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New to Veganism - Want to ask your opinion on dietary changes


I'm a recent convert to veganism (since June), and I'm loving it.

But recently I got to thinking about my diet, well, thinking about it in a  different way.

So far, all I've really done is substitute all my favourites (eggs, bacon, bread, milk, chocolate etc) with their vegan equivalent.  I haven't made any _real_ changes, just substitutions.  Instead of adopting a macrobiotic unprocessed diet, I'm just making scrambled tofu and fakin strips, melted vegan cheese sandwiches, and vegan chili for dinner.  I keep having my lattes, but just have soy milk instead.

My purpose to become a vegan was because I had an epiphany (that's all I can call it really) that I could no longer cause or contribute to the death of another living being.  But I'm wondering if I should be trying to give up things that represent animal products (such as fakin and cheeses) because it just shows that I'm addicted to the concept of a lifestyle that creates pain and suffering for animals.

Also, by buying a fake-leather Birkin copy handbag, am I contributing to the mindset of people that see Birkins as fashion-symbols of wealth and power, or am I devaluing (and thereby eventually removing) the system by deliberating choosing products that stop money going to organisations that kill and harm animals?

Heavy stuff I know, but I'm wrestling with so much, not the least of all is the enormous guilt I feel for waiting as long as I did to become a vegan and seeing all the dead animals lurking in my wardrobe in the form of shoes, belts and handbags.

It's not possible for me to talk to anyone at home about this, I literally don't know another Vegan, which seems impossible in this day and age, but I just don't.

Anyway, I'd really appreciate your thoughts and advice.


Confused Rad Sue.

I think that if subbing stuff makes the transition smoother, then go for it. I believe they are a great way to cut out the meat for people used to eating it. Personally, it isn't a large part of my diet, though when my fiance went veg he used it lots at first, now, not so much. It sounds as though you've already made a decision to phase them out of your diet. Vegweb is a wonderful place to get creative, inspired and supported.
Remember that fake meat has harmed no animals. If you don't feel comfortable doing something, don't do it. Wanting the taste and texture is different than wanting to slaughter another being.
I say money speaks. What do you want yours to support? Oh, life is frought with inner struggles. I chose to give away most of my leather stuff yet kept some until it wears out. I kept a belt I used to like but now I won't wear it, so I donated it for someone who will. I have a silk and wool toque that I do wear, though I will not ever buy something like that again. Listen to you Self, you know what you need to do. I'm tired, I'll be around later.


healthymomma is right.

The subs for food are harmless, and they'll get you where you want to be. So now the question is just where do you want to be?

There is no deadline for going vegan. No time-table for phasing things out of your life. Make sure to take the time to mull over the possibilities and reasonings, so you can be happy and confident in your choices. So relax, welcome and congratulations on your new mindset!


I don't think that using fake meat and fake leather are going to contribute to any judgements from other people. If you're feeling guilty about promoting the look of leather, then make a point to tell people you feel comfortable around about your new veganism, how it makes you feel in body and spirit, and show them how great the options are for vegans in clothing and food.  There's no vegan police, you're doing great things for the animals and environment just by making the "substitutions" you've already made!  There are a lot of great companies based on a philosophy of vegan goods, and feel free to support them when it's logical.  But it's not always the best thing to order something and have it flown in from far away, so each of us has to make our own judgement calls on what has the least environmental impact. 
Don't stress about it.  :)

But if you want something new, try making some recipes from scratch, you have a great resource right here on vegweb. Definitely ease into your new lifestyle the way you feel is right, that's the only way it'll stick.  Good luck :}


There is nothing wrong about your approach to subbing, for now.  The bad news/good news is that you'll get tired of it and probably want some other things.  This is when you hang out on the main page of this site and look at all the pictures.  Baypuppy, AshleyKimball, keda and several others have such wonderful photos, I make it for us and over eat! 

Gradual is good.  Less of a shock to the system.  Frankly, preparing vegan meals that are off the beaten path and aren't merely substitutes takes planning and time.  I sometimes serve up these sorts of things because I lack the time or the energy, or I have not bothered to plan anything at all.  It is okay.

When you are looking at the Boca burger and thinking you should make something instead, just remember, even a Boca isn't killing an animal, it has less of an impact on the environment than a burger at McD's and it O.K.  I am glad you are with us, however you choose to do it.


when i first transitioned into veganism, i did it this way too.  fake burgers and tofu scrams up the wazoo.  like others are saying here, you'll probably get tired of it.  this summer i've really started to branch out with cooking different things. going to your local farmer's market frequently is a good idea, you'll find interesting veggies.  then come home and look up recipes on here.  this site is a realyl great resource for recipes at every level of simplicity.


I don't know any other vegans either but there is loads of support here. It is invaluable to me in my exploration of a vegan lifestyle.

You won't get judged (not by vegans here anyhow) for substituting. Vegan cheese left me feeling wanting so I personally find it easier to not sub. Celebrate your decision and always check back here for advice. There are some knowledgeable folk around.


Vegan meat substitutes really help during the transition.  Eventually, you'll naturally start incorporating more whole foods into your diet when you're ready.  Just as long as you don't have a cow, man.  ;)

As for pleather.  I don't use it because it's plastic and I like natural materials.  However, don't let other people define your life.  If you like the look of leather handbags and you can get a pleather version, go for it.  Some people might pounce on you for it and others will think it's cool that you don't have to go hemp just because you're vegan.

No worries.  Life is good.


I think everyone above nailed it! There is no time table or vegan police force--and those substitutions--at least the food ones--were made for just this purpose--phasing out the meat while still allowing you to enjoy the things you love. there is nothing wrong with enjoying how a buger tastes, there is nothing wrong with liking the way a leather belt looks on your favorite jeans--now though you are informed and can make the cruelty free choice and use the options we have have through substitues made for us.
You took a big step going vegan and only you can decide how far to take it! Don't worry that you're not a level 15 vegan master becasue you like eating tofu scramble and fackin--if that's waht you like keep on eating it!!!!

Also--welcom to the board! It's great to see so many people joing the board!!!!


Sue, that literally could have been me writing that!  I turned at the start of July and immediately sought out vegan chocolate, sausages etc.  In a way it highlights how unusual veganism is; by having to replace 'normal' foods with these little known brands and ingredients.  I think it's good to try and convey the message that plants are what our bodies are designed for, and an omnivorous diet is not only cruel, but unnatural.  
Anyway I don't think there's anything wrong with using substitutes, but a more varied diet is not only more interesting, but much healthier.


:'(  (happy tears)

Thank you so much for all the wonderful welcoming, advice, and support.  It's much needed and much appreciated at the moment.

I'm been having a bit of a "time" of it (going Vegan that is). I went through what I think was a detox/healing crisis about 2 weeks into going Vegan and it knocked me about a bit.  But it made me even more convinced that I was on the right track.

I can be a bit of a control freak, in that if I start to do something new I have to do it _exactly_ right (or what I perceive as right) first time. There's so much about my new lifestyle that I overwhelmed myself by insisting that I do it all at once, and do it all perfectly. 

Once I relax as bit (thanks Kylissa) I'll realise that just doing it the best that I can for now is all I need to try.

Thank you all again.  :)


Substitutions don't hurt animals.


I can be a bit of a control freak, in that if I start to do something new I have to do it _exactly_ right (or what I perceive as right) first time. There's so much about my new lifestyle that I overwhelmed myself by insisting that I do it all at once, and do it all perfectly. 

;D You can't control freak being vegan.  The longer you stick around here the more you'll come to realize that there isn't even an agreed upon concept of a perfect vegan.

Also, a year down the road, there will be something that has a possible animal source in it that you didn't know about earlier.  It' happens to all of us.  You don't have to worry about having eaten it in the past.  Life is about moving forward.


Substitutions don't hurt animals.


I also echo the idea that you might become bored. I found that when I stopped looking for substitutes I became much more satisfied w/ the food that I was eating.

And don't hesitate to stop in and ask for advise and any questions you might have.

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