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has anyone her tried hypnosis/ hypnotherapy? i am really interested because of a phobia... If u have tried hypnosis did u get the results u wanted? Please help!

I went to a hypnosis seminar with my mom - it was ridiculous....but my mom went to an actual hypnotherapist when she was younger to quit smoking, and she swears by what he did. 
I think its a lot about the mindset you go into it with.  If you believe, I think you'll have a better chance of good results.  Just investigate any hypnotherapist you are going to be paying your hard earned money.  I'd hate you to get ripped off.


i know its like $500 :( for 4 sessions... i have an extreme fear of public speaking (shaking, body numb, can't breathe, the list goes on) and i am in a class where i need to do it constantly... if i dont pass this class i wont graduate :(


you are suffering from a form of social anxiety. seek counseling. maybe they can help you.
i also have the same fear but its not as severe. but a friend of mine cannot speak in public or she passes out/throws up.
have you tried explaining your condition to your professor???


I was taught self hypnosis by my shrink/headache specialist to help w/ my pain tolerance and anxiety issues, it has helped with anxiety, but did shit for and bio-feedback helped, but only lasted for max 15 minutes. I agree with awf, go see a counselor, they should be able to help you w/ self hypnosis, and any other issues you may have.


well i made an appointment for this thursday... i will have to give a group speech later that same day, so we will see if the hypnosis helps me get through it at all (it's a 4 week process)... i would love more people's input hopefully someone else has had an experience they can share!


I don't like the idea of hynosis and have heard many reports of how it has not a good success rating  over the long term. But I too was terrified of public speaking and just refused to do it during my school years. I tried on a few occasions only to fail miserably and not finish my presentation. Finally in my last year of school there was a class where I just had to give a talk or fail.My secret was to be perfectly prepared. I had the whole talk fairly well memorized. I somehow got through it by keeping my head down and constantly thinking about what I was presenting and not the people listening. I got the highest mark in the class. After getting over that first hurdle I now have no fears and have talked to large groups with my head up smiling and wondering why I was ever so nervous before. Again my secret was having total confidence in what I was presenting and being 100 percent prepared.


i used to never have a problem with public speaking... i actually couldn't understand how someone could until that dreadful day... i had changed schools my senior year and didn't get along with anyone at the new school... i was totally prepared for the speech but midway had a kinda panic attack and tried to go back to my seat mid speech... the teacher dragged me back to the front of the class and held me there to make me finish... i have been traumatized ever since and have bombed every speech ever since... i hope hypnosis works


i used to never have a problem with public speaking... i actually couldn't understand how someone could until that dreadful day... i had changed schools my senior year and didn't get along with anyone at the new school... i was totally prepared for the speech but midway had a kinda panic attack and tried to go back to my seat mid speech... the teacher dragged me back to the front of the class and held me there to make me finish... i have been traumatized ever since and have bombed every speech ever since... i hope hypnosis works

I definitely think talking to a therapist to resolve the feelings generated by this terrible traumatic experience would be better than just hypnosis. You had the experience,  you should try to deal with it so you can put it behind you. It'd probably be cheaper in the long run than the $500 too, but since you've already started... :-\


well i went... it was super relaxing and im still super relaxed... we will see how i tonight for group speech


i used to never have a problem with public speaking... i actually couldn't understand how someone could until that dreadful day... i had changed schools my senior year and didn't get along with anyone at the new school... i was totally prepared for the speech but midway had a kinda panic attack and tried to go back to my seat mid speech... the teacher dragged me back to the front of the class and held me there to make me finish... i have been traumatized ever since and have bombed every speech ever since... i hope hypnosis works

That sounds like a terrible experience! I'm so sorry that happened to you. If the hypnosis doesn't help, I would second yabbit's recommendation to see a therapist. Also, I've found that yoga and deep breathing is extremely effective for me in anxiety-provoking situations. When I feel my body getting really tense and that 'fight or flight' system kicking into gear, focusing on my breath is unbelievably helpful in calming the mind. I personally belive that our bodies and pscyhes are inherently connected, so if you can calm one the other is likely to follow.

Let us now how it goes! :)


ya the calm feeling i had quickly wore off :( i am thinking about therapy though i will give hypnosis another shot... the speech went fine though it was only because i took a few xanax before which calmed me down substantially... i wish my anxiety issues would go away already :(


Many therapists/counsellors have a sliding pay scale too, which helps if you don't have a lot of money. Or did, in my day. I hope you find a good one who can help you resolve the issues permanently. It can be done, I know from experience.



Hypnosis is one of the least creditable therapy techniques. It's only seen some results in highly suggestable clients. The origin of hypnosis is from Franz Mesmer, back in the late 1700's. He also believed that he contained an unusual amount of magnetic fluid within his body.. so, yeah, think about that one. I'm no psychologist, but I've endured plenty of different types of therapy, from the absurd, such as tapping on my forehead while repeating "Even though I have this anxiety, I love and care for myself very much," to the very extreme electroconvulsive therapy.. Based on my experience (remember, therapy techniques and a person's response to each is a very individual thing, so don't give up), DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy- a type of therapy that combines cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic techniques) has been the only type that has been useful (for me). Of course, if you're focusing more on one phobia, rather than a general sense of anxiety, there's always exposure therapy, which slowly works towards addressing your fear until it is no longer such a big worry.

Keep in mind that you are your own person and what may or may not work for you is based on your life experiences, your genetic makeup, and your patterns of thinking. Even the same type of therapy could be unsuccessful with one therapist, yet highly successful with another. Hang in there!



Hypnosis is one of the least creditable therapy techniques. It's only seen some results in highly suggestable clients. The origin of hypnosis is from Franz Mesmer, back in the late 1700's. He also believed that he contained an unusual amount of magnetic fluid within his body.. so, yeah, think about that one. I'm no psychologist, but I've endured plenty of different types of therapy, from the absurd, such as tapping on my forehead while repeating "Even though I have this anxiety, I love and care for myself very much," to the very extreme electroconvulsive therapy.. Based on my experience (remember, therapy techniques and a person's response to each is a very individual thing, so don't give up), DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy- a type of therapy that combines cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic techniques) has been the only type that has been useful (for me). Of course, if you're focusing more on one phobia, rather than a general sense of anxiety, there's always exposure therapy, which slowly works towards addressing your fear until it is no longer such a big worry.

Keep in mind that you are your own person and what may or may not work for you is based on your life experiences, your genetic makeup, and your patterns of thinking. Even the same type of therapy could be unsuccessful with one therapist, yet highly successful with another. Hang in there!


thank u for all the info i'm gonna google it :)


  ;) Hope it helps! But, in the meantime- fear of public speaking is the second most common fear in the US. You're not in it alone!

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