Post any good news here!!
Posted by yabbitgirl on Jan 05, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
OK; so they've been ripping apart my bathroom for the last week, and there's a three day weekend and we have NO toilet! And that happened the wrong week (you girls know what I mean). The apartment is so tiny there is dust and dirt and filth EVERYWHERE. And now the wardrobe has decided to fall apart, which means at least another month of total disorder while we find someone to remove and build a new built-in wardrobe. And me trying to teach at home!
Soooo, I am desperately in need of some happy, upbeat good-news posts! We did this last year during "cabin fever" season and got some good stuff.
Who's got some good news to share?
Mine is, well--it will be gorgeous when it's done. And we did get rid of the black mould.
It's about five days into the new year and I'm already so hot it's ridiculous.
But no one's eyes have burned out from looking at me, so I guess that's good news
Oh, Yabbit....I've got more good news than I think this board could handle!
I really don't like to "toot my own horn" or brag about my good fortune, especially when I know too many others who have shit for luck these days...but I'm going to touch on a few things anyway:
-- Zumi is finished with her little round of antibiotics that she started a few weeks ago, and her skin is clearer than I've ever felt it! she had some sneezing probs and a few little scabbie things on her back when I first got her--they went away and came back over and over, despite my many attempts to treat it myself (cortaid, neosporin, filing her back nails to make them soft/blunt/less abrasive to her little 'wounds' , and changing her diet and bedding a few different times)...and the Winter weather and dry air only made it got so bad, one night she could NOT stop scratching and sneezing and wheezing :-\ :'( So I took her to the vet, he ruled out the possibility of mites or other biting parasite things, and put her on some Smz Tmp stuff... And now Zumi is one soft, energetic, healthy and content rat! YAY!
-- Speaking of medication, I started taking two new antidepressants over a month ago now, and I'm happy to report that all signs of (extreme/abnormal) depressive thoughts and behavior are GONE! I'm back to normal again, after months and months of grueling, shitty days of flatness, inactivity, lethargy, binge-eating, self-loathing, and often an inability to move, care, or think without wanting to cry forever, or just needless to say, I'm feeling pretty damn good.
I will say that, for most of you, it's usually impossible to tell when I'm depressed and when I'm "normal," because VW is my "safe place"....the thing that I do when I'm alone and depressed...when I can't get out of bed, I roll over to my laptop and click onto this board, and I am able to type out my thoughts (sometimes) and EVEN appear to be "normal" or happy...but oftentimes, I AM much more positive, well-spoken, and more considerate of others' feelings/opinions when I'm at a more stable level of emotion/psychological ORDER. so yeah....I'm happy, and I'm just so relieved to be able to finally say that.
-- I've been on a cleaning frenzy kitchen and bathroom are immaculate, and my hands are DRY and chapped because of it, haha! I've been using hemp oil lotion on my hands and face to help aid this problem, but so far, the dry air + excessive use of baking soda, vinegar, peroxide and warm water is winning the battle. But hey! my apartment is clean!
-- Shane, my BF/DR(dear roomie)/lovah, is applying to several graduate programs at the moment. He's been slaving away on applications and editing writing samples and essays...because he wants to teach philosophy at the college level! and he's doing very well for himself, getting lots of good experience with some of his closest profs...I'm so proud of him! AND--He's going to be a TA (teaching assistant) for a Philosophy Basic Questions class this next semester!! :D and he's doing it for FREE, even though TA's usually get least, that's what I heard from some profs here...but still--Shane is going to help teach (rather, grade papers and observe classes) Philosophy, and he's going to grad school next year.....he's the most intelligent, critically-minded, and just...amazing individual I've ever known...and I'm just SO happy to be a part of his life at this most crucial time of his development as a student of this fine art.
-- I've been making lots of new food lately....this also coincides with my newfound "normalcy" and increased functionality....I tend to CREATE like a madwoman when I am my usual self ( but depression hinders everything, even your interest in fond pastimes and beloved activities >:( ) ...the culinary arts are my newest love, but drawing and graphic design haven't left me completely....I've come up with so many good ideas and I am ready to take on my final semester!
I have THREE studio art classes with one professor--all of them are notoriously work-intensive and just...insane when it comes to how much TIME must be dedicated in order to do well.....I actually have taken two of them before, but I had to drop both mid-semester (once because I was just overloaded with work, the other time because I withdrew from classes altogether minus ONE art class, which I just barely finished in time)....but this time, I WILL kick some ass, because I am NOT letting my own brain shrivel up in a state of civil war--wherest the chemicals that create my art and creative thoughts also turn against them and lead to their destruction--because I am absolutely determined to move on and succeed in my field.
/suck it, Bipolar disorder!
//suck it, ineffective antidepressants!!
Hey! This one's a double post. Bad news: one of my students cancelled at the last poss moment, that's $12 I'm down. BUT I took the time slot, dashed to the store and the big ol fridge freezer is now on order, along with a new bagless vac! AND I brought home a steam shark.
The fridge won't arrive till after the work is done. AND because we upgraded to an A class, we got 70 Euros off the price for being green!
Wow! Great news, Yabbit! Not having a potty sucks. But like you said, after it's done, it will be totally worth it.
Carrot, that's great! It's good to hear good news like that :)
I have a few things going for me that's good. I went vegan again on the 1st. So far so good. I was a cooking fool this week. I cooked a lot of vegan eats for my lunches and froze them in portions for work. I ate all but 2 of them, so I have to get cookin' again this weekend (mmmm vegan chili sounds good ;) ).
I'm trying to quit drinking (also since the 1st), but I lapsed on wednsday :( But I'm back on track since then. I drink the non-alcaholic beer now, and I drink a lot more green tea (which isn't a bad thing ;) ).
I'm also doing what I always wanted at work (hard to explain unless you know machine shops). I'm having a blast at work. Not many people can say that about their jobs.
And the best news ever .... It's snowboarding season!!!!! :D 8)
I have a few things going for me that's good. I went vegan again on the 1st. So far so good. I was a cooking fool this week. I cooked a lot of vegan eats for my lunches and froze them in portions for work....
I'm trying to quit drinking (also since the 1st), but I lapsed on wednsday :( But I'm back on track since then. I drink the non-alcaholic beer now, and I drink a lot more green tea (which isn't a bad thing ;) ).
I'm also doing what I always wanted at work (hard to explain unless you know machine shops). I'm having a blast at work. Not many people can say that about their jobs.
...what kind of machine shops, exactly?
And the best news ever .... It's snowboarding season!!!!! :D 8)
cool news, KK!
I too have committed to veganism (again) as of the 1st of this year, and it's been great so far...I'm also making a lot of food while I have the time and energy to do so, because I'll start a new semester in less than 2 weeks, so I want to have lots of pre-made, vegan yummies waiting in the freezer when I DON'T have the time to's such a great system.
I always wondered about snowboarding...skiing, too, for that matter....I just don't "get" winter sports, they're so foreign to me, even though I've lived in a snow-covered tundra my whole life ???
sounds like a lot of fun, though!
and I also wonder...what exactly do you do at your job? and what's this new, long-awaited position you hold, and what makes it so fun? I'm totally mom and dad both worked in various factory-type settings; my mom was on the assembly line at Pella Corporation (aka, Pella Windows from Pella, Iowa!) for like, 20 years of her life....tough work, from what I gather... is that anything like what you do?
Mine's just a little good news, but I need it, after the absolute shit year that was 2007.
Our car passed inspection! It's a very good car, and reliable, but we have had absolutely terrible luck with this car, and it has a faulty Check Engine light, which often comes on for no reason (which is automatic failure at the inspection station here). And Big dog, the one with car anxiety, started chewing on the seatbelt a while back during a short but apparently very freaky car ride, so I was sure that they were going to nail us for that. And of course it's a V0lvo, so it would only run us several hundred dollars (or more?) to have it replaced. But we passed and don't have to worry about that for another two years! :D
Mine's just a little good news, but I need it, after the absolute shit year that was 2007.
Our car passed inspection! It's a very good car, and reliable, but we have had absolutely terrible luck with this car, and it has a faulty Check Engine light, which often comes on for no reason (which is automatic failure at the inspection station here). And Big dog, the one with car anxiety, started chewing on the seatbelt a while back during a short but apparently very freaky car ride, so I was sure that they were going to nail us for that. And of course it's a V0lvo, so it would only run us several hundred dollars (or more?) to have it replaced. But we passed and don't have to worry about that for another two years! :D
That is so great! DH is driving a very old, clunky Renault 5 (aka Le Car) which he says is his last car...he refuses to pay money for a car he won't drive much longer. (Actually, the yabbit here finally has him bus-trained! At last!) But going thru inspections with the new emissions crackdown can be a nightmare; they're right to do it but it's a pain. DH has discovered that if you go near lunchtime they are a lot less picky, guess they want to get you out of there fast!
I went veg on the 1st AND MY MOTHER STOPPED LOADING ME WITH LEFTOVERS as a consequence.
I am cooking and eating healthfully again! Huzzah! I have actually cooked every meal in the last week!
I have about 22 goldfinches on the thistle sock, enjoying their treat. And we actually got some lovely, gusty, heavy rain last night (this area is prone to drought).
I'm finally getting around to forgiving my ex for breaking my heart a second time. We've spent almost an entire week together straight waking up and lounging, talking, etc. (something we have never been able to do with our schedules) And it feels right :)
I'm finally getting around to forgiving my ex for breaking my heart a second time. We've spent almost an entire week together straight waking up and lounging, talking, etc. (something we have never been able to do with our schedules) And it feels right :)
Heeeeey, BEAN! It's so! good! to see you post! I have missed you! That's more good news!
Carrotwench, I don't want you to think your post went unheeded because it sure didn't! So much good stuff! Kudos on your meds for both you and Zumi! I have gone back to some anti-anxiety stuff for the duration of the work but only on days when the guys are around, smoking, making mayhem etc. Now I have 3 days off (Epiphany falls on Sunday so Monday is a holiday) and I have done some mopping and dusting and feel better about my life.
Keep that good news coming!
What a great thread Yabbit!
Carrotwench, congratulations on all your wonderful news! I have to tell you, I got all mushy when you were talking about your BF. It's wonderful to hear someone speak so honestly about those kinds of feelings...I feel that I have a hard time doing that know, letting people know how much I love having them in my life.
So, I do have some good news of my own!
--One of my best friends hasn't been speaking to me since October. Well, he came over Tuesday and we talked! I didn't know why he was mad at me until we talked and it was really weighing on me. It turns out, I did hurt his feelings pretty badly (totally without realizing it, but still...I did), and he's really stubborn, so he just stop returning/answering mt calls. Anyway, things are totally back to normal now! Yay! 8)
--My parents drove 90 miles to my house this morning to retrieve their car I have been driving (mine in the shop), so I cooked brunch for them. I made oatmeal, Lezly's Savoury Biscuits, tempeh bacon, and diced potatoes with some spices and stuff (really carb heavy meal, I know...). They loved it! My parents are fairly healthy eaters, but definitely not veg. It always makes me happy when they enjoy the vegan food I cook for them.
--Related to above...I got my car back today! Even though my mom's car is "better" than mine, I'm really happy to have my POS back.
Wonderful thread and excellent news from everyone!
My good news, I woke up this morning and I am alive and well. As are all of my critters. Even looks like Harold Catarina Blue will reach her 20th birthday in March. She is the little abandoned stray cat I brought in 19 1/2 years ago. She was starving and terrified of most everything. Like always, I do what I always do with a new critter, open my door, put them inside and tell everyone to deal with it. She was so meek and stayed that way most of her life. In her crotchety old years, she has become brave and puts everyone in their places. This morning, she told Tobi off. No one tells Tobi off. Even Cali who is an alpha female knows not to mess with Tobi.
Thanks all for sharing your news and to Yabbit for starting the thread.
cool news, KK!
I too have committed to veganism (again) as of the 1st of this year, and it's been great so far...I'm also making a lot of food while I have the time and energy to do so, because I'll start a new semester in less than 2 weeks, so I want to have lots of pre-made, vegan yummies waiting in the freezer when I DON'T have the time to's such a great system.
I always wondered about snowboarding...skiing, too, for that matter....I just don't "get" winter sports, they're so foreign to me, even though I've lived in a snow-covered tundra my whole life ???
sounds like a lot of fun, though!
and I also wonder...what exactly do you do at your job? and what's this new, long-awaited position you hold, and what makes it so fun? I'm totally mom and dad both worked in various factory-type settings; my mom was on the assembly line at Pella Corporation (aka, Pella Windows from Pella, Iowa!) for like, 20 years of her life....tough work, from what I gather... is that anything like what you do?
Coolness! We could be twins, Carrot :)
About snowboarding ... I HATE winter. But it was my best friend's idea to get me to try a winter sport to get me out of the house. It worked, for the most part. I still don't go out riding if it's below 25 degrees and bundled up so tight, I can't move anyway LOL. But on a fairly warm day, and the mountain's not too busy, it rocks.
About my job, I run punch presses. The part that made me mad about finding a job the last time is I didn't know how to set them up (I said something somewhere on here about my job situation a while back). Well, I found this job two months ago, and they were willing to teach me. FINALLY, I can set them up (I don't have to wait or rely on people to set up my presses to get my work done anymore ... YAY!)! I have fun with it, because I'm a total tom boy. I get to play with big machines and tools and get dirty LOL. Plus, I've been there only two months, and I'm training people on them that's been there for a year (I'm teaching them to run them right because of my experience, that is).
Oh and about freezing food, great idea. I do it all the time. Since you are in college, this would make your life so much easier, and you can have yummy vegan eats all the time. I usually cook a big pot of soup or pasta, or whatever you like, and freeze it in portions in plastice containers. That way, you can just pop it in the microwave, and lunch/dinner is served :)
I'm finally getting around to forgiving my ex for breaking my heart a second time. We've spent almost an entire week together straight waking up and lounging, talking, etc. (something we have never been able to do with our schedules) And it feels right :)
oh, that is SO sweet when that really connect, effectively communicate feelings, to come to deeper understanding, and feel right again.... :) wonderful! ...are you two remaining friends, then? or exploring a new relationship??
Great news for everyone! Remodeling is nice...after it's all over with and forgiving someone is a huge relief in your life! How wonderful!
My good news is that I organized a KFC protest and even though it was cold and rainy today--I had 8 people show up to get the word out! We had a really positive response today too--it's really great to feel like you''re doing some good in the world :)
I just won 3 belly bands on ebay. They are these big giant things you can wear around your fat belly so that you can wear your regular pants unbuttoned, as long as your ass didn't get too big.
The bad news is, I kept out bidding people so I could win, then I won, and then i saw the same gal had the same thing on buy it now for 10.00 cheaper! oops. :D
Hey, KK! Good to hear about the job, I know how miserable you've been with that whole situation. Job dissatisfaction affects so much. That's why I am glad to do what I do, even for just a little money, and feel like a person with a brain instead of a poorly-paid baby sitting service (which is not what my other job was, but certainly what it felt like...and half the time the biggest "babies" were on staff! :P)
I just won 3 belly bands on ebay. They are these big giant things you can wear around your fat belly so that you can wear your regular pants unbuttoned, as long as your ass didn't get too big.
The bad news is, I kept out bidding people so I could win, then I won, and then i saw the same gal had the same thing on buy it now for 10.00 cheaper! oops. :D
Belly bands? I gotta check this out!
I just won 3 belly bands on ebay. They are these big giant things you can wear around your fat belly so that you can wear your regular pants unbuttoned, as long as your ass didn't get too big.
The bad news is, I kept out bidding people so I could win, then I won, and then i saw the same gal had the same thing on buy it now for 10.00 cheaper! oops. :D
Belly bands? I gotta check this out! I just feel really stupid...I thought "belly bands" were some kind of "make you look thin" thing for chubby people like me, not a maternity thing...blerg...I swear, I lose brain cells when I'm on here...
Today is my 73rd day as a non-smoker.
Yabbit, good luck with the renovations. It's so hard to live in a house under construction. I'd go so far to say it's intolerable...but it will be so worth it! Good luck!