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I am sorry to keep bringing this up but I am having second thoughts.

As the date for my abortion appointment comes near and I am getting used to the idea of being pregnant my fear and anxiety about it is starting to calm.  As a result I am thinking that maybe abortion isn't the right choice.  It might be nice to have a baby.  I think that I would love my baby if I had one.  I said befor that I don't have the money, really that isn't true.  I am an engineer, out of college with a career that pays well, and would give me maternity leave for when the baby comes.  I don't really want to kill it.  It is a little bitty life inside and I don't want to kill it.  I am 30, I am old enough.  Also, my family would never forgive me if I aborted it.  Not sure what I want, I am still very confused.

SnowQueen, you have to do what is right for YOU.  Not anyone else.  Just you.  Because at night, in your own bed, you are the one that needs to be able to be at peace with yourself.  Paternal love should be unconditional.  If they are putting conditions on you now, at your age with your situation then I would reevaluate the relationship on a whole.

Should you decide on the RU486 then tell them simply you miscarried.  Is it a lie?  Not exactly.  If they ask you directly "did you have an abortion" you can honestly answer "No, I did not have a D&C".  End of topic.

Doing something to potentially screw up the rest of your life as you had previously planned it to make someone else happy is a horrible way to choose your path in life.  Make sure its your path and you are happy with it.  *hugs*


Also, having an involved father who wants the child is very important for both you and the child. I'm not talking marriage when I say that. What I mean is support for you is good and love for the child from both parents is critical.

I don't disagree with the majority of your post, but this particular statement seems like a gross underestimation of single parent homes. Not only can single parent homes be successful, one could agrue that they have an advantage in some ways because they don't have obligations such being a souse or whatever. They can focus on being a parent (and an employee, granted) The atage goes "it takes a village to raise a child," there seems to be some truth in this...children benefit from interactions with many people. Emotional support for the parent is vital, but that support does not need to come from the paternal contributor. :-\

two parents are nice, but not NECESSARY.

VHZ I was in NO WAY criticizing single parent households. What I was talking about was having both donors wanting to be parents and their subsequent involvement. Those parents don't have to be in the same household to be caring and active in their child's life. This is important, because children emotionally can feel rejected or a void if one parent is absent in spirit.


I don't really want to kill it.  It is a little bitty life inside and I don't want to kill it. 

But if I get an abortion my parents will be furious and will never forgive me.  They are catholic and totally anti abortion.  But then I realize that that is the only reason that I have for not getting an abortion is because I am afraid of everybody being mad at me.

I swear I'm not trying to be pill right now, but I'm wondering if your first statement is something your parents said to you or something you feel for yourself? if it is something YOU think and feel...then proceed with caution, because abortion might not be the right choice for you at this time. (if you feel it is a life you do not want o terminate)

However, if you don't feel that way. If the ONLY reason for not having one is to make your parents happy, please realize that your parents are going to love you no matter what you decide to do. Your Dad called you to say he would support you either way, right? A parents love is unconditional (usually) And as it has been said over and over and over need to make this decision based on YOUR heart...not to please other people.


I also like what MDvegan said....unfortunately, this isn't one of the choices we can go back and change later (just like you cant change what happened that night) So don't put unnecessary time constraints on yourself!

If you are still confused, wait.  You can have an abortion for a few more months if you decide to do that.


Straight from the pharmacological information on the Plan B website, it works by:

"preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium). It is not effective once the process of implantation has begun."

ETA: I also think you should speak with a trusted friend or counselor (in person) regarding your situation.

When I took Plan B, the pharmacist explained it to me just like you posted.  I took it the next morning. The sooner the better.  If I remember correctly, SQ didn't take it for a couple of days.  Things were probably already in serious progress.  Obviously, they were.

I agree about speaking with a trusted friend or counselor.


VHZ, you seem to be the voice of experience. 

I wish I knew the right answer, I wish I could go back in time and not make the mistake that I had.  Oh if only...

Reading all of your posts it seems that being a mom is not for me right now.  But if I get an abortion my parents will be furious and will never forgive me.  They are catholic and totally anti abortion.  But then I realize that that is the only reason that I have for not getting an abortion is because I am afraid of everybody being mad at me.

If I keep it I'm up shit creek without a paddle, if I abort it everybody in my family will hate me.  I hate being in this situation. 

get the abortion, lie to your parents, fake a miscarraige


VHZ, you seem to be the voice of experience. 

I wish I knew the right answer, I wish I could go back in time and not make the mistake that I had.  Oh if only...

Reading all of your posts it seems that being a mom is not for me right now.  But if I get an abortion my parents will be furious and will never forgive me.  They are catholic and totally anti abortion.  But then I realize that that is the only reason that I have for not getting an abortion is because I am afraid of everybody being mad at me.

If I keep it I'm up shit creek without a paddle, if I abort it everybody in my family will hate me.  I hate being in this situation. 

get the abortion, lie to your parents, fake a miscarriage

withholding either a dissenting opinion OR a supportive confirmation, i have to say, i admire your bluntness Adam...
can't pussyfoot around with issues like this...

rather you choose to continue with the pregnancy or discontinue the pregnancy, I'm not sure you're going to feel "good" about either one.  the fact that you are developing doubts, means that there is something in the back of your mind about it...are you conflicted by a "moral compass" or by the ideal that you may want to be a mother? 


rather you choose to continue with the pregnancy or discontinue the pregnancy, I'm not sure you're going to feel "good" about either one.  the fact that you are developing doubts, means that there is something in the back of your mind about it...are you conflicted by a "moral compass" or by the ideal that you may want to be a mother? 

SQ...i think you really need to take some more time to decide and use that tiime to talkk to someone, a friend, a professioinal, sort out everything.

ive never been in your situatioin, but i have been w/ my bff...she found herself suddenly preg, in school, at age 25l and w/ massive school loans. i watched her deal w/ all the fear, uncertainty, the possible miscarrage...and ultimate birth of her child. she had the baby and life has turned out great for her but, her life is not her own anymore.even though she obviously loves her boy,  priorities are always the child first and foremost. so, like L2A said, a baby isnt like a pet.

and i can only reiterate what all teh others have said, you cant make a decision about your body out of a guilt trip from your family. its your business. your body. and if your family  at all  believes in god, they would certainly not hate you.


I was going to stay out of this because I have never had children or been pregnant but I have read every comment on all of your threads.

First, I do believe it is your decision and you shouldn't be influenced by family.

I also believe it takes two to create a baby,  If you do decide to have the baby, the father should step up to the plate and help support the baby.  If he doesn't have money, he should get a second job.  You didn't create the baby on your own.  You had unprotected sex.  He was aware of that.  He must know what a condom is.  He had unprotected sex too.

You shouldn't abort because HE thinks you should.  Seems like an easy way out of child support.  He was with you when the embryo was created.

As for the comments on adoption, I wouldn't have the most beautiful niece and nephew if it wasn't for adoption.  My sister couldn't have children.  Are they bastards?  Hell no.  No child is!

The only bastards are the ones that don't believe in child support.

My niece and nephew have known they were adopted since they knew how to talk.  My niece is now 19.  When she was two or three, she used to tell me she was adopted. 

They also know that their mothers gave them up because they loved them and weren't ready or financially stable to raise a child.  Therefore they did the most unselfish act and gave them up in hopes of giving them a better life.  My sister and brother in law are not opposed to them seeking out their birth parents at any time.  They will even help. 

Unprotected sex creates babies.  Hell, protected sex does too sometimes. 

I have had friends on the pill that got pregnant, friends that used condoms that broke that got pregnant. 

If one truly wants to guarantee not getting pregnant, one should abstain from sex.  Like that is realistic! NOT!

Someone said you still have time to decide if you want to terminate this pregnancy.  You don't have to make the decision by Friday.  You still have time.

Don't make your decision based on your parents.  Don't make your decision on things you have read on this board.  Seek out an unbiased counselor and take some serious personal time to make a decision.  I noticed on your profile you stated, Do not want kids.  You have often stated it in threads as well.

If you have changed your mind..great!  There are many single moms who do just fine.  May have hard times but do well.  You have a good job.  You are not destitute.  I spend more monthly on my pets home cooking than my a**hole neighbour pays on child support for his two children.

If you do not want the baby and do not want to carry the baby, then abort.

If you want to carry the baby but don't want the baby, put it up for adoption.  You will make someone very happy.  Someone that can't have children but want a baby more than anything.

I thank the two ladies that gave up my niece and nephew.  Our family was blessed by their love of their babies.  We couldn't be more thankful.

You know we will always support your decision. 

My only disgust is that the dad is not stepping up to the plate.  He may be a great friend and you guys were FWBs, but he is the dad. 

In Canada, he is financially held responsible.  Wayward dads have their wages garnished.

Good luck with your decision and hope you find peace in what ever you decide.  I know this must be scary for you as it is a life altering decision.

Big hugs to you.



Reading all of your posts it seems that being a mom is not for me right now.  But if I get an abortion my parents will be furious and will never forgive me.  They are catholic and totally anti abortion.  But then I realize that that is the only reason that I have for not getting an abortion is because I am afraid of everybody being mad at me.

If I keep it I'm up shit creek without a paddle, if I abort it everybody in my family will hate me.  I hate being in this situation. 

  If what you say about your family is true then you would probably be better off cutting ties with them. If they are willing to judge you and hate you based on the decision you are about to make then the fact is they don't really love you anyway.

  I'm not trying to be critical of you here but I have to ask you this- if you knew this was how your family was going to react why did you involve them in the first place? Clearly your decision would be easier WITHOUT their input. If you were simply looking for "support" (an overrated commodity in my opinion) you certainly didn't get it from them.


Once again, SQ....I can only imagine how confusing and frightening this all must be for you.  It's a terribly difficult time, and you need good friends to help you through (hey, you're only human, we all need one another...).

And again, It's difficult for any of us to be able to determine what's best for you, because only YOU know yourself well enough to know what's right, and only you have a full grasp of your current circumstances.

that said,
I agree with Kbone somewhat.  I simply cannot judge your family since I don't know them, and yet...
If your family truly does love you (and I'm sure they do), they'll be able to forgive you....maybe not right away, though, so it might actually benefit you to....I dunno, "take a break" from your relationship with them?
You've got to take a stand and show them that you make decisions for yourself, not for anyone else.  They NEED to respect that.

I mean,'ve already committed a terrible "sin" by having sex, right?  if you hadn't gotten pregnant, would that have been forgivable?  Pose this question to them, and ask them to think it over critically and honestly.  If they cannot support your decision, you'll need to take the next step, whatever that may be.

and again....I can't tell you what to do, but I can only offer what I think I would do in your shoes.  We're with you, no matter what choice you make.


Also, having an involved father who wants the child is very important for both you and the child. I'm not talking marriage when I say that. What I mean is support for you is good and love for the child from both parents is critical.

I don't disagree with the majority of your post, but this particular statement seems like a gross underestimation of single parent homes. Not only can single parent homes be successful, one could agrue that they have an advantage in some ways because they don't have obligations such being a souse or whatever. They can focus on being a parent (and an employee, granted) The atage goes "it takes a village to raise a child," there seems to be some truth in this...children benefit from interactions with many people. Emotional support for the parent is vital, but that support does not need to come from the paternal contributor. :-\

two parents are nice, but not NECESSARY.

Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.


Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.

I have to chime in on this. My mother was a single parent with no support.  I have no "family" father, no grandparents, no uncles, no aunts, no cousins, NONE! (Well they exist, but the contact we have with them is sending Christmas cards.) I turned out ok... I have a pretty nice life. So there are exceptions.


Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.

I have to chime in on this. My mother was a single parent with no support.  I have no "family" father, no grandparents, no uncles, no aunts, no cousins, NONE! (Well they exist, but the contact we have with them is sending Christmas cards.) I turned out ok... I have a pretty nice life. So there are exceptions.

Also, having an involved father who wants the child is very important for both you and the child. I'm not talking marriage when I say that. What I mean is support for you is good and love for the child from both parents is critical.

I don't disagree with the majority of your post, but this particular statement seems like a gross underestimation of single parent homes. Not only can single parent homes be successful, one could agrue that they have an advantage in some ways because they don't have obligations such being a souse or whatever. They can focus on being a parent (and an employee, granted) The atage goes "it takes a village to raise a child," there seems to be some truth in this...children benefit from interactions with many people. Emotional support for the parent is vital, but that support does not need to come from the paternal contributor. :-\

two parents are nice, but not NECESSARY.

Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.

OK, people are soooo not getting what I was originally talking about.

Ideally children are better adjusted w/ both parents involved. They do not have to be married and living in the same house


Additionally, and this was kinda mentioned regarding child support...what the hell are you going to do whenever the father comes up and it will. This is not a TV show. If she needs any kind of govt assistance at any point they will demand info on the father. To register for school they will demand info.
What about the birth certificate even. It will be left blank unless the father signs a paper which will require him to agree to support the child etc.

These are just a few issues....

If he doesn't want a child both their lives are going to be really complicated beyond the complications of single parenthood. And then what happens if he tries to assert parental rights later.



Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.

I have to chime in on this. My mother was a single parent with no support.  I have no "family" father, no grandparents, no uncles, no aunts, no cousins, NONE! (Well they exist, but the contact we have with them is sending Christmas cards.) I turned out ok... I have a pretty nice life. So there are exceptions.

I agree with you.  When I said a child needs a family, I meant whatever that family entails.  Even if it is the mother alone. I have friends who were single mothers with no one to help them and their kids are also great people.  Also, my daughter is 23 and has never met her father.  She has never had a desire to meet him. I always left that choice up to her.  She told me "why do I need to meet him when I have you?"  I never asked for anything from him and he never offered anything for her. 


Very well stated.  I have 2 adult children that were raised with no father in the home.  But they have a grandfather, 2 uncles, 2 aunts and several cousins.  A child needs a family. Period.

I have to chime in on this. My mother was a single parent with no support.  I have no "family" father, no grandparents, no uncles, no aunts, no cousins, NONE! (Well they exist, but the contact we have with them is sending Christmas cards.) I turned out ok... I have a pretty nice life. So there are exceptions.

I agree with you.  When I said a child needs a family, I meant whatever that family entails.  Even if it is the mother alone. I have friends who were single mothers with no one to help them and their kids are also great people.  Also, my daughter is 23 and has never met her father.  She has never had a desire to meet him. I always left that choice up to her.  She told me "why do I need to meet him when I have you?"  I never asked for anything from him and he never offered anything for her. 


Kids need to be loved.  Doesn't matter by who.


OK, people are soooo not getting what I was originally talking about.

Ideally children are better adjusted w/ both parents involved. They do not have to be married and living in the same house


Additionally, and this was kinda mentioned regarding child support...what the hell are you going to do whenever the father comes up and it will. This is not a TV show. If she needs any kind of govt assistance at any point they will demand info on the father. To register for school they will demand info.
What about the birth certificate even. It will be left blank unless the father signs a paper which will require him to agree to support the child etc.

These are just a few issues....

If he doesn't want a child both their lives are going to be really complicated beyond the complications of single parenthood. And then what happens if he tries to assert parental rights later.


Life can certainly get "messy".  Your decision can be to end that little person's life to keep yours uncomplicated except for whatever emotional problems come with the abortion (if you don't tell your family that it was an abortion, that it was a miscarriage = not so little white lie).  Or if you decide to have the child, you'll have to deal with your family, including the father of the child.  I've seen many a grandparent change their tune about their "bastard" grandchild once the baby is here.  All the crap about premartial sex sin and other bull doesn't matter anymore to them. They help however they can.  No one can guarantee that will happen with your family and your child but I've seen it happen in my own family (a cousin) and with people I grew up with.  As for the father, he is morally and legally obligated to pay child support.  It doesn't matter if he didn't want the child.  He has to take responsibility for what you both did.  It's too late for him to "take back" his action.  You "play", you pay.  Maybe in the future, he'll be more careful if he's smart, but what is, is what is.  If he's the sort of person you absolutely do not want ever around your child, then legal action can be taken to protect you and the child.  Maybe in the future, you'll be more careful about who you make love with, but what is, is what is, for you, too.  Other than putting the child up for adoption which would require a level of maturity to make that decision, you've got to be a responsible adult if you choose to have the child.  If that doesn't appeal to you, you know what you've got to do.  Sorry, if this isn't sugarcoated enough but that's the way I see the situation from my vantage point of seeing similar situations over the years. 


SQ, what did you decide? If I remember correctly, today was your appointment...


I pushed the appointment out until Monday (January 28th) so that I could make an apointment with my psychiatrist.  I had a really good conversation, and she didn't push me any which way which I didnt expect or want her to.  I just wanted to hear what somebody who doesn't have a personal opinion about the whole thing says.  She made one comment, this is my decision and my alone.  She said that I have to do what I feel is the right thing to do, there is no wrong decision.  I know that many of you may disagree but looking at where I am standing in life right now, right at the beginning of my career, a lot to look forward to, I decided abortion is the best thing to do for ME.  Now my family is going to be mad but I feel that this is the best choice for ME to do.  It is purely selfish.  Now I seriously considered adoption and still am.  But I have definately ruled out keeping the baby, I can not do that.  So the question now is abortion or adoption?  The advantage to abortion is that I can get it all over with now but then my family would be very angry with me.  Hmmm, still considering my options, but I have definately ruled out keeping the child, that is something I can not do right now.  THat is where I stand at this moment.  But I am leaning toward abortion, so that I can go back to the way things were and can leave Texas in August like I originally planned.  I just wish this wouldn't have happened.  But I am less confused now.


I know that many of you may disagree but looking at where I am standing in life right now, right at the beginning of my career, a lot to look forward to, I decided abortion is the best thing to do for ME.  Now my family is going to be mad but I feel that this is the best choice for ME to do.  It is purely selfish.

Glad to hear you're feeling at least a little better & more clear, SQ. I just wanted to add that I don't think many of us disagree with your (possible) decision to have an abortion--and if we did, as your psychiatrist said, who cares? :) I think everyone here supports your ability to make a decision, and I also wanted to say that I personally, do not believe that abortion is "purely selfish." Do not feel that way! You'll make the best decision for all involved, and have faith in that!


I'm very happy that you talked this over with a psychiatrist, babe...not only does she sound very wise and compassionate, I think she's the best source of objective advice you have available.  I'm glad you're feeling a bit more clear-minded now.

You're ruling out the possibility of keeping and raising the child....that sounds like the best thing for BOTH of you right now.  If you're still considering adoption, you just need to think about where the child will go after s/he is born--perhaps you can look into adoption agencies in your area, see if there are any families on a waiting list, and get to know some of them.  It'd be better (IMO) than letting the state take care of everything, with the possibility of the baby ending up in a sub-standard foster home or something.

So, just to reiterate what the ladies above--particularly TinTexas--have been Non-traditional family settings are not always (in fact, seldom) detrimental to a child's development.  The Mother+Father parent system is ideal, but who's to say that a Father+Grandmother or Adopted Mother+Uncle/Aunt system is any less ideal?  If your baby is carried to term and given up for adoption, s/he might be in a less-than-"normal" family situation, but it doesn't have to be an unfit one.

My little niece was born when her dad was deployed in Iraq.  For the first 4 months of her life, she had her mom (my sister) and grandma (our mom) to take care of her...I helped to raise her somewhat, too, but I was off at college a lot of the time  :-\
THEN, my sister got deployed as well, and her (ex)husband didn't return until another 4 or 5 months later!  So, little Ashleigh was parentless for that time, but she had her grandma, her grand-aunt (my aunt), and lots of their friends to take care of her...and a fine job they did, too.  Daddy came home, then mommy returned a few months after that...Grandma died the next year  :'( , right after her baby brother was born.  Then daddy got deployed AGAIN  >:( , and little Ashleigh and baby Christian had their mom, grand-aunt, and occasionally their aunt (me) to take care of them until daddy came home., my point is, IF you carry the baby to term, you're responsible for ensuring a loving home for her/him before you move on with your life (which I believe you VERY much deserve to)....but a loving home CAN be ensured without biological parents or a traditional family setting.

As I said before, you're being very responsible about this whole situation; that is, you're doing the best you can considering the stress and complication of it all.  Just remember that it is YOUR decision (make that your mantra, "My decisions are my own..." and repeat, repeat, repeat!), and it is YOUR business to involve anyone you want (including US!) in helping you along.



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