Still fuming...
OK; everyone on VW knows that I don't necessarily have a moral/philosophical stance about what I eat. I am an ovolactoveg because I prefer veg and fruit and grains to meat, and I hate fish. And I know fine and well that I couldn't do my own killing. And yes, I know all the reasons. But the other day in my hearing someone tried to play the "compassion card" to a friend, citing cruelty and the fact that humans can plan the need to kill animals out of their diets and still be healthy. The response? "I see no need to show compassion to animals since they show none to each other."
With this kind of thinking you could say, "I see no reason to help the sick since they weren't smart enough to avoid contagion." Or, "The poor are too lazy to work." Or "--- (fill in whatever ethnic, social etc. group) are like children, they're not as smart as us."
Foam, gnash, spit bricks. >:(
I had to look up "sophistry." For everyone like me:
soph·is·try (sŏf'ĭ-strē) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. soph·is·tries
Plausible but fallacious argumentation.
A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument.
Yeah. That was a dumb argument. I take illogical responses personally, too. And I am so going to use sophistry on a regular basis now. Thanks for the word!
That attitude nauseates me.
I mean, think about it... One of the early warning signs than an individual may turn out to be a sociopath/serial killer is that he/she tortures animals. What does it say about a society that tacitly condones and encourages the torture of animals.
Again, people don't know the reality and cling to the foolish notion that somehow our abilities to wage wars and make horrible sit-coms make us the absolute moral authority regarding nature...
Cool, now you've got me going!
Rage pile on!
"I see no need to show compassion to animals since they show none to each other."
It may be rare but I beg to differ.
Idiots like that are the reason why I try to avoid telling people I don't eat meat or dairy. If the issue comes up I usually just tell them I don't like it and it makes me sick, both of which is true. Unless I think I have an intelligent and honestly curious audience, then I say, “there are so many reasons, where should I start?”
Choke, cough, vomit!!!
What the F....????
Humans ARE animals and yeah, this person is right because so few HUMAN ANIMALS show compassion to other ANIMALS including HUMAN ANIMALS. In point of fact, our companion animals show we humans one heck of a lot more compassion than we show them (as I have heat stroke and my puppy is hugging me and licking me because she knows I don't feel well).
Talk about excessively FOS, brown-eyed monster
"I see no need to show compassion to animals since they show none to each other."
It may be rare but I beg to differ.
This link will also disprove that dude's theory:
I always hate that 'argument'. My response is usually that it is our duty to show compassion to other animals, other humans included, because we have the ability to highly develop our moral compasses and senses of conscience.
Humbolt Honey, thanks for the definition ;D
My mom and I were discussing something entirely different the other night when I remembered the quote (Mother Theresa, maybe??) "Just because we cannot stop all suffering, doesn't mean we shouldn't stop any."
My dog is a pretty compassionate creature at my side. The cats, not so much. Perhaps I should start eating cat. :P
They do, in parts of Spain. With rice. I was told by a woman in the market never to buy rabbit unless it had the skin on and the paws attached...prepped and ready the only visible difference with cat is the length of the foreleg.
TMI, I know. Sorry.
They do, in parts of Spain. With rice. I was told by a woman in the market never to buy rabbit unless it had the skin on and the paws attached...prepped and ready the only visible difference with cat is the length of the foreleg.
TMI, I know. Sorry.
Well, now I'm nauseated. Thanks.
Again, people don't know the reality and cling to the foolish notion that somehow our abilities to wage wars and make horrible sit-coms make us the absolute moral authority regarding nature...
Love that!! :)
They do, in parts of Spain. With rice. I was told by a woman in the market never to buy rabbit unless it had the skin on and the paws attached...prepped and ready the only visible difference with cat is the length of the foreleg.
TMI, I know. Sorry.
Eww...I was joking.... I have seen my senior kitty (Ansel at left) pass on chicken from a friend's sandwich to eat avocado ??? but then, he's always been a little odd.
Nutdragon, I've always known cats had class...proof! ;)