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Reasons to make the slanty face

:\ You know, in between the smile and frown. I'm more often :\ ing.

P is gone to class, but will be back in a little over an hour. Also, he's going to a Street Fighter club thing tonight, that I would like to go with him, but I don't know that I'll be feeling up to it. The fact that he's going is a reason to smile, though.

Maintenance dude came to the office yesterday.  Told me he was going to wax the floor in the break room tonight.  Yeah, sure, whatever.  Knock yourself out, bro.





I'll definitely look into your suggestions. I've been meaning to go to the library. I've been having a rough time lately and one of the things I thought to myself that wore me down was that I can do nothing here. And then it hit me - why can't I? I'm a man who starts my own path, I stick to a strong  and positive and loving set of principals......why can't I do good while I'm here? I think that's a great way to come to peace with myself and with this town until I leave again. I'll go into it more with your mailing from me. Exciting, huh? :P




I'll definitely look into your suggestions. I've been meaning to go to the library. I've been having a rough time lately and one of the things I thought to myself that wore me down was that I can do nothing here. And then it hit me - why can't I? I'm a man who starts my own path, I stick to a strong  and positive and loving set of principals......why can't I do good while I'm here? I think that's a great way to come to peace with myself and with this town until I leave again. I'll go into it more with your mailing from me. Exciting, huh? :P


MFA is based in Ohio right? MFA is seriously something i wholeheartedly support... my ex almost did undercover work for them but we broke up right around the time it was all coming into place... dunno if you could stomach that tho


Amy - I'm thinking MFA is based in Illinois. I've thought about getting involved in that somehow but I know I couldn't do the undercover work. If I saw the things like the videos show (punching/kicking animals, cutting animal throats, debeaking chicks, etc.) I'd lose my cool, go off on someone and ruin the investigation.


i am really hoping that my friend in the whole foods industry can hook me up with a job i can use my business skills in and also believe in at the same time... it's hard when i get those "why do you want to work for X company?" questions... "By gosh I really just sleep, dream, and obsess about circuit board distributing it is my passion and reason for living!"  RIGHT....


i am really hoping that my friend in the whole foods industry can hook me up with a job i can use my business skills in and also believe in at the same time... it's hard when i get those "why do you want to work for X company?" questions... "By gosh I really just sleep, dream, and obsess about circuit board distributing it is my passion and reason for living!"  RIGHT....

AML, my student "interviewed" me with all those idiot HR questions (which got him thinking about how he would answer without freaking out about actually doing it). He asked me in "that tone"--"Do you see yourself as sucessful?" I borrowed a line from a comic strip--I think it was Get Fuzzy, or maybe Pearls Before Swine, but I think GF. I replied, "I'm meeting my own expectations."
He did this huge double take, laughed out loud and said, "I love it--I could never say that, but I love it!"
I love HIM, because he refers to my rinkydink English classes from-home-for-peanuts as "You have your own business." Tra lala!


"Do you see yourself as sucessful?"
"I'm meeting my own expectations."

Thank goodness for cartoon strips.  I'm adding this to my personal list of potential questions and good answers.


"Do you see yourself as sucessful?"
"I'm meeting my own expectations."

Thank goodness for cartoon strips.  I'm adding this to my personal list of potential questions and good answers.

dude i would love to say that! can i say that?!


it's so equivocal. i bet a sly person could pass it off.


Actually, in one of "those" companies they would use it as an excuse not to hire you because supposedly they want people who are "hungry." If you're meeting your own expectations, supposedly you are not ambitious at all. So I told my student to say that he left his previous job "because I wasn't feeling challenged and I felt my skills were being underutilized." He loved the word "underutilized."


I had already gone there.  If I used it, it'd be more like, "I am meeting my own expectations, so I'm ready to challenge myself... blah blah blah..."  I figured it'd be best to convey mastery without complacency.


So I told my student to say that he left his previous job "because I wasn't feeling challenged and I felt my skills were being underutilized." He loved the word "underutilized."

dude i'm stealing this... i always get tripped up on that question now cause i can't say why i really want to gtfo!


so the closing date for a couple of jobs at work was yesterday.  We had a lot of applications - yay!

But most of them were a pile of poop......including one with a CV stating why they wanted to work in Australia and promote pharmacy in Australia.

Urgh.  There are good applicants though, so it's not all bad.....but I wanted more good applicants than what we got.


I got a part-time internship!  ;)b

It pays peanuts for 20 hours a week in addition to all my schoolwork.  :(

So I'm a little  :-\ about it.


Background: last year's floods in Queensland wiped out most of the banana crops and bananas have been super expensive since then ($17.99/kg at first, then slowly getting cheaper).  They're FINALLY down to a semi-reasonable price again so I have been buying them occasionally. :) The last ones I bought were still a little green when I bought them, then went straight to brown and spotty without having a nice ripe stage in between. :( But I get to make banana bread, which I haven't had in almost a year. :) But it's really hot and I don't want to turn on the oven. :(

Overall,  :-\


shell - I hope you get some good interviews out of the pool.  You definitely need more help.

wass - Congrats on the internship!  I hope it's interesting.

pg - Could you freeze them and add them to smoothies instead?


PG those sound like some funky ass GMO bananas home girl... i have a cheapy produce market by my house that sells avocados that never ripen correctly they go from too ripe to brown and gross :P

I agree with HH on the banana freezing, that's what i do with most of mone anyway... Peel them and toss them in a bag in the freezer <3


pg - Could you freeze them and add them to smoothies instead?

Too late.  I made banana bread.  I could have frozen them for future banana bread, but like I said I haven't had banana bread in almost a year so I didn't want to wait (summer just'll be April before I can comfortably turn the oven on.  I just suck it up and bake anyway).  Also, I don't like overripe bananas in smoothies. ::)


Sorry about the bananas PG.  I can understand that.  I have had it happen many times with my bananas.  :(

My slanty face = DS17 gets his wisdom teeth out at 8AM this morning.  Good because he will be out of pain in a few days, bad because of the intermediate  pain which will be worse.  We have a few days of soup planned.  Also, I have to take the 1 yr old grandson with me to the dentist's waiting room because it is a school day for DD and I babysit. 


Hubby made me make an appointment to see a therapist.  I'm not looking forward to it.....I mean I have a Psych degree, so I KNOW not all Psychiatrists are wack jobs, but the 2 I saw as a child were. I hate hashing up all my shiz-nit.



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