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I need an essay topic!

Alright I need a little help in deciding on a topic for a paper I have to write for a Humanities class. The paper has to be somehow related to Art imitating life. I realize it's a pretty broad subject. I can choose a book or photography or really anything but I need something that is 5 page worthy. Any ideas from my genius veggies out there?

-How abstract art has symbols and tells of life and emotion through colors and shapes (Polluck and Picasso?)
-Tattoos?? Those are art!! Showing how body modification truly shows a persons life mabye?

Eh. all i can think of at the moment. dont know if that will help at all (or really pertain to it completely), but i'll think about it!


Alright I need a little help in deciding on a topic for a paper I have to write for a Humanities class. The paper has to be somehow related to Art imitating life. I realize it's a pretty broad subject. I can choose a book or photography or really anything but I need something that is 5 page worthy. Any ideas from my genius veggies out there?

How about parallel cinema and Life?


Thanks you guys those are great ideas, keep them coming please! I'm gonna have to look into Rivera that sounds like a good idea, also the body mod.

NJA I've actually been scanning the internet for some ideas or sample films that would work. Any particulars in mind?


Here's my thoughts for films: decide on either a genre or a time period, (ie WW2). Then pick an assortment from that category of the other (ie WW2 nonfic/biopic: Schindler's List, Romantic/tearjerker/Foreign: Life is Beautiful, Musical: For the Boys, etc). You can then analyze anything from the directing style, costume design (period specific? thematic? what does this say about society as it is portrayed?), dialogue, "blocking", etc..... Good luck!!


Thanks you guys those are great ideas, keep them coming please! I'm gonna have to look into Rivera that sounds like a good idea, also the body mod.

NJA I've actually been scanning the internet for some ideas or sample films that would work. Any particulars in mind?

Take something from Africa.How about blood Diamond?



For art, pop art has probably been done to death.  What about grafitti art?

For literature, autobiographical elements found in literature (how an author's experiences find their way into a story).  This could range anywhere from F. Scott Fitzgerald to John Green (Looking for Alaska was set at a boarding school/Green attended a boarding school and he worked in a hospital for a time and dealt with death).


jes, i saw an article in Marie Claire about this french photographer who goes by JR who plasters HUGE photos of battered women on all sorts of things (illegally) here is the link to his page:


eww those with the train look cool! Thanks for the suggestion. School is such a pain in the ass.

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