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<clicking heels> I will not be a flyby (repeat 3 times)

I'm from Kansas, so the subject reference is allowed  ::)

Here's the part where I stand up and say in a monotonous, AA intro-like voice: "Hello, my name is dinkfeet, and I'm a VegWeb troll."

Honestly though, it is quite rude of me to have jumped in responding to questions and starting new posts without introducing myself.

So, "Hello All!" I'm a Midwesterner living near Boston. I love meeting new kind of beans, long walks with my dog, using too much punctuation, and have a penchant for kitchen mishaps. I also tend to over-enthusiasticly jump in feet-first with everything I do, so in my attempt at being older and wiser, I try to observe groups (also IRL) for a bit so that I can have some slight depth when I join in.

I loooove VegWeb. I loooove lurking, and I loooooove reading VegWeb posts without responding. That said, in my defense, that's because I tend to search before asking <patselfonback>.

I'm truly excited to have discovered VegWeb, and can't wait to be posting four years from now about how we had to get our B12 from nutritional yeast instead of the sunflower nail polish (or similar nonsense) that will be all the rage in 2012.

well, welcome...Im glad to meet you...but I dont think thats what she meant by fly-bys... ::)


Hi Zelia!

LOL, I'm sure that it's not what JenniferHughes meant by flybys and certainly didn't take it as such, but it gave me a poke in the rear to write the "Hello VegWeb" that I'd been meaning to post :)


I'm from Kansas, so the subject reference is allowed  ::)

Here's the part where I stand up and say in a monotonous, AA intro-like voice: "Hello, my name is dinkfeet, and I'm a VegWeb troll."

Honestly though, it is quite rude of me to have jumped in responding to questions and starting new posts without introducing myself.

hi Dinkfeet!

Hmmmm I never introduced myself either :(  I just started chiming that really rude :-\ :'(?  I just thought I should jump right in there...I've only been doing this vegweb thing for about a month, ekkk i didn't mean to be rude...


nor did I introduce myself. oh well...

hello dinkfeet! where does your name come from?


I am never going to live that one down....  ::)  :-[
It's not rude! Chime in! You're supposed to!
It'd only be rude if someone chimed in and didn't take in to consideration the person and situation they were responding to... *sigh* besides...
I didn't mean you! I didn't mean anyone here! If you're thinking, "Am I a flyby?"-- it's not you!!
Anyway, hi dinkfeet!
I'm worried about you.
From what I've read, you seem to be a danger to yourself and others in the kitchen ;)
I lived in Kansas for about 3 months... um...  :-\  it was very... Kansas-ish... you know what I mean. ;)


Hi Lauraabs and Kennedy28! I think that we should all be ashamed and start a quick support group for those of us who are failures at living up to JenniferHughes' Mary Poppins-esque standards!

Perhaps we should invent a new term for better-than-flybyers. Suggestions anyone?

As for you Ms. Hughes, your concern made me LOL IRL and my officemate wanted to know the joke (don't ya hate internet acronyms : ).  I AM a danger in the kitchen and tend to specialize in ridiculous, complicated recipes with hard-to-find ingredients that end up just tasting like normal food. But hey, live life on the edge, right? I will drum up a digital camera and post a pic of my cool scar. My finger is healing nicely, and my SIL (sister-in-law) made a watermelon salad on Sunday with chiffonaded mint just to be a paint in my butt  ;D

Kansas - to anyone driving cross-country, I recommend planning on driving through Kansas at night. If you have good alignment, you can fall asleep and still be on the road in the morning. I spent the first two years of college trying to defend all the stereotypes, and the last two years realizing they're true.  ???



Kansas - to anyone driving cross-country, I recommend planning on driving through Kansas at night. If you have good alignment, you can fall asleep and still be on the road in the morning. I spent the first two years of college trying to defend all the stereotypes, and the last two years realizing they're true.  ???

As an Iowa-born girl, I once drove (well, OK, rode shotgun)  across Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas and learned the truth of the statement: "If you're gonna drive across the Midwest, do it at're not going to miss anything."
Soybeans, corn, pigs...what's to miss? And if it be in winter, it's just miles and miles of fence posts and snow! ;D


Welcome dinkfeet, glad to have you here!  I'm Andrea


Hi Caitee and Andrea adn Lyss and Meggs and Capture and Ariana!

Taneveb pointed out there's a ROLL CALL thread too that I probably should have joined onto  ;)


Oh dear, I didn't intro me either.

Hi dinkfeet!  Welcome, glad to have you.

Poor Jennifer... You really won't live that down, but eh, who cares? You make kick butt food and take nice pics of it, and I love you for that.  :)

My name is Megan and I'm also a midwesterner, born and raised... and still here...


i never introduced my self and now this seems like and intro thread so hi im Lyss and im not from the midwest



Kansas - to anyone driving cross-country, I recommend planning on driving through Kansas at night. If you have good alignment, you can fall asleep and still be on the road in the morning. I spent the first two years of college trying to defend all the stereotypes, and the last two years realizing they're true.  ???


Ariana by the way :)


Hi Dinkfeet! welcome to the board! I your introduction! I think you will fit right in!

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