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NVR Pathetic Rant...

*Blarg* OK...I am soooooo frustrated! My car keeps breaking down every couple weeks! I don't even know what to do any more! Something breaks down I get it fixed the repair guys check everything out and assure me everything is fine. 2 to 3 weeks later something new breaks down and the whole thing starts over again. I take my car to the same place and have the same guy check it out--I grew up with this guy and if he wanted to screw me, wouldn't he just tell me somethng is wrong when it isn't and get more money out of me? My car is a 2000 Malibu w/ only 68,000 miles--I have regular maintance done on it and I actually drive very little--maybe 30 miles a week! I know the car is old but utill now I have not had any problems with it--it's like the car was systematically set up to have a cascade faliure--which sounds paranoid--but completly likely. Oh poo...I really wish I could buy a new car but I need this one to last me 2 more years before I can afford to do that--I think the car is betting against me  :'(

OK--I am done ranting for now--I know no one can do any thing about this--I guess I just needed to vent to an understanding community and get some virtual hugs  :-\

Thanks guys.

Is there any certain kind that I should use for a chevy or are they all about the same? Do i need to put it in when I fill up or can I just add some now? If I have to add it when I fill up, do I need to fill the tank up all the way? do I add it before or after I gas up???  I really know nothing about cars beyond putting gas in and changing the that obvious?   ;)

I think I used STP brand? I don't think it matters what kind. It's really easy- There are directions on the bottle!!! I think you are supposed to add it when you fill it up, not sure if it matters before or after you add the gas. If you go to a gas station where the workers are nice, you can ask them to add it for you.


I solved ALL my car troubles with one simple step.... I married a mechanic  :D


I solved ALL my car troubles with one simple step.... I married a mechanic  :D

OH! Yeah--I want to do that one! OK--where do I find one to marry me? They should have a service for that!


OooooOOOOooo, now you have the perfect excuse to call CarTalk!! Go for it, Capture!!

thats what i was gonna say!!!

otherwise, maybe a bike??

why is it that all these new fangled fancy computerized cars allllllways break down? my mother has  a sweet 65 olds and it never breaks down.  the only thing thats ever happened to it...a plug came out. thats it. and its still kickin'

can't wait to get my hands on that sweeeet ride! ;D


I solved ALL my car troubles with one simple step.... I married a mechanic  :D

OH! Yeah--I want to do that one! OK--where do I find one to marry me? They should have a service for that!

or go strut your stuff at the jiffy lube!  ;D ;D ;D


I solved ALL my car troubles with one simple step.... I married a mechanic  :D

OH! Yeah--I want to do that one! OK--where do I find one to marry me? They should have a service for that!

or go strut your stuff at the jiffy lube!  ;D ;D ;D

HAHAHAHA! I'll get right on that Jiffylube idea!


OooooOOOOooo, now you have the perfect excuse to call CarTalk!! Go for it, Capture!!

thats what i was gonna say!!!

otherwise, maybe a bike??

why is it that all these new fangled fancy computerized cars allllllways break down? my mother has  a sweet 65 olds and it never breaks down.  the only thing thats ever happened to it...a plug came out. thats it. and its still kickin'

can't wait to get my hands on that sweeeet ride! ;D

Dude. Totally.  My dad is a mechanic and is always complaining about all the the "features"  on new cars.  He is a commercial mechanic for 18 wheelers, but he hates having to deal with the broken stuff on my mom's car. 

He has passed this view of simplicity to me and when looking for a car, I was very frustrated.  It's nearly impossible to find a decent used car without power EVERYTHING (which will break).


He has passed this view of simplicity to me and when looking for a car, I was very frustrated.  It's nearly impossible to find a decent used car without power EVERYTHING (which will break).

That's what my dad says too. He's huge into the old "muscle" cars.. you know, the ones where you open the hood and you can see the ground through the engine? That's the one problem with cars now and days. They're a bitch to fix because EVERYTHING in them is computerized. At least back in the 50-60's, everything was simple and basic.


Update: My car is still running--still no warning lights, noises or smells--it did kind of do this "hic-up" when I started it a few hours ago--kind of like the engine kicked--but the car stayed running. Tomorrow I am going to try using the fuel injector cleaner and hope my paranoia eases--I feel sick everytime I get in the car--after the car "hic-uped" I drove to have dinner with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while and we went to a really fancy sushi place and i felt so awful from the stress I barely touched my gorgous avacado rolls....grrrr I hate stupid life stuff like this! I wish they made cars like they used to--I had an old Oldsmobile that drove forever and I never had a stupid light come on for anything--now if you so much as breath wrong on a car a bell and warning light goes off--blarg!



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