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Ironic threads

I think that it is interesting that two threads are getting a lot of attention, one is about needing to lose weight while the other one is about eating disorders.  It is a little disheartening to me because I am sure that the people that are in recovery are also looking at the threads about losing weight.  I mean I am also recovering from an eating disorder (have not starved myself in about two years and am up to a healthy weight) that is exactly what I would have done when I was still struggling.  I think it was unfortunate timing...

I couldn't help but wonder if all the other EDers were looking at the post hoping to find tips as I surfed it...If they "bit their tongue" when they wanted to blurt their most horrible advice, as I did...interesting...glad you are doing okay!


awww I'm sorry to hear you guys think like this, I definetly feel for anyone who's ever had an ED.  I think the point is we all need to nuture our bodies with healthy food in the proper amount that we need, not too much, not too little. Some people can do this without even thinking of it, others need to pay more attention.


it is ironic... I just hope both threads stay positive and discuss things in healthy, helpful ways...


it is ironic... I just hope both threads stay positive and discuss things in healthy, helpful ways...

I agree.  I'm glad that these topics were brought up because even if we try to ignore them these thoughts still linger in our minds.  I feel that as women (not excluding the men at all, but because women tend to understand each other a bit better) we need to discuss these issues and help each other out.  There are many issues involved with eating nowadays and I really wish that we would accept ourselves for the amazing people that we all individually are, myself included of course. 

Dealing with these problems isn't easy, but I feel that I have a responsibility and darn i owe it to myself to be completely satisfied with my body, health wise foremost.  I also think I owe it to the young girls who are growing up with these body issues because they are soo young.  My nieces who are barley 7 & 9 are already concerned with their looks and weight, its really sad to think that this is a norm now. 

So LADIES UNITE!  Let's fight this...for us and the little girls all over the world who look up to us FINE looking ladies ;)


Not all eating disorders are starvation / purging related.  There are also people who eat too much (binge) and gain weight that have eating disorders, so maybe they should look at the weight loss thread for guidance on healthy eating habits.

Binge eaters are not overweight for lack of knowledge of healthy eating habits.  Like anorexia or bulimia, it isn't something that can easily be controlled.  It's an addiction just like alcoholism.  I have found recovery through a 12-step program, and those threads are just as damaging to me as they are to anorexics.


So LADIES UNITE!  Let's fight this...for us and the little girls all over the world who look up to us FINE looking ladies ;)



I think it's also ironic how many ED having people are on a forum for a cooking website.  Not saying I don't support them finding solidarity here, but it just strikes me as a weird place to be. 


Not all eating disorders are starvation / purging related.  There are also people who eat too much (binge) and gain weight that have eating disorders, so maybe they should look at the weight loss thread for guidance on healthy eating habits.

Binge eaters are not overweight for lack of knowledge of healthy eating habits.  Like anorexia or bulimia, it isn't something that can easily be controlled.  It's an addiction just like alcoholism.  I have found recovery through a 12-step program, and those threads are just as damaging to me as they are to anorexics.

Healthy habits are learned in many ways other than 12 step programs.  I stand by my recommendation.

What I'm saying is that knowing healthy habits can't help someone who has an eating disorder.  They need more help than that.


it is ironic... I just hope both threads stay positive and discuss things in healthy, helpful ways...

I really can't imagine anyone on this site that would intentionally post a negative unhealthy message for either people with ED's or others that are seaking ways to lose weight--this site does tend to be dominated by women and both issues are huge for us, I think it is only natural that both would come up for discussion. The timeing is ironic, however not necessarily uninterrelated.

So LADIES UNITE!  Let's fight this...for us and the little girls all over the world who look up to us FINE looking ladies ;)


I hope one day we can really have a that universal message that image does not matter---and believe it!

Good luck all!


Not all eating disorders are starvation / purging related.  There are also people who eat too much (binge) and gain weight that have eating disorders, so maybe they should look at the weight loss thread for guidance on healthy eating habits.

Binge eaters are not overweight for lack of knowledge of healthy eating habits.  Like anorexia or bulimia, it isn't something that can easily be controlled.  It's an addiction just like alcoholism.  I have found recovery through a 12-step program, and those threads are just as damaging to me as they are to anorexics.

Healthy habits are learned in many ways other than 12 step programs.  I stand by my recommendation.

What I'm saying is that knowing healthy habits can't help someone who has an eating disorder.  They need more help than that.

Agreed.  I have a lot of knowledge about EDs as a psychology major and from having one myself.  None of that helped me at all.  Knowledge is only good with action behind it.  It's hard to do the action part a lot of the time.  However, I also agree with MD that, by having knowledge, one can keep their options open for when they are ready to take action.

But I could be completely wrong, I'm just speaking for me.  That is all.  :P


its been almost a whole year since i was hospitalized, and i felt that no one "got it" with me... thinking that being veggie (and very anal about ingredients) was another symptom of my ED. all the talk on this board REALLY helped me, not only to be able to talk about it w/ like minded ppl, but to gain my own insight....esp being fairly anoymous.

i feel like talking about it is a good thing. i spent WAYYYY too long hiding it, no one called me out on it. and even though the ppl around me are the ones i should be talkiing to, i also realize that they need their own therapy, and i cant continue beating myself up b/c others want to be in denial. talking and relating to you all here helps me not live in that world of denial.

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