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Not food related: When we got to Whole Foods...

Since we go to WF every week, we have developed a rapport with the staff there. Bookpapa is especially outgoing so he takes the lead talking to everyone, but I like the staff, too. I've never been in any other store anywhere (at least in years and years) that has customer service as good as this. Anyway, bookpapa was doing his usual thing--chatting with our favorite staff and taking their pictures (look at bookpapa's profile to see his pics of the staff)--and Christine the Olive Oil Queen (bookpapa's monniker for her) was getting ready to throw out several empty olive oil bottles from their oil-tasting bar. She offered them to us free! We were so excited. I got bookpapa to take a picture to show everyone. Not too shabby, huh? (I put the oil and basalmic vinegar in them.) The ceramic one is handmade.

Cool.  My DH and I are fond of paraphrasing a line from the movie "PCU", "If you're nice to them (men in that case, people in general in our case), they'll give you things."  Most of the time by just a comment that you think it's a shame that it's going to end up in the trash or that you'd really like to have some!


sweet! those are pretty bottles.  i love getting to know the employees of places that i frequent.  and also getting to know customers that come to the cafe where i work.  everyone loves a sense of community


That is one beautiful bottle!! (No, no--now it's a "carafe, dahling."  ;D ;D) The problem here in S. Spain is that for "service occupations" (stores, coffee shops etc) the 3-month contract is all the go, and they usually let people go after a max of 6 mos, so they can start someone else at an entry level salary. Bad: you can't really create a rapport with the person. Good: if the service is crappy, at least you know that in a max of 3 mos, they'll be gone.


Geez, as a manager, I'd hate to have to keep training people over and over. They must have people who ONLY train the others. That sounds to me like a really bad plan on a number of levels.  ???


Oh it is a bad plan but they only think short term "cost effective." Another problem is that the person knows they'll never make it past the 6 mos mark so they stop caring when the end of contract looms. Ergo they ignore people and make no effort to be pleasant. You can always spot a person who's about to be "rolled over." :(


Wow Bookmama....
Do you go to the Whole Foods in Duluth? That's where I've been going since you told me about it. It takes about them same amount of time for me to get to as the Roswell store (Harry's), but it is a bit bigger and nicer. I guess I need to hang out in the oil section on the days they want to "throw things out".... ::)


Wow Bookmama....
Do you go to the Whole Foods in Duluth? That's where I've been going since you told me about it. It takes about them same amount of time for me to get to as the Roswell store (Harry's), but it is a bit bigger and nicer. I guess I need to hang out in the oil section on the days they want to "throw things out".... ::)

Yep, that's the one! Wish I knew when their "throwing away days" were myself. It was just serendipity that we were there at that particular time.

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