Reasons to frown
Posted by Charbot Kimzoid on Oct 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2008 · 3769 posts
Ok, so we have a smiling thread. This thread is for all of the little dumb things that make you frown, or angry, or sad, etc., etc.
I'll start. I had chili for lunch today. I brought some crackers for the chili and a banana for breakfast. THE CRACKERS ABSORBED THE BANANA FLAVOR THROUGH THE BAG, SO I HAD BANANA FLAVORED CHILI FOR LUNCH! >:(
i don't think most people can comprehend not eating dairy or meat... i have a hard time at tbell sometimes... ya i'm used to feeling like a weirdo but it sucks i wish more would follow us on our compassionate journey!
i just found out that one of the best guys ive ever known is in a coma because he o.d'd on cocaine, "bbars" (idk what those are) and oxycontin.and one of his friends who did it with him died. im praying that he makes it through.
:o vh, I hope the one still around pulls through. That's some pretty hard shit to be messing with.. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
thanks tl. he's one of the sweetest guys i know. he's the only boy to ever give me flowers on valentine's day. he's my best friend. im just praying and hoping that he'll be ok. he's a pretty big guy so maybe his body is able to handle more and he'll be able to pull through. im praying
vh, it sounds like a snorting concoction.... it sounds like a combo of cocaine, barbiturate (phenobarbital, etc) powdered and cut into 'bars', and pulverized oxy.... of course, he could have freebased it too. From my understanding, I believe the barbiturate and oxy is metabolized by the body into heroin. :/
Everyone needs to pray, light a candle, send love and healing energy to him and loved ones (including you!) in whatever way they prefer.
vh, i'm sorry. I hope he pullls through <3
I'm about 99.999999999999999999999999999% sure Corissa (my crab) is dead. I'm not admitting it yet because then i'll start crying for a while. When everyone goes to sleep i'll decide for sure. Even though i know what i'll decide. Zeus is still MIA, i have no idea where he is and now i'm scared something might be wrong with him.
I just had a hermit crab funeral. In other words me sitting in my yard alone in the dark crying for 30 minutes.
thanks guys. im praying every chance i get.
and aww sarah, poor crabby. ;[
:( Sorry, uS. I hate pet funerals. I remember back when one of my hamsters passed, I wanted to say something and my friends were making fun of it. Totally not cool. Animals hold my heart. Hope you find Zeus.
Yeah i know i'm going to have lots of people laugh at me for being sad and say its just a hermit crab or something stupid. Ugh.
I found zeus. Hes molting. And seems to be okay <3 (he was buried under Corissa, kind of weird..)
At first when I read that he was molting, I thought it said molding, and I was taken back.
Glad he's okay, just molting, not molding.
Ugh. I have to move.
when my hubby was on his way to work today, someone swerved to hit a squirrel. That's just cruel.
Dead beat men who are like "I love you, want to marry you, spend the rest of my life with you" then you have sex with him, and get pregnant and then he is like "oh I could never marry you, you are too emotional, my family needs me, I can't be with you" then when the baby is born...who is the most precious beautiful child in the whole world the guy is like "ummm, that isn't my son, no way, I want a DNA test" and then the DNA test comes back showing that YES it is his son, then he is like "oh, I hardly get to see him so why should I pay child support for a child I barely know, and I am like: WHO FAULT IS THAT DUMB A$$, you are the one who decided that I am not good enough to marry AFTER I got pregnant stupid dick, so I take him to court and now he is paying child support, F*(&% A$$HOLE.
Okay, sorry...rant there....
When I have to drop my son off at daycare in the morning so that I can go to work, that always makes me sad.
That SUCKS. I hate people who don't take responsibility, especially men who try to shirk their obligations to their children.
Dead beat men who are like "I love you, want to marry you, spend the rest of my life with you" then you have sex with him, and get pregnant and then he is like "oh I could never marry you, you are too emotional, my family needs me, I can't be with you" then when the baby is born...who is the most precious beautiful child in the whole world the guy is like "ummm, that isn't my son, no way, I want a DNA test" and then the DNA test comes back showing that YES it is his son, then he is like "oh, I hardly get to see him so why should I pay child support for a child I barely know, and I am like: WHO FAULT IS THAT DUMB A$$, you are the one who decided that I am not good enough to marry AFTER I got pregnant stupid dick, so I take him to court and now he is paying child support, F*(&% A$$HOLE.
Okay, sorry...rant there....
When I have to drop my son off at daycare in the morning so that I can go to work, that always makes me sad.
Sounds like he needs to man up and grow some balls.
We didn't close on the house today. I has a sad.
I'm sorry lotus!! That really sucks.
Thanks H. We're closing tomorrow. (or I have to walk away) :(