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NVR Pathetic Rant...

*Blarg* OK...I am soooooo frustrated! My car keeps breaking down every couple weeks! I don't even know what to do any more! Something breaks down I get it fixed the repair guys check everything out and assure me everything is fine. 2 to 3 weeks later something new breaks down and the whole thing starts over again. I take my car to the same place and have the same guy check it out--I grew up with this guy and if he wanted to screw me, wouldn't he just tell me somethng is wrong when it isn't and get more money out of me? My car is a 2000 Malibu w/ only 68,000 miles--I have regular maintance done on it and I actually drive very little--maybe 30 miles a week! I know the car is old but utill now I have not had any problems with it--it's like the car was systematically set up to have a cascade faliure--which sounds paranoid--but completly likely. Oh poo...I really wish I could buy a new car but I need this one to last me 2 more years before I can afford to do that--I think the car is betting against me  :'(

OK--I am done ranting for now--I know no one can do any thing about this--I guess I just needed to vent to an understanding community and get some virtual hugs  :-\

Thanks guys.

Do you have a warranty on their repair work?

Do you put in oil in the car when it's needed? You don't leave  the gas tank to go to empty before you fill it up do you?

Then I don't think it's going to hurt to take it to someone else for them to check it out.

Never trust anybody when you do business. I can tell you some horror stories here.


That sucks, capture!  Being a broke college student for a decade, I wholeheartedly sympathize.  Could you play the worried parent card to help you get a different car? 

I had perpetual problems with a Chevy when I was in school.  I lucked out when it was totalled in an accident.  Not that I recommend that course of action, but I was grateful after I healed.  It's only a flesh wound.


The warenty is long since expired so no help there--

I get regular oil changes and other fluid exchange when needed--I just replaced the entire coolant system, brakes, ignition switch (that's electircal), and battery. Today the car ran fine all day and then a few house after fueling up it stalled four times in a row whlie starting it then after it sat for a moment it started up and I drove it home--I had my lights, hazard lights, radio and AC running the whole time, it took me about 15-20 minutes to drive home and I had no problem with it--when i got it home I shut it off and restarted it twice with no problems or needing to flood the gas. At this point i am just hoping it was a fluke thing--I do tend to let the gas get pretty low before filling up, but i have never had this happen before except when the battery died but not any other time.

My parents would love to help but it's just not in their budget right now--they were planning on giving me a substantial down payment for a new car when I graduated from undergrad in two years--that's why I need to wait two years--they just don't have the money now.

I hear that a lot of cars (mostly American) do this--get to a certian age or miliage and then fail little by little--hopefully I can get it to last just a little longer!!!

HH-I'd rather the car was stolen--that way I won't potentially be injured--plus they would have to give me blue book since they wouldn't have a car to look at--so any shady indivudules out there wanna help??? (just kidding...or am i?)


No Capture some people warranty their repair work. I'm talking about the people who worked on your car.

See if there any patterns to this.
Next time you drive just put on the lights does it stall?

Another time just put on the hazard lights.
Does it stall?

Another time just put on the radio.
Does it stall?

Another time put on the AC?
Does it stall?

Another time put everything on at the same time does it stall?

Another time after you put in a tank full of gas notice does it stall?
See if it has anything to do with the gas like another kind is suppossed to go in there.


Thanks ST--that is a good idea! I can defintly try that tomorrow! All the work I have had done in the last couple of months is under warranty--so ideally I would rather have one of those things fail then something new! Car stuff is just so frustrating--not knowing if your car will get you to work or school--make me want to rip my hair out!

Thanks againg guys--It helps just to have someone to bounce ideas off of--makes me feel less out of control.  :)


And if it keeps up you could always sell it or see what you can get for a trade in.


I would really like to do that but I really can't afford a payment on a new/used car right now or I really already would have traded it in--no I think I am stuck with this beast for 2 more years if I can get away with it! I just pray to Kobul that it lasts...I acutally really like the car--it has a lot of comforts and a nice stero--and the seats are already broke in--they just don't make cars like they used to--such a shame--people are greedy and would rather make money then a quality product...


  It's only a flesh wound.

Well I certainly hope it wasn't that bad!  ;) ;D


(((Capture))) Just hang in there Capture!!! I've been there, trust me! You recently got a bunch of things replaced, hopefully it will be ok for a while. Make sure & pay attention to what it always sounds like, and what level the gauges are usually at so maybe you'll notice quicker if something starts to go wrong.

This is probably what happened, you let the gas get too low right? so a bunch of thick goopy gas is sitting at the bottom of your tank, then you get it filled up & it stirs all the goop around & your fuel injectors have a hard time with it, that's probably why it stalled. The next tiem you fill up your tank, buy a little $3 bottle of fuel injector cleaner & add it to your gas tank- it'll work wonders.


OooooOOOOooo, now you have the perfect excuse to call CarTalk!! Go for it, Capture!!


I keep breaking my car.
I backed into a tree- needed new rear light fixture assembly ($150)
Yesterday I left the trunk open and pulled out of the garage, ripped the rear winshield wiper out/down, estimated cost- $500.




I think we should all just win the lottery and then buy shiny new electric or hybrid cars. prius here I come...


It could also be that you don't drive it ENOUGH.

I know with my 98 saturn my mechanic yelled at me that I didn't drive it enough and that's why I was having all these problems with it, electrical, brakes failing etc etc... since it's a 4 cyl my husband's been taking it to work everyday (I work from home) and it's been fine.

I would drive it 60-80 miles a week, depending if I was going to dog school or not...not sure how much you drive your car. 


OooooOOOOooo, now you have the perfect excuse to call CarTalk!! Go for it, Capture!!



The warenty is long since expired so no help there--

I get regular oil changes and other fluid exchange when needed--I just replaced the entire coolant system, brakes, ignition switch (that's electircal), and battery. Today the car ran fine all day and then a few house after fueling up it stalled four times in a row whlie starting it then after it sat for a moment it started up and I drove it home--I had my lights, hazard lights, radio and AC running the whole time, it took me about 15-20 minutes to drive home and I had no problem with it--when i got it home I shut it off and restarted it twice with no problems or needing to flood the gas.

Does the battery light come on at all when you're driving or just before it stalls?  I had a stalling problem with my Ford Contour last year and it turned out to be the alternator failing.  If you have a volt meter it's easy to test.


It could also be that you don't drive it ENOUGH.

I know with my 98 saturn my mechanic yelled at me that I didn't drive it enough and that's why I was having all these problems with it, electrical, brakes failing etc etc... since it's a 4 cyl my husband's been taking it to work everyday (I work from home) and it's been fine.

I would drive it 60-80 miles a week, depending if I was going to dog school or not...not sure how much you drive your car.   

Egads!  I drive your weekly total each day.  There you go, capture.  Maybe your car is feeling house-bound.


Engineer here who took a internal combustions engines course here!...though that doesn't mean I really know anything, I just like to THINK I do. ;)

Could you give a more detailed explanation of your problems?  Stalling out could be a clogged fuel filter, or clogged injector heads, get a thing of fuel injector cleaner that you put in your gas tank for that problem, see if that helps.  That is the first step.  

If you only do city driving, I suggest taking it out on the highway for a drive once a week or once every other week.  When you get out there and there is no traffic (safety first!) floor it.  Don't go too fast, you just want to open the throttle up fully for a few seconds.  This will help to clean off your piston heads.  Burning gas causes carbon build up on piston heads and on valves.  A good reving up of RPM's should help to clear this up, and a nice long drive on a highway will also help.  

Another thing it could be (worst case scenario) is the oxygen sensor.  But if this is going out then it will sputter and bog down when ever you are trying to accelerate.  The oxygen sensor is on the exahaust manifold, and isn't too difficult to replace yourself, but it is an expensive little thing to buy.  Best to do it yourself if you know how.  If you lived around here I would do it for you, I love to work on cars.

Go to a river or lake that is about 100 miles away on Saturday or whenever, that should take care of your carbon build up problem and get you out of town for a stress reliever!


Go to a river or lake that is about 100 miles away on Saturday or whenever, that should take care of your carbon build up problem and get you out of town for a stress reliever!

If it doesn't, you can leave it in the lake.  :D


(((Capture))) Just hang in there Capture!!! I've been there, trust me! You recently got a bunch of things replaced, hopefully it will be ok for a while. Make sure & pay attention to what it always sounds like, and what level the gauges are usually at so maybe you'll notice quicker if something starts to go wrong.

This is probably what happened, you let the gas get too low right? so a bunch of thick goopy gas is sitting at the bottom of your tank, then you get it filled up & it stirs all the goop around & your fuel injectors have a hard time with it, that's probably why it stalled. The next tiem you fill up your tank, buy a little $3 bottle of fuel injector cleaner & add it to your gas tank- it'll work wonders.

I agree with the fuel injector cleaner.  My dad is a mechanic and always tells me to do that.  It's also "fabled" to improve your gas mileage.  I don't know though, I don't pay that much attention. 


Thanks for all the love guys! I couldn't believe how many respones were here when I logged on!

OK! here is the update--this morning when I got up I went out to see if the car would start--it did. I let it set for a minute waiting for it to stall or make a weird noise or have a light come on--and nothing! So I drove it around the block truing stuff on and off like the lights, radio, ac--anything electrical--no difference--stayed running with no noise, warning lights or leaks of any kind--I then drove it a few minutes from home to the library--I browsed the vegan cookbooks while it sat for about 30 minutes--my second start for the day and I again had no problems--I took it for a longer drive of maybe 20 minutes getting it up to aprox 50 mph--again no problems to report.

I think it is very possible that I need a fuel injector cleaner and that is stalled because of the "goopy gas" at the bottom of the tank. In the past 3 weeks I only put gas in once--and only half a tank at that--most days I don't drive at all so the old gas has just been sitting there. The next time I go to the gas station--I'll try not to wait this long again--I'll get the $3 bottle of cleaner and hope the stalling does not continue!

I am sanguine that this was a fluke thing and not a precursor to another major castrophy! Thank you agin soooooo much for all the kind words and advice--I would never of thought to put in fuel injector cleaner--but I will defintly try that now! Is there any certain kind that I should use for a chevy or are they all about the same? Do i need to put it in when I fill up or can I just add some now? If I have to add it when I fill up, do I need to fill the tank up all the way? do I add it before or after I gas up???  I really know nothing about cars beyond putting gas in and changing the that obvious?  ;)



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