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Random anti veg t-shirt

I saw a guy wearing a shirt while grocery shopping yesterday. It said ' I didn't get this far up on the food chain to eat soy'. This made me think about just how much soy is in everyones diet, in North America. Had I not been so rushed I'd have mentioned that he eats it everyday.  ::) In fact, probably more than I, as a vegan, eat, because my son is allergic to soy. Wow, people sure are ignorant about what they consume (in all aspects).

"he eats it everyday"

Yep. It is in everything from bread to cooking spray.


I still don't understand why some omni's are so anti vegetarian--why do these people care about what we eat???  :o


To balance it out, I submit this cartoon.


Yeah but his days are numbered as in his health from all the meat.

He he good one he eats it everyday.


it's like all the straight people who are against same sex marriage. like, how does it affect your life?

ohy. i agree. i am so pro choice. and not just in an abortion sense. simply in the sense that everyone has the right to make their own damn choices haha. i mean obviously that only goes so far like.. you can't choose to kill someone. however, if i choose NOT to kill animals or use them for that matter then why the heck does it matter to anyone else??


it's like all the straight people who are against same sex marriage. like, how does it affect your life?

it doesn't!
i wish everyone would just love eachother.
it's so easy, just, love, that's it, it doesn't get any simpler than that.

"what the world needs now, is love, sweet's the only thing, that there's just too little of"  --burt bacharach


it's like all the straight people who are against same sex marriage. like, how does it affect your life?

Because when gay peoples powers combine through marriage, (and to a lesser extent through civil unions) their gay powers double, triple... sometimes even quintuple!!!

Now imagine if a lot of gay people got married! It'd be like some hot pink, Cher-singing Voltron! TEH GAY would be unstoppable! And all these good, church-going, gawd-fearing folk would be FORCED to go to that one rest-room at the truck stop they know absolutely NOTHING about!

Don't you see!!!






In conclusion: Hate is born of fear is born of ignorance. And all those are dumb.


I still don't understand why some omni's are so anti vegetarian--why do these people care about what we eat???  :o

Because it's a carnivore instinct..."if it's different from you, kill it." They feel threatened because people don't like what they can't understand. They'd rather have bogeyman to blame for things, and now that the cold war is over, it's other people around them. It's called "transfer of affect." I can't deal with how I feel so YOU are the problem.


its totally down to ignorance and one-up-manship.  those kinda shirts and stuff always make wonder how secure they (in this case the omni shirt wearer) are in their own choices to have to knock down others choices.  like if he is so happy about being a meat-eater why doesnt his shirt be pro-meat like "meat is yum" or something, it strikes me that you cant be happy with your own choices if you have to justify them by belittling or antagonising others. 

i shy away from saying things lto people like that cos i feel like it would be a losing battle if i did, shame really, but i feel that if they are already thinking like that then im just gonna get an earful of dumb abuse if i try to say "well soy is in pretty much everything you eat" so i leave it.  dunno if thats good or not.


People are SCARED of veg-ness.
This guy below was so scared he takes estrogen blockers.  ???  :o

DH reading a book at lunch, eating tofu scramble.
Guy DH works with: "That smells good, what is it?"
DH: "Tofu scramble."
Guy 2: "Tofu has estrogen in it.* I take estrogen blockers."
DH: "Um... ??? you must eat a lot of tofu." 
Guy 2: "No way, I take it just in case."
DH: "Wow, I can see you're really educated on that subject. ::)"
Guy 2: "Well... yeah."

Can you imagine?? Estrogen blockers?? For tofu that you don't eat?  ???
(DH normally sets people straight on a veg subject and can spew all the science to back it up.
So I asked him why he didn't that time and he said that he just wanted the guy to shut up so he could finish his book.  ::))

*FYI Soy contains phyto-estrogen (plant estrogen) which is not the same as animal estrogen.


LOL, Jennifer!! I know the feeling. "Let me READ in PEACE!"
When faced with ignorance of that magnitude I must confess I go all 14-yr-old, sigh, roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, whatever." I close the subject even while stating my reaction to the person.

BTW Jen (sidebar! sidebar!) I went to bed last night when I signed off the chat, fell asleep instantly--and at 22.30 the phone rang--a new student's mother wanting classes! I was so zoned out that I actually gave her a 9 AM class...what was I thinking! I wasn't...tomorrow's gonna be a nightmare.

22.30 is still "suppertime" for many Spanish people.


Stupid people tend to be proud of their stupidity, like it was some great struggle that led them down the enlightened path of idiocy.  I've seen shirts like this, but rather than waste my time trying to help these people (which they most likely wouldn't accept anyway) I just smile and keep walking.  I find it sad that some people refuse to change their stance even though they know deep down that they are being illogical.


In conclusion: Hate is born of fear is born of ignorance. And all those are dumb.

I like that. they are dumb.


I've seen that shirt design on websites before.  There are a few (I think rather funny) anti-veg t-shirts.  They don't offend me...It's a sign that vegetarianism is a big and mainstream enough movement to warrant a backlash, and a humorous one at that.   

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