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NVR - getting rid of telemarketers

Do you do anything specific to get rid of a telemarketer? (I'm not talking about  the first time they call I'm talking about after alot of times).

Put the phone in a drawer and walk away for a good 5 minutes or so. Let them talk, it's on their dime...but you don't have to listen. Sometimes I just pull the jack out of the wall for a bit.


Sing to them.

Then tell them to removie your number from their list. They have to by law, or you can get the FCC to give you cash.


Yeah, clearly say 'Remove me from your list'. It needs to be those words, then they will.


Sing to them.

I've done this. Beethoven's "Choral Fantasy" gets them to hang up pretty quickly!


Yeah, clearly say 'Remove me from your list'. It needs to be those words, then they will.

Yes!  You can get rid of them once for all (5 years) by register your phone numbers  in National Do Not Call List 1-888-382-1222.


Creeeepiest telemarketer story:

Generally speaking, I just hang up, but recently I've been really irked. Our phone line is and has been hooked up for the past five years to a student apartment. In philadelphia. On a college campus. So, on this particular occasion, I endeavored to mess around with the guy. His creepy voice won out, and I wound up hanging up first.

Me: Hello?
Recording: Your car insurance has recently expired. Please hold on the line to speak with an operator.
Telemarketer: Hello, can you give me your registration information for your car?
Me: I don't have a car.
Telemarketer: Is your mom or dad at home?
Me: I live by myself; I'm 22 years old.
Telemarketer: Oooh, I'm jealous. Could I come and live with you?
Me: ... Um, no.
Telemarketer: Alright, hold on a moment, I'm going to give you a car.
Me: You're going to give me a car?
Telemarketer: Sure, for your birthday. When's your birthday?
Me: I'm going to hang up now.
Telemarketer: Okay, bye.


Creeeepiest telemarketer story:

Generally speaking, I just hang up, but recently I've been really irked. Our phone line is and has been hooked up for the past five years to a student apartment. In philadelphia. On a college campus. So, on this particular occasion, I endeavored to mess around with the guy. His creepy voice won out, and I wound up hanging up first.

Me: Hello?
Recording: Your car insurance has recently expired. Please hold on the line to speak with an operator.
Telemarketer: Hello, can you give me your registration information for your car?
Me: I don't have a car.
Telemarketer: Is your mom or dad at home?
Me: I live by myself; I'm 22 years old.
Telemarketer: Oooh, I'm jealous. Could I come and live with you?
Me: ... Um, no.
Telemarketer: Alright, hold on a moment, I'm going to give you a car.
Me: You're going to give me a car?
Telemarketer: Sure, for your birthday. When's your birthday?
Me: I'm going to hang up now.
Telemarketer: Okay, bye.

OMG that is "special". what a creep!

i usually tell them i'm not interested and hang up. i'm not rude about it unless they just go on and on. somehow i got on the list of "alumni" for my school (well, i finished my MA but i'm still in the phd program) and he was calling for "alumni support money". i told him i wasn't really alumni because i was still attending to finish my phd. he was like, well, uh, and went on like i hadn't  said anything.

him: "most of your class likes to donate $200 dollars. can you do that?"
me: "uh, no, i am on a controlled income"
him: well, we can break it up into payments.
me: well, when (insert school name) wants to pay me more than $2000 to each a course i will be glad to help. but right now i have no income and i'm not finished with my degree.

then he still wasn't getting the memo and so i said "good bye"

mobile phone = great except when the spam calls come from your school .... !!!

You shoulda said sure I'll get it from my swiss bank account.


Creeeepiest telemarketer story:

Generally speaking, I just hang up, but recently I've been really irked. Our phone line is and has been hooked up for the past five years to a student apartment. In philadelphia. On a college campus. So, on this particular occasion, I endeavored to mess around with the guy. His creepy voice won out, and I wound up hanging up first.

Me: Hello?
Recording: Your car insurance has recently expired. Please hold on the line to speak with an operator.
Telemarketer: Hello, can you give me your registration information for your car?
Me: I don't have a car.
Telemarketer: Is your mom or dad at home?
Me: I live by myself; I'm 22 years old.
Telemarketer: Oooh, I'm jealous. Could I come and live with you?
Me: ... Um, no.
Telemarketer: Alright, hold on a moment, I'm going to give you a car.
Me: You're going to give me a car?
Telemarketer: Sure, for your birthday. When's your birthday?
Me: I'm going to hang up now.
Telemarketer: Okay, bye.

OMG that is "special". what a creep!

i usually tell them i'm not interested and hang up. i'm not rude about it unless they just go on and on. somehow i got on the list of "alumni" for my school (well, i finished my MA but i'm still in the phd program) and he was calling for "alumni support money". i told him i wasn't really alumni because i was still attending to finish my phd. he was like, well, uh, and went on like i hadn't  said anything.

him: "most of your class likes to donate $200 dollars. can you do that?"
me: "uh, no, i am on a controlled income"
him: well, we can break it up into payments.
me: well, when (insert school name) wants to pay me more than $2000 to each a course i will be glad to help. but right now i have no income and i'm not finished with my degree.

then he still wasn't getting the memo and so i said "good bye"

mobile phone = great except when the spam calls come from your school .... !!!

So true Baypuppy.  Schools are ruthless!  The Univ where I did my Master's has an Alumni Fund Drive each fall and spring.  For the past 2 weeks, they have been calling me EVERY NIGHT!!!  I recognize the number, so I just don't answer it. 


A word of warning about some telemarketers. We had our long distance provider changed without our knowledge or consent. It took a few months of fighting & some very irate phone calls from me to get it switched back.
I made a complaint with the Better Business Bureau who said they couldn't do anything, so they sent me to the Canadian Radio & Television Corporation, who said they really couldn't do anything either but gave me tips on how not to get 'slammed' in the future. Gee, they were helpful :-\
I finally got it sorted out. The bill that they sent me was deleted, my provider was reinstated & I was promised that they would never call me again. Half hour later, guess who called? ::)  >:(
I guess my point is, if you have to, get nasty with them. Sometimes it's the only way to get your point across.


We either pretend we don't speak English or when they ask "how are you?"  We tell them about all our aches and pains.  Usually they hang up on us.


I have a friend who works with the Gideons. When he gets a telemarketing call, he interrupts the spiel in a bright, overfriendly voice and says, "Wait--wait...I have a question." Thinking it's about the product, the marketer says, "Go ahead" and he replies, in an even happier-clappier voice, "Did you know Jesus died for your sins?" Silence--silence--then Click. The telemarketer hangs up.

He says it never fails!


Sing to them.

Then tell them to removie your number from their list. They have to by law, or you can get the FCC to give you cash.

Unfortunately, they rarely follow through with removing you from lists.  They are supposed to, but tracking them down to prosecute is so difficult that they don't bother (particularly when they are in a call center in South Asia.)

My husband sings to them, too! 


Thank you for that national do not call list number.  I just called it... it may save some of my remaining non-gray hairs.  ;D


Thanks all.


Tell them you have a question and then ask them if they would like to host a Tupperware party.  They will hang up.


Guys and gals yous guys are so hilarious. ;D. I'm going to do that.


  It's a tough question. Getting rid of annoying people that bug you about stuff you don't care to talk about can be really difficult. Especially if they hound you relentlessly. It really takes all your self control to avoid just being rude to them. Hope you figure something out.  :)



I used to work as a telemarketer (hey, it paid the bills when I was in college!)  Worst. Job. Ever.  People absolutely HATE you. 

You can also register online at

I am actually still a registered telemarketer so that I can call people who list their house 'for sale by owner'.   :D

I'm talking about people who call again and again . I don't pick up the phone I let the answering machine pick it up. I only pick it up if I hear my relatives or friends voice on my answering machine.

I've had telemarketers when I don't pick up say on my answering machine, "Hello? Hello? Hello?"


We get a lot of computer-generated telemarketing calls. They are very easy to hang up on! And the funny thing is some of them say, "Don't hang up. This is an important call about...whatever." Get real. Click.


This is my biggest pet peeve. I am NOT a morning person (as in, don't call before noon, lol). And they always call when I'm still in bed. Asking them to take me off their list has never worked, and frankly I don't feel like tracking them down to charge them with something or other.

Usually, because I'm so pissed off that they call, I'm really mean to them.  :-[ I know they're just trying to make a living ... but, gah ... I can't imagine anyone ever buys anything from them.



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