i dont wanna go to work
Posted by Sariea on Jan 16, 2009 · Member since Feb 2007 · 845 posts
yesterday and wednesday were my days off but i had to spend the entire time cleaning the house and exercising so i feel like i didn't get to relax at all.. but i've already taken 5 hours of sick time so far this year and what with maybe having surgery in a month or so, i don't know how much time i'll have to save for that out of my vacation/personal/sick
i'm not in the mood to hear people complain for 8 hours today and say that their kids would never run up their phone bills and we must have made a mistake blah blah blahh...
i swear i'd rather stay home and spend hours srubbing the kitchen floor, hah
i'm not in the mood to hear people complain for 8 hours today and say that their kids would never run up their phone bills and we must have made a mistake blah blah blahh...
Who could believe that??!! :stfu:
Parents always think their kids are angels or totally independant and mature at an early age...
i'm not in the mood to hear people complain for 8 hours today and say that their kids would never run up their phone bills and we must have made a mistake blah blah blahh...
Customer service/billing for a phone company?......I could never do your job. I don't like people in general and I certainly don't like whiny ones. Sorry you don't have a way out of that today. :(
i could use some sick time i guess but then i'd get in "trouble" when dean gets home tonight n finds out i used more sick time. he's worried i'll use it all up and then won't have some when i really need it. i COULD use a mental health day though. but then again, i could always use one of those lol
i actually was on the phone one time with this woman insisting her daughter didnt run it up with ringtone downloads and games n stuff, and i could hear the daughter in the background crying like "she's such a liar! i didn't do that!!"
and then one time i had this girl call in and i could tell it was a young girl trying to sound like an adult all fake nonchalant about making changes to the account, so when i hung up with her, i called the account owner (her father) and ended up getting her in trouble. it was kinda funny. he ended up suspending her line for a while
oh well, off i go. have a good day everyone!
Somedays, I feel your same pain. On those days, I think about the garbage collector who is working outside all day in negative degree weather, EMTs who are dealing with losing patients en route to the hospital and all the Americans who are losing everything they have because they no longer have a job. Then I realize just how lucky I am to have a job to go to.
I just got hired at the local video store! I'm so excited, having no job really sucks.
As my grandmother used to tell me when I worked a customer service job, "Close your eyes* and think of the money". It sucks but it pays.
(*Don't actually close your eyes. Your supervisor might think you're asleep and then you'd be in trouble.)
yesterday and wednesday were my days off but i had to spend the entire time cleaning the house and exercising so i feel like i didn't get to relax at all....
Welcome to my life!! ::)
As my grandmother used to tell me when I worked a customer service job, "Close your eyes* and think of the money". It sucks but it pays.
(*Don't actually close your eyes. Your supervisor might think you're asleep and then you'd be in trouble.)
lol if i close my eyes they'll probably think i'm trying not to yell at a customer.
i realize i'm very lucky to have my job in a time like this, i'm very greatfull for it, sometimes it's just tough to find the motivation to listen to people complain all day, especially when i'm tired.
yesterday and wednesday were my days off but i had to spend the entire time cleaning the house and exercising so i feel like i didn't get to relax at all....
Welcome to my life!! ::)
it's been like that the last few weeks since i want to actually help out more around here and not have my bf frustrated cuz he thinks he does all the work lol... just between exercising 2 hours and cleaning, and then especialy this week because i started a painting after not painting for almost a year, it'd be fine if he didn't get home at 4pm and i had more time lol
As my grandmother used to tell me when I worked a customer service job, "Close your eyes* and think of the money". It sucks but it pays.
(*Don't actually close your eyes. Your supervisor might think you're asleep and then you'd be in trouble.)
Hee hee...sounds like "lie on your back and think of England." Which fits, if your job screws you over a lot...
My problem is I work from home, so my work comes to me. Or, sometimes, doesn't. I had a txt from a student waiting for me, which she had sent at 11.30 PM, bailing on a 10.30 AM class because "she has to study for a test Monday." As DH said: "Wonder which disco she sent it from?" :-D
I think many people feel that way. I know I certianly do from time to time.
As my grandmother used to tell me when I worked a customer service job, "Close your eyes* and think of the money". It sucks but it pays.
(*Don't actually close your eyes. Your supervisor might think you're asleep and then you'd be in trouble.)
Hee hee...sounds like "lie on your back and think of England." Which fits, if your job screws you over a lot...
My problem is I work from home, so my work comes to me. Or, sometimes, doesn't. I had a txt from a student waiting for me, which she had sent at 11.30 PM, bailing on a 10.30 AM class because "she has to study for a test Monday." As DH said: "Wonder which disco she sent it from?" :-D
It smacks of plagiarism to me too, frankly ;)
I also lack the motivation to go to work. But that's because I need a vacation, and I need to figure out what I want to do with my life. My work is not a pain actually, just the situation I'm in.
And Sariea, I so feel your pain, I used to work in a call centre and I hated it. I took it too personnally, when I probably shouldn't have. Just hang in there...
i used to take it personally, i've only cried once and that was when i was still in training.
now i just get mad. i yelled at a customer once because he was being such a jerk and i kept telling him "if you want my help you're going to have to bring down you voice and talk to me like a human being" and then at the end i told him to pay the $30 charge he was complaining about, and he was like "then i'm going to cancel my line" and i said back to him "that's not how we negotiate. you're able to cancel your line if you want but it's a $175 early termination fee. you can either pay $30 or $175. that's up to you" and he was like "well... okay... sorry"
it was so exilirating to be that forceful because customers just take out all their frustration on yah. i wanna tell customers they can stop threatening me because i don't give a rats ass if they cancel their line lol, but i can't.