NVR fun survey--only open if you're interested!
OK, this is totally off topic, but if you aren't interested, just don't click! :D
Let's do the Actor's Studio Survey, shall we? Here are my answers, cut and paste and add your own!
What is your favourite word? Storm
What is your least favourite word? "Nuke-you-lure" for nuclear.
What sound or noise do you love? Rain and thunder
What sound or noise do you hate? Children crying or whining; any repetitive thumping
What turns you on? Loyalty, true friendship
What turns you off? Arrogance, hypocrisy
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? A nature photographer (freelance)
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? Law enforcement EDIT: Or Roto-Rooter person!!
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "C'mon in, honey--we've been waiting for you."
What is your favourite word? gemela
What is your least favourite word? none..they all have their uses.
What sound or noise do you love? Rain, thunder and a great piano player
What sound or noise do you hate? Children crying or whining; the sound of people chewing
What turns you on? a good sense of humor and a sexy smile
What turns you off? people who are full of themselves and chewing with mouth open
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? A translator for the military
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? A teacher
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "C'mon in, your dad has been waiting to see you again and has a big hug waiting."
What is your favourite word? rocks (as in, "That rocks!")
What is your least favourite word? anything blatantly derogatory
What sound or noise do you love? a cacophony of bird calls
What sound or noise do you hate? thumping bass (music)
What turns you on? laughing
What turns you off? people ultra-aware of social status
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Work for CILHI. I think CILHI has been absorbed into another department and has a new name, but CILHI stands for Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii. It's part of the Army and they recover remains of US soldiers from all periods of time from around the world, identify the person, and repatriate them. I have always liked the thought of closure for the families and not being forgotten if you died for your country.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? traveling salesperson
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? If I got to heaven and God talked to me, I don't know what he'd say. I would have fainted from shock.
Cool survey, Yabbit :)
What is your favourite word? Yay! As in, if I like something or pleased with something, I get excited and say "Yay!" Or if I'm annoyed, I have a habbit of saying, "whatever."
What is your least favourite word? The "F" word, and racial slurs. And when someone says the word "vegan" wrong.
What sound or noise do you love? The music from a really talented band. Or sleeping with the window open on a cool summer night. The smell and sounds of fresh air blowing relaxes me to sleep.
What sound or noise do you hate? I have to agree with Humboldt. I love music, but not rap. So I would also have to say thumping bass. And as some of you have mentioned, Children crying or whining, specially if it's for no reason.
What turns you on? My DH.
What turns you off? I have to agree with Mirrya1 on this one. People who are full of themselves. And stupid drivers (the ones that cause accidents for cutting people off or not watching where they are going).
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Either a vegan chef or Martial arts instructor.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? I'll have to agree with everyone else. Law enforcement is way up there on the top five careers that I wouldn't do. Sales follows a really close second.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? Welcome. Your father wants to see you again.
What is your favourite word? Aggressive (I'm female; I'd prefer to be called this than b!#ch.)
What is your least favourite word? evil-doers (Don't think it's a word. But still.)
What sound or noise do you love? A loud bassline. I'm in the minority, I know, but I really appreciate a GOOD car (or home) audio system. Even better when I get to install it!
What sound or noise do you hate? My neighbor's dog barking ALL day baecause he's lonely and bored.
What turns you on? Loyalty, also, I love love love when someone is passionate about what they do. Be it work or hobby.
What turns you off? Worrying what others think; being fine with the status quo. It's great to be happy with your life, but I also think you should always have a desire to better yourself.
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Construction. I like to work in the sun, and I like power tools. It's also very satisfying to build something with your own hands, to have something real to look at and say, "I did that."
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? Social work. I don't think I could handle all of the ugliness.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "The library's over that way."
[What is your favourite word? Love
What is your least favourite word? Must - That's the first thought that came to me. I hate hearing you "must" do something, especially if no reason why is given. I much prefer you "should" do something
What sound or noise do you love? a cat's purr
What sound or noise do you hate? a jackhammer
What turns you on? other than my DH, enthusiasm (I love it when someone's really into something and shows it!)
What turns you off? hypocrisy
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? I'd like to be an outer space explorer.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? Autopsy technician or slaughterhouse worker
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? Hi, T****. I love you. (I know He does, it would be nice to hear out loud in person, though. Actually, I'd love to hear anything God has to say to me that I can hear with my ears and not just my heart.)
What is your favourite word? Mommy
What is your least favourite word? No, I don't wanno!
What sound or noise do you love? Rain, my children's laughs
What sound or noise do you hate? Children crying or whining; any repetitive thumping (You got me there Yabbit...) ;)
What turns you on? Stroke in my hair.
What turns you off? Washing the dishes before I go to bed.
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Astronaut
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice?
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "Hey you! You're forgiven, now go play with your brothers and sisters."
What is your favourite word? Anything my husband says in Belarusian
What is your least favourite word? Can I say any excessive swearing?
What sound or noise do you love? Heavy rain and distant rumbles of thunder
What sound or noise do you hate? Those ghetto mobiles with bass thumping - you know, when you can hear everything in the trunk rattling..
What turns you on? Being treated like a lady
What turns you off? Excessive bravado, chauvanism
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Culinary critic
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? Anything involving a cubicle, over 40 hours a week, and a Human Resource department.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? I'd rather one of my deceased relatives just met me there..
What is your favourite word? Not sure, but I get super excited when I see the little V circled next to a food item at a restaurant or on a package. I would probably buy packaged sh*t if it were labeled Vegan.
What is your least favourite word? crust, or anything described as "encrusted"
What sound or noise do you love? my son singing, trumpets playing when they have the mute thing inside
What sound or noise do you hate? loud motors on cars
What turns you on? getting my feet rubbed
What turns you off? When people start off a sentence with "I'm not prejudiced or anything, BUT......", pretentious people
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? making and art all day long and getting paid for it
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? working in the meat department at a grocery store, porn star
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? I think she would probably say, " I toldja I existed!" or "I think you are supposed to be in the room a few floors down" ::)
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? ... slaughterhouse worker
Ooohhhh... that's a good one. It was so far off my radar I didn't even think about it, but now it tops my list.
What is your favourite word? genito (jen-ih-toe), Powhite (poh-white)--local Indian words
What is your least favourite word? can't think of anything right now--but generally hate all the words that are the most popular at any moment. Remember plethora? eclectic?
What sound or noise do you love? summer soft rain at night/distant sound of train combo
What sound or noise do you hate? school bell--too loud, any screaming, gasoline-powered lawn tool
What turns you on? people who laugh at my humor
What turns you off? jockeying for position--social or professional, obsequious sycophants
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? forest ranger--or something else outside nature preserving--wouldn't want to wear uniform, though. Would also be great as professional procrastinator--something I'm practicing right now.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? I agree with slaughterhouse worker, also ICBM launcher
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? I'd want him to just keep his mouth shut so I could rail at him bc I was so mad I had to spend eternity behind those cliched pearly gates rather than the eternal nothingness I'd so looked forward to.
What is your favourite word? i like words that are fun to say like cauliflower and cantaloupe
What is your least favourite word? all hateful words
What sound or noise do you love? the sound of the ocean, or rain at night, and of course, music.
What sound or noise do you hate? guns. also when people chew with their mouth open
What turns you on? honesty, sense of humor, friendliness
What turns you off? close-mindedness
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Well considering I'm still in HS, I dont have a profession...but i would like to be an actress.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? I would never want to have a job where I go to the same place every day and sit in an office all day.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? I'd want him to welcome me warmly and I'd want my old dog to come greet me.
What is your favourite word? "Awww I love you!"
What is your least favourite word? Flouride
What sound or noise do you love? silence. I love silence more than ANY sound
What sound or noise do you hate? eating. gulping.
What turns you on? when someone remembers something trivial
What turns you off? meat.....
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Volunteering anywhere. I love the feeling of helping others.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? art critic.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? Um, I don't really believe in this, but if it did happen I hope God would say: "Alright, let's start changing the world now!"
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice?
I would never want to have a job where I go to the same place every day and sit in an office all day.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice?
Anything involving a cubicle...
Y'all are making me feel bad. ;D
You guys just reminded me of a few jobs I would hate. I would hate to be stuck in a cubicle all day. I do factory work, but it's not as bad as sitting in a little space all day. I would also hate anything to do with cutting/butchering an animal .... I'd barf all day :o
clever idea, yabbit. makes for some interesting reading at the end of the week.
What is your favourite word? hope
What is your least favourite word? hate, probably. there's nowhere to go from there.
What sound or noise do you love? i'm kind of with ak on this one. i have too much input on a daily basis, and something like the ambient sounds of a lazy afternoon are such a welcome change of pace.
What sound or noise do you hate? the sound of anything in pain or scared. oh, and that hocking up a loogie sound. bleh.
What turns you on? intelligence. compassion.
What turns you off? materialism. arrogance. drama (as the kids say, not the actual theater).
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? nursing.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? grr. anything with CALTRANS. though if i'm being less impulsive, slaughterhouse worker, prostitution, infantry, motivational speaker... gee. so many choices. (i don't feel so bad about my cube-life now, do you humbolt?)
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates? "i can explain everything."
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? I'd want him to just keep his mouth shut so I could rail at him bc I was so mad I had to spend eternity behind those cliched pearly gates rather than the eternal nothingness I'd so looked forward to.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? grr. anything with CALTRANS. though if i'm being less impulsive, slaughterhouse worker, prostitution, infantry, motivational speaker... gee. so many choices. (i don't feel so bad about my cube-life now, do you humbolt?)
;D ;D ;D It's not so bad, in perspective. And, besides, on days like today, when I'm not being productive anyway, I can obsessively check VegWeb.
What is your favourite word? fierce
What is your least favourite word? anything derrogatory
What sound or noise do you love? the flowing of a stream and russeling of the leaves
What sound or noise do you hate? anyone's voice who talks just to hear themself talk
What turns you on? kindness
What turns you off? judgment and non-acceptance of others
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? a conservationist
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? a banker
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "well, that's one way to do it"... ;)
just kidding,
i'd imagine He'd say: "welcome home my child"
What is your favourite word? faith
What is your least favourite word? I actually have 2! Carmal...instead of car-a-mel and sherbert instead of sherbet. Hello...there's no r!
What sound or noise do you love? rain
What sound or noise do you hate? slurping
What turns you on? a sense of humor
What turns you off? ignorance
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Something with animal rescue.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? There are too many to name, but I would not want Mike Rowe's job on Dirty Jobs...eeewwww!
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? "Welcome home!"
What is your favourite word? light
What is your least favourite word? Ain't
What sound or noise do you love? thunder
What sound or noise do you hate? loud talking on cell phone
What turns you on? intelligence
What turns you off? rudeness, bigots
What profession, other than your own, would you like to practice (assuming you have all the skills)? Writer, cookbook writer, professional student, anything scientific/technical/financial.
What profession, other than your own, would you absolutely NOT like to practice? trophy wife. I like leisure, but I wouldn't respect myself...I'm a cubicle dweller, and it really isn't that bad, assuming you get along with your coworkers. If you don't, however, then you're pretty much screwed.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to here God say when you enter the pearly gates? You did a good job!