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I have finally made it in to the 21st century....NVR

I got my first cell phone after 48 years of living!
I won one about 15 years ago for a year.  I made two calls in the year. 
I have started to think that because I drive alone, for safety reasons I should have one.  I am doing a 7 hour drive next week-end. 
I got it Friday night and have already made about 20 calls.  One of my best friends emailed me and said, welcome to the 21st century.  Are you going to check out colour TV's now and microwaves?  LOL!
BTW, I do have a colour TV and a microwave.  Just never succumbed to a cell phone.
I also got a great plan and one of the features is you can program 5 friends or family in to it.  Either their cell phone or their land line.  Calls to those five people and calls coming from those five people are free day and night.  Well, of course not free as you pay for the plan.
Do I sound like a little kid with a new toy?  ;D ;D ;D


i am horribly dependent on my cell phone.
probally too much so to fully reach the level of minimal material existence i wish to

yay for you on your happiness with the purchase!


I'll make it into the 21st century if I ever buy a digital camera.  I only bought a 35m 2 years ago and even then I've only developed about 5% of the pictures I've taken.  I'm a loser I'll admit.  ::)  I don't like to take pictures or be in them nor do I do the photo album thing.  Take after my dad like that. 


i am horribly dependent on my cell phone.
probally too much so to fully reach the level of minimal material existence i wish to

yay for you on your happiness with the purchase!

Hee hee hee...I know I will now be overly dependant.  Thanks for the yay!


Congrats! I'm only 25, but I got my first phone about 4 years ago (late for my generation) and now I can't live without it. It is always on and with my demanding job, I can't be without it for more than an hour


Yeah, it's sad really. I went almost 50 years without a cell phone, driving all over the place without a care and now I get nervous if I find I left my phone at home when I'm just driving to work (7 miles away).  :P


AFter becoming totally dependent upon a cell phone, I felt the need to go further and get a SideKick... it's like a third arm and if I don't have it I'm lost.  Sad.

On another note, a friend of mine who is in her mid thirties still refuses to get a cell phone.  It's very difficult to get a hold of her at times, but I think it's uber-cool.

Anyway, congrats, Diver-Di!


ive had a cell phone since the year i got my license.  my parents were so nervous about letting their 16 year old daughter out of the house without a way to get in contact.  but i always wonder what it would be like to drive without a cell phone.  like what would happen if i get a flat tire and dont have a cell phone to call aaa, i have no idea what id do!  walk somewhere?  wait for a possibly nice possibly creepy passerby to let me use their cell phone?  i bet without having a cell phone while driving, one would get prettty good at being self sufficient. 


Welcome to the 21st century!  I, too, am a new cell phone owner at the ripe old age of 43.  My parents gave me one about 6 months ago for emergency use and that is all it's for.  I'm just not a phone person.  Heck, half the time I have my home phone unplugged so that nobody can call me! 


I hated being on an electronic leash so I had refused a cell phone for a long time. Then I got a flat tire alone at night and had to knock on a door to use a telephone to call AAA. Fortunately, it was the home of a kind, elderly man in a nice neighborhood. After that, I got a cell phone. But I keep it off except for emergency purposes.


I have two cell phones.  One personal, one work-issued.  I hardly ever carry my personal phone.  I leave it in my car, turn off.  I'm forced to carry my work phone.  Although I don't always carry my work phone, because my work provider's cell phone provider doesn't have coverage where I live, emergency response notifications go to my home phone.  There are lots of times I drive places without either phone.

Note about changing tires.   It's really important that you know how to change your own tire.  It's not hard to do.  Loosen the nuts while the tire is still on the ground.  I got a length of small diameter pipe from the hardware store to fit over the metal thing you use to loosen the nuts for more leverage.  Read your vehicle's manual to figure out where to place the jack under the car.  Then jack up your car, pull the tire off and replace it with the spare.  Of course, occassionally check the spare to make sure it has air.  Once, my spare was flat as well.

Why do you need to know how to do this?  I couple of reasons I've found:  Once I was on a detour and I needed aaa.  Because I didn't know the name of the road I was on, they wouldn't send anyone.  I told them I was on the detour section for X road, but without a street name they wouldn't log it.  Second, you may break down in an area where it's not safe for you to wait an hour for a tow truck to come change your tire for you.


Heck, half the time I have my home phone unplugged so that nobody can call me! 

Me too!  I keep my home phone unlisted and check the caller id whenever it rings.  I only have it for the internet.  


You'll really be cool when you go all digital - no land lines...just your cell phone(s).
Kudos on your new toy!  You'll find it's much more useful than just for emergencies!


I held out on a cell phone for years, but my parents insisted I get one b/c of my commute.  Now, I only have a cell phone (no landline), and I do slightly freak out if I don't have it in the car.  So weird how quickly things change...I drove for years without a cell phone. 


i had to get a cell phone when i went off to school a few years ago and it made me very sad :(
i don't know why but i feel so much less resourceful with a cell phone and constant access to the internet.

i also hate how cell phones have made everyone not make concrete plans ' i'll call you when i get to place X', ect. ugh. just meet me here at this time. is this just me?
i like to leave me phone at home sometimes and not always be 'connected'


My husband and I have only had our cell phone for a little over a year (I'm 26).  We ditched the landline completely, so the phone functions more like a home phone. We only take it with us when we are both out together and even then we usually forget.  My father (55 years old) got his first cell phone for Father's Day this year and he tells me he feels like a modern man :)

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