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Have You Gained Weight?

is what I heard from an acquaintence I haven't seen in a while. 

"Yes, I have.  Have you gotten senile in your old age and forgotten your manners?"

I've been eating nothing but vegan since Saturday when my diet began.  Sigh............I am 20 lbs. overweight, but how rude.  LOL



yeah somone told me that too.. and ive been vegan since april.. im thinking about going raw for a week to calm it down some... anyoen wanna join me and gimme tips? help is greatly appreciated. lol


Hey, at least you don't have to deal with "when are you due?!"  :-\


Seriously! When did it become approiate to open your mouth and spew insults? Poeple suck and need some lessons in manners!


Wow... I am (practically) speechless. :'( It doesn't matter if it's true or not--it's just rude & hurtful. What was he trying to accomplish by saying that? That's not something that would ever make anyone feel good (or even neutral) under any circumstance.


People feel they can comment whether you're fat or skinny.  Then they say the dumbest things.  One time I was suffering from malnutrition (because I couldn't hold food down) and I was 90 lbs (I'm 5 foot 7 inches) and people said, "You look great!"  I looked horrible. I was dying.  Then I gained my weight back when I got better (129 lbs) and people said, "You've gained so much weight!"  You can't win.  My daughter is tiny (size 0) but eats like a horse.  People say things to her all the time.  It honks her off.  They comment on your height, hair color, eyes, anything.  When they say, "Have you gained weight?" you just look at them with a straight, serious face and say, "No, why?"  Not sure why they feel they need to comment at all.


On the flip side, I hate it when I mention something about being overweight/efforts to lose weight (dieting, running), the need for many people (esp. friends) to go "what? you're not overweight!" That's nice, but I've heard of it said to obese people I know. They *know* that they are clinically overweight, and are trying to do something about it. I don't need to be "comforted" about something that isn't shameful to begin with. It's kind of annoying; it's like the same reaction you'd get if you announced "I'm stupid" or "a loser" in all seriousness.


What was he trying to accomplish by saying that?

For some reason, that makes some people feel better about themselves. It puts you down and therefore raises them a bit higher (so they think).


What was he trying to accomplish by saying that?

For some reason, that makes some people feel better about themselves. It puts you down and therefore raises them a bit higher (so they think).

I agree on that. if they are in some form of competion with each other.

I was at one social function at one time where one specific person goes to the other person whom they haven't seen in quite a few years,"You got a little fat right." I was so embarrassed. It didn't happen to me but I was still embarrassed.

The person who said it I think they were trying to say that they changed. I don't remember you the same way. But it is still very much rude to say such a thing don't get me wrong.

You should say no not all but I see you have. If they say ,"Where?" Make it up give them an inferiority complex :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D :D :D :D ;D ;D


yeah somone told me that too.. and ive been vegan since april.. im thinking about going raw for a week to calm it down some... anyoen wanna join me and gimme tips? help is greatly appreciated. lol

beccalynn, raw is great and al,l but last time i remember you talking about what you ate it was barely anything! make sure you are getting enough nutrients/calories for my sake, please?


beccalynn, raw is great and al,l but last time i remember you talking about what you ate it was barely anything! make sure you are getting enough nutrients/calories for my sake, please?

lol ive gained lots of weight since that pic but i cant figure out how o chang profile


beccalynn, raw is great and al,l but last time i remember you talking about what you ate it was barely anything! make sure you are getting enough nutrients/calories for my sake, please?

lol ive gained lots of weight since that pic but i cant figure out how o chang profile

good i hope so! i was just remembering when you said you ate a banana for breakfast, an apple for lunch... something like that. but i second going to the (talking about) eating raw club thread! and check out, i'm a member there.


You may not believe this, but ESPECIALLY if it was a guy who made the comment, it could be in a pathetic effort to get you to "fall" for him. One of the strategies of "the game" which is a really popular gimmick guys use to try and get girls to sleep with them (seen mystery on cable tv? that's the sleezeball who came up with it). In any event, the idea is to make a subtle degrading comment to hurt an attractive girl's self esteem in order to manipulate her into wanting to impress you. I know, totally slimy and retarded.

A guy tried it on me a few years ago:

"What are you going as for halloween?"
"I was thinking Harley Quinn."
"You'll have to lose weight to wear that costume." (as he's ogling my breasts)
"Are you stupid?"
"Uh.. I mean.. I just meant.."
"That was rhetorical. What I meant to say is that you're a pathetic excuse for anything close to resembling a man. I would urge you to get the fuck away from me before I do the world a favor and castrate you."


beccalynn, raw is great and al,l but last time i remember you talking about what you ate it was barely anything! make sure you are getting enough nutrients/calories for my sake, please?
lol ive gained lots of weight since that pic but i cant figure out how o chang profile

good i hope so! i was just remembering when you said you ate a banana for breakfast, an apple for lunch... something like that. but i second going to the (talking about) eating raw club thread! and check out, i'm a member there.

gone ill check it thanks lots! 'specially for yoru concern lol


You may not believe this, but ESPECIALLY if it was a guy who made the comment, it could be in a pathetic effort to get you to "fall" for him. One of the strategies of "the game" which is a really popular gimmick guys use to try and get girls to sleep with them (seen mystery on cable tv? that's the sleezeball who came up with it). In any event, the idea is to make a subtle degrading comment to hurt an attractive girl's self esteem in order to manipulate her into wanting to impress you. I know, totally slimy and retarded.

A guy tried it on me a few years ago:

"What are you going as for halloween?"
"I was thinking Harley Quinn."
"You'll have to lose weight to wear that costume." (as he's ogling my breasts)
"Are you stupid?"
"Uh.. I mean.. I just meant.."
"That was rhetorical. What I meant to say is that you're a pathetic excuse for anything close to resembling a man. I would urge you to get the f**k away from me before I do the world a favor and castrate you."

I think guys can do this even when they don't realize they're doing it.  Guys who think they need to be dominant with the women they're "pursuing" attack and degrade (in subtle or not-so-subtle ways) to try to gain that dominance.

Also, I hope that you delivered that last line while wearing the same smile you have in your profile pic.  ;)


It totally grosses me out. But let's not be sexist; a lot of women do this too. In either case, I find it really repulsive.


On the flip side, I hate it when I mention something about being overweight/efforts to lose weight (dieting, running), the need for many people (esp. friends) to go "what? you're not overweight!" That's nice, but I've heard of it said to obese people I know. They *know* that they are clinically overweight, and are trying to do something about it. I don't need to be "comforted" about something that isn't shameful to begin with. It's kind of annoying; it's like the same reaction you'd get if you announced "I'm stupid" or "a loser" in all seriousness.

I know what you mean here!  I can't stand this either.  Whenever I mention working out, or trying to lose just a kilo or two (4 pounds-ish), my boyfriend thinks that's his cue to tell me that I'm not fat. 

I never said I was fat.  Who said I was fat???  I'd just like to drop a kilo or two.

Poor guy, though.  Its probably just safer for him to try and compliment me but it makes me feel like HE thinks I have a complex with myself or something, but I don't!  I love me!

Tweety, I think people think its OK to comment on men like this, because they have traditionally not been so up-in-arms about their weight as women have. 

But regardless, its rude.


You may not believe this, but ESPECIALLY if it was a guy who made the comment, it could be in a pathetic effort to get you to "fall" for him. One of the strategies of "the game" which is a really popular gimmick guys use to try and get girls to sleep with them (seen mystery on cable tv? that's the sleezeball who came up with it). In any event, the idea is to make a subtle degrading comment to hurt an attractive girl's self esteem in order to manipulate her into wanting to impress you. I know, totally slimy and retarded.

A guy tried it on me a few years ago:

"What are you going as for halloween?"
"I was thinking Harley Quinn."
"You'll have to lose weight to wear that costume." (as he's ogling my breasts)
"Are you stupid?"
"Uh.. I mean.. I just meant.."
"That was rhetorical. What I meant to say is that you're a pathetic excuse for anything close to resembling a man. I would urge you to get the f**k away from me before I do the world a favor and castrate you."

LOL.........yeah that's it.  He was trying to pick me up.  He did say he has been single this last year.  :)


Thanks for the support guys.  I guess it stung extra because I started a diet this week. 

I do make it a personal habit never to talk about other's weight, overweight or underweight, unless someone mentions they've been on a diet and I always compliment them on their weight loss. 

Maybe though he did me a favor by keeping it real and keeping me motivated. 


I thought this was an ignorant-Spanish-woman thing!! Yes, I'm heavy, and yes, I always have been. And no, I don't "like it". And no, I can't seem to lose weight. But women think it's OK to say, "Every time I see you, you're fatter." And if I blush, and stammer, and show my displeasure, I'M the one that's being unreasonable and rude??? I mean, excuse me, but WTH?? I have had the lady in the market stall say this to me...even a neighbour who herself is on the chubby side stopped me on the street, mind you, and said, "Oh, girl--don't keep gaining weight like this!" As if it were any of her affair! And when I look them in the eye and say, "You think those things, stupid, you don't say them out loud!" I'm being unreasonable.
I've got the perfect cutting response now. When I hear, "Every time I see you, you're fatter." I say, "And every time I see you, you look older."

I really hate people.



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