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I miss...

I thought we could use a post like this. List the things, the people, the whatevers you miss. This could be as simple as saying "I miss my TV show..." or "I miss him/her/it..." I'll start.

I miss traveling. Last year I took two trips and I loved it. I loved going to the different airports, riding on the planes, and arriving at my destination. I always loved airports and their energy...even though last year I had to sleep on the concrete floor. Haha! So yeah, I miss traveling.

I miss my great grandpa who passed away just after my 7th birthday in 1994
I miss my great grandma who passed away just last feburary of this year 2011

:'( they were like mom and dad to me so the pain never really gets better  :'(


i'm so sorry, fay. <3 ((faylinameir))


fay <3

i'm sure they are in a better place and watch over you and smile... sucks tho... sorry :/


i'm so sorry, fay. <3 ((faylinameir))

fay <3

i'm sure they are in a better place and watch over you and smile... sucks tho... sorry :/

Thanks guys, I know they're in a better place, but its still hard ya know. I took care of my grandma off and on awhile before she passed away. for the last 6-7 years of her life, her mind really went away, towards the end she couldnt remember her own husband whom she was married to for 50 years. The last thing she said was how much she loved me, i feel sad and privillaged at the same time she remembered me until the end, and it sucks because i'm always thinkinga bout what I did wrong in my life to her. Mothers day was really hard, I ended up crying towards the end because I couldn't take it anymore. & now I'm rambling... gonna go but thanks guys, sometimes ya just need to get it out, this was one of those times :(


I miss my only grandma who passed away two weeks ago.  :'(
I miss Orlando FL and hope to move there next year
I miss being lazy sometimes
I miss having the courage to tell someone how I really feel about them


i miss not feeling like shit all the time.

i miss being young when everything was simple.

i miss being happy the majority of the time and sad only a little.


I miss jessimaka33 and her daughter.


I miss flushing toilet paper.


I miss flushing toilet paper.

what? do you live in mexico now? i guess they don't flush it there lol


Lol, I'm in Greece right now. They don't flush it here, and I miss the convenience!


Lol, I'm in Greece right now. They don't flush it here, and I miss the convenience!

hmmmm i did not know that! my ex used to rent a room from some straight outta mexico peeps and they would throw their poo tp in the garbage! it was fucking sick cause it was out in the open right next to the toilet! :P


It's the pipes. They can't take it. Why don't they lay new pipes? Because the city is spending the money on nonessentials. (This happens in the old part of the town where I live, too).


It's the pipes. They can't take it. Why don't they lay new pipes? Because the city is spending the money on nonessentials. (This happens in the old part of the town where I live, too).

I had to do this in Costa Rica.  The pipes are why we were there... In the city the water would be fine, but the further out you got the worse the pipes, thus the worse the water conditions.  They're pipes are underground, but their ground erodes so easily that livestock and people damage the pipes and then e-coli gets in the water supply and people get sick.  We installed this kick-ass water purifier at an orphanage that chlorinates the water, and runs of of s handful of salt and a car battery.  It can purify enough water for a village in one day.

Bit of a tangent, but all that to say that crappy pipes make me angry, but for totally different reasons.


I've missed this feeling I'm feeling right now. I know I know...I labeled this thread "I miss" not "I've missed". Oh well. ;)


I miss flushing toilet paper.

Ugh. I hated this about China. You get used to it though.


I miss being able to sleep naturally. I've always taken a long time to drop off, but this waking up at 4 AM after only 3 hrs of sleep--she is getting old.


Feeling like I did this weekend.


oh those highs and lows...... i miss the highs too....


i miss not having the person i have dedicated a specific half of the couch being here and silly with me.....


I miss lilacs and violets.



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