexual-ist" (despite those words not existing) then I refer back above.  The point: hateful comments are someone's opinion, but not a threat.  Our government arrests for actions, not thoughts.  3. However, I understand that this is not a government site, and would like someone to explain what the site's owners view as sexist, racist or homophobic.

there are lots of non-vegans on this site and all of them are welcomed equally.  some are vegetarians and some are just veggie-friendly meat eaters so don't worry that we'll try to run you off.  it is up to you to choose how many animal products you want to eliminate from your lifestyle and as long as you're ok with it that's all that you should be concerned about.  some people can get discouraged by looking it as an 'all or nothing' way to live, but as long as you're doing your best - any reduction is beneficial for your body, animals & the planet.

soymilk can be an acquired taste, when i first started using it id use vanilla favored soymilk on my cereal.  slowly i started to move more towards the original flavors that have less sugar and now that's all i buy.  ive tried different flavors of soymilk, and also almond milk & coconut milk products and i've liked them all, but i know some people have very specific brand preferences.  i don't often drink a glass of soymilk, but every once in awhile the mood strikes me & i do.  what kind of dairy milk do you use?  skim.. 2%?  maybe we can think of a similar consistency soymilk that you'd like.  if calories are a concern for you, unsweetened vanilla or original almond breeze is about half the calories of skim milk but has a way richer flavor and texture.   original coconut milk also has about 50 calories a cup and is bright white like dairy milk.  you should check out the 'food & cooking' board and see the "official dairy alternative..." thread and you can see lots of reviews of tons of brands & varieties.. especially if you are concerned about overdoing soy.  im sure other people can give more health info on recent soy studies.

i don't think you need to worry about getting any homophobic remarks from any of us.  we are a pretty accepting bunch from my experience anyway.  ironically, your comment "I'm bisexual, I disagree with homosexuality and bisexuality" is probably the most homophobic statement ive seen here.  i'm sorry that you feel like you cannot accept yourself, self-hate is a horribly sad thing that unfortunately too many people deal with.

feel free to continue asking questions & welcome!


I'm an environmentalist, but I'm not a global-warmist.  That's a lie from globalists and communists.  Check out the cycles of solar flares, cosmic rays and solar winds for more information on the world's temperature fluctuations.

Communists? lolz.
Go back to fox?


I'm an environmentalist, but I'm not a global-warmist.  That's a lie from globalists and communists.  Check out the cycles of solar flares, cosmic rays and solar winds for more information on the world's temperature fluctuations.

Communists? lolz.
Go back to fox?

don't be rude. everyone can have his or her own opinion.


Saying communists invented global warming isn't an opinion, it's a fantasy..


i don't think you need to worry about getting any homophobic remarks from any of us.  we are a pretty accepting bunch from my experience anyway.  ironically, your comment "I'm bisexual, I disagree with homosexuality and bisexuality" is probably the most homophobic statement ive seen here.  i'm sorry that you feel like you cannot accept yourself, self-hate is a horribly sad thing that unfortunately too many people deal with.

I interpreted the OP's original question as, to what degree would homophobic comments from herself be tolerated.  I think she is saying that she doesn't want to be chastised for saying "I don't like gay/bisexual people."  If that's the case, then I will say that such comments would not be well-received here.  We don't really discuss our sexualities here anyway, except in passing during personal conversation, or on one or two debate threads.  Besides, it's against forum rule number 2.  Any hateful language is best left at the door here.  I don't think many of us care for that. 

Regarding your soy milk question--soy milk is perfectly healthy.  It's cow's milk that is incredibly detrimental to your health, with the cholesterol, fat, nutrient depletion (the protein in dairy actually leaches calcium from your body), hormones, and even links to cancer.  If you are concerned with your health, milk is the first thing you should kick.  And please don't base your perception of soymilk on one spoiled carton.  ::)


Saying communists invented global warming isn't an opinion, it's a fantasy..

First off, you're quoting it wrong to purposely make it sound wrong.  I'm saying that communists and globalist use the theory of it for their own means.  I don't know how it originally came up, but there is enough scientific evidence to disprove the theory.  If you want to live in that fantasy world of cow farts causing global warming, then you're welcome to it.
Also, I don't watch Fox.  I'm not a neocon.


I interpreted the OP's original question as, to what degree would homophobic comments from herself be tolerated.  I think she is saying that she doesn't want to be chastised for saying "I don't like gay/bisexual people."

Actually, I don't mind homosexual/bisexual people at all.  My best friend is bisexual and so are many of my friends, along with homosexuals.  You don't hate the person, but that doesn't mean you have to love the choice.  I just don't want my or anyone else's opinions twisted around to say they are racist/sexist/homophobic(still working on a word for that, because fear doesn't mean hatred though it could be a factor).

And please don't base your perception of soymilk on one spoiled carton.   ::)

lol, don't worry about that.  My grandfather smelled it and I'm trusting his opinion, but certainly wouldn't write it off.  Thank you for the response.


there are lots of non-vegans on this site and all of them are welcomed equally.  some are vegetarians and some are just veggie-friendly meat eaters so don't worry that we'll try to run you off.  it is up to you to choose how many animal products you want to eliminate from your lifestyle and as long as you're ok with it that's all that you should be concerned about.  some people can get discouraged by looking it as an 'all or nothing' way to live, but as long as you're doing your best - any reduction is beneficial for your body, animals & the planet.

;D Ty

soymilk can be an acquired taste, when i first started using it id use vanilla favored soymilk on my cereal.  slowly i started to move more towards the original flavors that have less sugar and now that's all i buy.  ive tried different flavors of soymilk, and also almond milk & coconut milk products and i've liked them all, but i know some people have very specific brand preferences.  i don't often drink a glass of soymilk, but every once in awhile the mood strikes me & i do.  what kind of dairy milk do you use?  skim.. 2%? 

Typically, 1% but I don't mind skim.  Right now all except the soy milk is a mixture of Vitamin D and powdered milk.

maybe we can think of a similar consistency soymilk that you'd like.  if calories are a concern for you, unsweetened vanilla or original almond breeze is about half the calories of skim milk but has a way richer flavor and texture.   original coconut milk also has about 50 calories a cup and is bright white like dairy milk.  you should check out the 'food & cooking' board and see the "official dairy alternative..." thread and you can see lots of reviews of tons of brands & varieties.. especially if you are concerned about overdoing soy.  im sure other people can give more health info on recent soy studies.

And thank you for yours.  The one carton we have is a vanilla one, so it's sweet.

i don't think you need to worry about getting any homophobic remarks from any of us.  we are a pretty accepting bunch from my experience anyway.

I'm not scared of recieving comments that say I shouldn't be or something like that, just want to know the definition the site uses for "homophobic" so I don't break the rules.  I am outspoken.

ironically, your comment "I'm bisexual, I disagree with homosexuality and bisexuality" is probably the most homophobic statement ive seen here.  i'm sorry that you feel like you cannot accept yourself, self-hate is a horribly sad thing that unfortunately too many people deal with.

I don't see it has homophobic and I certainly do not hate myself.  I may hate the choices I have made to get myself into the situation of being attracted to both, but I certainly don't hate myself.

feel free to continue asking questions & welcome!



I interpreted the OP's original question as, to what degree would homophobic comments from herself be tolerated.  I think she is saying that she doesn't want to be chastised for saying "I don't like gay/bisexual people."

Actually, I don't mind homosexual/bisexual people at all.  My best friend is bisexual and so are many of my friends, along with homosexuals.  You don't hate the person, but that doesn't mean you have to love the choice.  I just don't want my or anyone else's opinions twisted around to say they are racist/sexist/homophobic(still working on a word for that, because fear doesn't mean hatred though it could be a factor).

Being gay/bi/etc. is not a choice..


I interpreted the OP's original question as, to what degree would homophobic comments from herself be tolerated.  I think she is saying that she doesn't want to be chastised for saying "I don't like gay/bisexual people."

Actually, I don't mind homosexual/bisexual people at all.  My best friend is bisexual and so are many of my friends, along with homosexuals.  You don't hate the person, but that doesn't mean you have to love the choice.  I just don't want my or anyone else's opinions twisted around to say they are racist/sexist/homophobic(still working on a word for that, because fear doesn't mean hatred though it could be a factor).

Being gay/bi/etc. is not a choice..

Uh, yes, it is.  Find a gene to say otherwise.


How do you choose who you're attracted to?
I find lots of females attractive, and lots of males too.

I can choose to ignore the attraction to males, i guess...


Hi Phoenyx.  Welcome.  I think you will find that this site is a great resource for transitioning.  I was not vegan when I starting coming here and now I am :) 

We have many great debates on "sensitive" issues here on many that there is a News and Debate forum 


Typically, 1% but I don't mind skim.  Right now all except the soy milk is a mixture of Vitamin D and powdered milk.

then i think you should be fine adjusting to any of the soymilks/almond/coconut milks i mentioned, they tend to have a lighter texture than 2% but i feel like theyre not as watery as skim.

also!  tons of ppl make the mistake (myself included) of using vanilla soymilk when cooking.. you don't want something that should be savory to taste sweet and vanilla-y.. it's fine for dessert recipes and baking though.  also, alot of brands may say 'original flavor' but still contain sugar or cane juice which can still show up in your savory dishes, look for 'unsweetened' on the label or read the labels for the sugar content.


We have many great debates on "sensitive" issues here on many that there is a News and Debate forum 

Yes.  Really, if you want to debate about sexuality or politics, that's the only place to do it--the News and Debate forum.  Otherwise we mostly talk about food and other vegan things.


first of all, welcome! this site is excellent. :) not all of us are vegan, but all the recipes are (and there are some pretty delicious ones too!)

There are many helpful & friendly people on here, great recipes and articles (and delicious looking pictures!) Cows' milk was also one of my favourite things before I became vegan, and it did take me a while to find an alternative that I liked. I found that different brands of soymilk differed in taste, but I do like many of them. If you aren't a fan of soymilk, try almond, oat or rice milk. None will be exactly like cows' milk, but boy are they delicious. (almond especially!) There are people from all over the world here, from different backgrounds and with differing diets, but in my couple of years of using this site I've never found any animosity. Almost everyone I've come across here has been able to respectfully discuss and debate about veg (or other) issues and it's excellent, especially if you don't come across these conversations in your daily life.

re: your sexuality and choice to try changing it - I know someone who put herself through "therapy"as well, in the form of a camp to stop her attraction to women. It was a great blow to her self esteem and identity, but did nothing else. Attraction can't be stopped, or chosen, because it is attraction. The very definition implies lack of choice, but presence of instinct and human nature, which is why I feel it isn't a moral issue. (I almost said "unfortunately", but it isn't unfortunate in my opinion.) I can't control my attraction to women any more than I can my attraction to redheads over blondes. Not to start a debate here - like kmk and lotus 42 said, this is the wrong thread - but attraction to any sex is not damaging in my eyes, providing there is consent if people act on it. The only case where it might be wrong (to me) is if there is no consent, but then the action would be what's wrong, not the attraction. when I read your post, I was reminded first of the film But I'm a Cheerleader, and second of Free Z, which reminds me of the friend i just mentioned. Anyway, those are my feelings about it, and this is something I feel very strongly about, but I will try to respect your choice to do this and your feelings about animals and abuse etc. I don't think any of those things make someone a bad person. I hope you enjoy perusing our not-so-little online community of vegness. :)


How do you choose who you're attracted to?
I find lots of females attractive, and lots of males too.

I can choose to ignore the attraction to males, i guess...

Well, the only way I know how to explain it is how I did.  Originally, I simply thought it was okay.  Not until later did I start considering it for myself and thinking about it, and most of my friends admit to it being a choice of their own--that's why I like them; they don't make excuses.  I started admiring women in a sexual sense and then it became a mindset for me, waking and sleeping.  I guess it could relate to something like internet.  I know many people who go through a sort of mental withdrawal when they are prevented from what makes them happy and lots of people have fetishes.
Anyway, I guess the conversation should be dropped, because this wasn't what I intended to talk about.  I just wanted to know what the site meant by their rules, as there is a difference over the terms' definitions: fear, hate or threat.


Hi Phoenyx.  Welcome.  I think you will find that this site is a great resource for transitioning.  I was not vegan when I starting coming here and now I am :) 

We have many great debates on "sensitive" issues here on many that there is a News and Debate forum 

Thank you; that was just what I was wondering.  :-*
I was afraid that, if my opinions differed from the owners or majority of members, that it would be censored and my account deleted.  I don't intend to go into the debating ring for the purpose of such, because I feel the site isn't for that, but, if something I said (such as above) was taken into question, I do not recoil from responding my disagreement.
Again, thank you.  ;)b


then i think you should be fine adjusting to any of the soymilks/almond/coconut milks i mentioned, they tend to have a lighter texture than 2% but i feel like theyre not as watery as skim.

also!  tons of ppl make the mistake (myself included) of using vanilla soymilk when cooking.. you don't want something that should be savory to taste sweet and vanilla-y.. it's fine for dessert recipes and baking though.  also, alot of brands may say 'original flavor' but still contain sugar or cane juice which can still show up in your savory dishes, look for 'unsweetened' on the label or read the labels for the sugar content.

lol, I'll keep that in mind.  Thanks to you and everyone else for the replies.  I have to say I was surprised and delighted by the immediate response.  ;D


Yes.  Really, if you want to debate about sexuality or politics, that's the only place to do it--the News and Debate forum.  Otherwise we mostly talk about food and other vegan things.

I don't want to debate it on this site because I get enough grief on sites made for debate, but I do not back down when someone wants to debate and starts it off with a direct reply to me.  Originally, I wasn't even going to ask (there was no intent to debate on the subject itself, only the terms the site meant), but the first post I saw regarded it and then there was an ad on the side concerning politics.  Since it came up so quickly, I wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules by replying to someone who brought up subject for debate to me.
It's good to see that I was wrong and that this isn't a common occurance.  I was just unlucky enough to get that impression by the first things I checked out.

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