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NVR: scooters

my dad has offered, for my birthday, to pay for a motorcycle training course. I would never own a motorcycle, but am really enticed by vespa scooters. I can get by with a bus pass... so I don't know if a scooter would be worth it.

and OF COURSE, there are the ghg emissions. jeez.

does anyone own one? any thoughts?

I think they look really cute, relatively practical, and fun. Yes, they use gas, but not nearly as much as a car and would be nice for quick trips when you didn't feel like waiting for a bus. It's a billion degrees here right now, so waiting for a bus is torture. A scooter would be handy. And you could get a matching helmet :)


Vespas are def. CUTE!  Depends if you need to get around a lot, if not then I dont think its worth it...maybe a really cool vintage bicycle would be pretty awesome!


I own one. FYI, when we did comparison shopping, the Vespa is of course most expensive and less reliable/durable. We bought the Vino Classic, which looks and behaves a lot like the Vespa but is cheaper and more reliable. I love it!

I live in a big city but only drive about 4 miles to work. I was driving the car since I had parking, but it was impractical to take the subway because what was a 15 minute drive was an hour+ on the subway because of the transfers I had to make. I hated taking the car that short distance because of the gas and emissions and whatnot, and I biked sometimes, but it's not always practical in my neighborhood. I've always wanted a motorcycle, so we decided that a scooter was a great first step.

I find that I have to be about as careful as I was on a bike, so it's not for wimps, but I love it. I consistently get over 80 miles a gallon, which is really just unbeatable. And it's so easy to park in the city and maintenance is infrequent (you need an oil change/check-up about every 1000 miles or so, which for me is going to be close to a year).

As for the emissions, I just read something in Co-op America about electric bikes, which are basically regular bikes with a little "booster pack" for when you need it, like on big hills and whatnot. If you are concerned about the fairly low emissions of a scooter, maybe this kind of bike would be another option for you.


My dad and 2 brothers all have their own scooters. Two of them are Honda ruckuses and one is a Honda metropolitan. the ruckus is more utilitarian and not very cute. the metropolitan is more stylish but I'd say it's best feature is that the seat pops up and you can store stuff in it. They use them as long as weather permits and it definitely saves on gas so I'm glad that they often prefer them over their cars. I however don't like riding them. I just don't feel safe out there competing with cars on an unenclosed motorized vehicle. i much prefer to walk and bike anywhere i need to go. I love my bike and like sharway mentioned you could look into electric/solar assist for a bike to make getting around a bit easier. if you do decide to get one make sure you always wear a helmet.


Yes, definitely a helmet, and also some type of protective eye wear! If you don't have a shatterproof face mask on your helmet, get yourself some driving goggles, because insects and dirt will fly in your face. And if you get up to a decent speed, that wind will make your eyes water. To say nothing of bad weather!!


i've seen something like these in canada recently:

the first ones, i think they're pretty cute and stylish. ok, they don't go horrendously fast, or a million miles on a charge, but for pootling about and a quick trip to work or the shops and back, they're an excellent idea- they look really cute, and they're electric- so no fossil fuel worries! the second ones, seem a bit more powerful and fast, but they've not got the classic italian styling going in their favour. either way, electric scooters/mopeds might be worth a look!


I'm 17 years old and I have a scooter! I own the Honda Metropolitan, which is just amazing. I absolutely love it to death. I save sooooo much money on gas (it gets about 80-90 miles per gallon, YEAH!), and it is so much easier to drive than a car (parking is a breeze with a scooter). Mine goes 40 MPH tops.  It perfect for around town, to school, and basically whatever you need to get done. My helmet fits underneath the seat, along with my gloves that I also wear (to protect my hands if I fell, or got hit, etc.)  I took the motorcycle training course, and to drive a scooter you also have to get your motorcycle license.  Keep in mind that it does get cold while riding a scooter, so in the winter time you have to bulk up on sweaters. In the warm temperature though, it fells so much better to drive a scooter than a car. 

I got my scooter last September, when I was still 16.  In Feb '07, I did get hit by a truck.  He cut the lane divider when making a turn, didn't see me, and hit me head on.  He stopped fairly quickly after he hit me though.  He was a jerk, but did end up paying for the damages ($1,000).  While riding a scooter you have to be very aware of other cars, and to make sure that they see you. Always ride with your headlight on.

I definately recommend getting a scooter.  Don't bother with the Vespa's though.  They are WAY too expensive.  My Honda Metro is just great and was only $1,800 (but with all the extra costs, taxes, ect. it was around $2,800).  It's much cheaper for insurance, gas, and better for the environment.

Hope that helps!


Out here in Chicago there's these 'genuine' buddy scooters popping up EVERYWHERE and I want one sooo bad. I need to saveup the that $3,000 to get one. How much is insurance normally for you drivers?


thanks for all the responses! I'm still debating, but I think I'll take the motorcycle training course next spring  - unless I find a scooter right away and want to use it now. school's staring up soon, and that means cooler weather (I know!). London, ontario (where I go to school) is right in a rain belt - lots of rain and snow!

thanks again!

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